Prevenire l'insufficienza renale attraverso la dieta

Dato quanto sono vascolari i nostri reni, non dovrebbe sorprendere che le proteine ​​animali, i grassi animali e il colesterolo siano associati al declino della funzionalità renale (microalbuminurea: perdita di proteine ​​nelle urine), che può essere un segnale di allarme precoce non solo per insufficienza renale, ma anche per malattie cardiache e una durata della vita ridotta. I riferimenti agli altri organi affetti da aterosclerosi possono essere esplorati in Colesterolo e disfunzione sessuale femminile (, Colesterolo e mal di schiena (, Aneurismi dell'aorta addominale: Ticking Time Balloons ( e Heart Attacks and Cholesterol: Purely a Question of Diet ( -una-questione-di-dieta/). Ho un altro 20 video sugli studi di Harvard (http: //, 19 che coprire la salute dei reni ( e centinaia di altri video su altro di mille soggetti su<br/> Lunedì affronterò il metodo di trattamento dell'insufficienza renale attraverso la dieta (
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Credito immagine: LadyofHats via Wikimedia Commons e avlxyz tramite Flickr.
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18 Risposte a “Prevenire l'insufficienza renale attraverso la dieta”

  1. That's not the worst part. The worst part is that there are people who come online and post on websites trying to convince thousands or millions of other people that they should be eating meat. How this is not classified as murder is beyond me. If yelling "fire" in a crowded theater is against the law, but telling hundreds of millions of people to keep eating something that has been overwhelmingly scientifically proven to kill you isn't, this world is in serious trouble.

  2. Hey there! Have you heard about – the Australian Kidney Healing Plan (google it)? Ive heard some unbelivable things about it and that many people who had given up hope got excellent results with it. 

  3. So many things related to clogged arteries, it's pretty amazing.  Kidneys, lower back, heart, brain, sexual organs, legs, hearing, eyesight, and the list goes on.  I'm just hoping I haven't jumped on the vegan band wagon too late.  I was experiencing a lot of these issues.  I hear it takes about 5 years for them to be reversed although they start to correct themselves within just 1 week.  The body is an amazing thing if you just give it half a chance.

  4. I love the way he concludes his arguments with the word "may" to support his views. The word "may" is not the same as "definitely" when it comes to cold hard scientific facts. This guy is heavily biased in his views and cherry picks his research to support his opinions. There is as much research that exactly comes to the opposite conclusions regarding kidney health. Impaired detoxification pathways are the main reasons for kidney failure regardless of wether you consume animal products or not. Of course like in all things balance is key. Consuming too much of anything will cause health problems regardless of wether you consume animal products or not.

  5. Another cruciferous vegetable, cauliflower is high in vitamin C and a good source of folate and fiber. It’s also packed full of indoles, glucosinolates and thiocyanates—compounds that help the liver neutralize toxic substances that could damage cell membranes and DNA.

  6. Not certain about the points made but ,if anyone else wants to learn about
    symptoms of kidneys disease
    try Franaar Healthy Kidney Formula (just google it ) ? Ive heard some great things about it and my partner got cool results with it.

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  8. So, have you read anything about Ava Fortsmire's approach? It's crazy effective. Maybe you've tried other stuff before with disappointing results, but the fact is that you can get turned on and get yourself going whenever you want, to have that orgasmic screaming experience that you and your partner won't believe. Google her, maybe you'll consider it as well.

  9. Non processed animal protein is extremely healthy for the most part. I don’t trust any of the fake man made plant meat you see in stores. Just eat a lot of fruits and vegetables too and reasonable portions.

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