Preventing and Treating Osteoporosis (Webinar Recording)

I’m happy to share the recording of my webinar on osteoporosis, which includes 11 videos and a Q&A.

Nearly one in five adults in the world may have osteoporosis, but the good news is that only about 30 percent of osteoporotic bone fracture risk is genetic. In this two-hour webinar, I covered bone mineral density screening, common over-the-counter drugs (like acid blockers that may actually increase fracture risk), how safe and effective the current oral and injected osteoporosis medications are, which foods may help protect our bones, the best type and frequency of exercise, how to reduce fall risk, and more.

All of these individual videos will eventually be up on, but I wanted to share this full webinar with you, including the 30-minute Q&A at the end. <br />
I’m kicking off my 2024 webinars with a four-part How Not to Age book club in January and February. (Stay tuned for more information!) Other webinar topics will include vaccines, osteoarthritis, and anti-aging medications. Make sure you’re subscribed to our emails to get announcements of all upcoming webinars, including the book club. To see recordings of previous webinars as they become available, visit the webinars page at

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49 Risposte a “Preventing and Treating Osteoporosis (Webinar Recording)”

  1. Using a Maradyne low intensity vibration plate and near infrared/red light therapy will get the stem cells in the bone marrow stimulated.

    No alcohol or smoking!!! Get a weightbearing exercise program that places stress on bones.

    I took Forteo for over a year. $2,000 per month was expensive. I'll repeat my Dexa scan next week.

    It makes sense that humans would get outside in the early morning to warm up their bones. Weight-bearing exercises should help stimulate osteoblasts.

    Yoga, pickleball, balance-training, Tai Chi, jumping rope, walking backward uphill….

    I'll be 76 in March.

    It will be interesting to see if my Dexa scan results have improved in the two-year interval since my diagnosis by Dexa scan.

    Modern lifestyles and the Standard American diet, inactivity, and various prescription and over-the-counter drugs are modifiable risk factors.

    Do a detailed family history.

    Balance exercises are great at preventing falls.

  2. You all will be stunned to learn that diet and exercise are better than any other intervention or prevention strategy. Sleep would probably help, too.

  3. As a newly diagnosed osteoporotic 65 yr old female, this video could not be more timely & I can verify that my GP was clueless. He did not know Onero, OsteoBoost, or LiftMOR. He recommended supplements & exercise, but not the kind that is known to put on bone; more of the kind that would be likely to cause a fall like walking. The US healthcare system is just an insane farce. I resent the Medicare premiums I am forced to pay.

    Thx for the Q &A re:WBV!

    Doc, please research jiangu granules. Thanks.

  4. I feel dizzy when I watch this channel , when dr walk on treadmill. Please do not walk on treadmill when you teach us. Dr Gregor. Thank you.

  5. Hopefully you do webinars like this on all the issues. I get it you gotta play the YouTube game and put out short videos periodically but I much prefer these long format videos that really deep dive. Like your videos on stents and how they don't really work except in the case of a heart attack. There's like 7 or 9 videos covering that. Would be awesome if they were all just in one video together. Would make it much easier to send to someone instead of sending them a bunch of videos.

  6. Thank you for this very informative presentation regarding a very important geriatric matter. I appreciate your example and sense of humor too. Keep up the good work.

  7. 4:16 Drugs that cause Osteoporosis (OP)
    9:29 OP drugs
    14:03 Side effects
    18:15 Ca & Vit D Supplements
    30:20 Vit D
    37:07 Vit D recommendations
    41:10 milk good?
    45:00 Dairy Mortality
    46:53 Fruits & Vegetables
    56:38 Exercise
    1:07 Balance
    1:09 Q&A
    1:09:43 Fortified Foods
    1:12:35 AlgaCal Useful?
    1:13:00 Hydration & Sleep
    1:14:00 Whole Body Vibration
    1:15:57 Rebounder Useful?
    1:16:45 Continue DEXA Scans?
    1:20:16 Best Test for Bone Loss
    1:21:34 Hormone Replacement Therapy
    1:25:55 CoMb Study
    1:29:20 Pickleball
    1:30:38 Tymlos
    1:30:50 Young Men & OP
    1:31:55 OsteoStrong
    1:33:23 Sauna?
    1:35:35 Pulse Electronic Field Therapy
    1:36:32 Breast Cancer Surviver & aromas Inhibitor
    1:37:42 Hair, Nails, Bones Relationship
    1:39:06 Reverse Osteopenia?
    1:40:50 How to Reason w/Doctor
    1:43:57 Carbonated Beverages
    1:45:15 Other Beverages

  8. Is it too late to prevent oscleoiosis where the ear drum is misaligned with the bones and the sound not reaching the coronea as surgery is being denied by doctors because they don’t want to help please it’s a death sentence for independence to be denied surgery please help

  9. Is there a recording that should be released at some point of the collagen webinar? I tried to sign up for it but never got the recording afterward 🙃

  10. On the vitamin D subject. I prefer to know the OH25 blood test levels ng/ml rather than vitamin D pill dosage. Instead of saying 3500 IU, I prefer a OH25 blood test result.

  11. Dr Greger, I hope that the questioner who was struggling with a doc who wanted to push calcium supplements stops and recognizes that MDs are like any other kind of professional – some are forward-thinking and keep up with new information being discovered, and others are less conscientious and content to go with what they think has worked before, whether it's been "put to the test" or not. Thanks for this webinar.

  12. Dr. Greger, I was taken aback by your statement that you are not aware of studies on the impact of sleep (or lack of) on bone remodeling. That is one of the first thing I learned in a Nutritional Epidemiology class more than 25 years ago. Here is one recent article. Metabolism. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2019 Jul 1.

    Published in final edited form as:

    Metabolism. 2018 Jul; 84: 28–43. 

    Published online 2017 Dec 9. doi: 10.1016/j.metabol.2017.12.002

    PMCID: PMC5994176

    NIHMSID: NIHMS934009

    PMID: 29229227

    The Importance of the Circadian System & Sleep for Bone Health

    Christine M. Swanson, M.D.,1 Wendy M. Kohrt, Ph.D.,2 Orfeu M. Buxton, Ph.D.,3,4,5,6 Carol A. Everson,7 Kenneth P. Wright, Jr.,1,8 Eric S. Orwoll, M.D.,9 and Steven A. Shea, Ph.D.10,11

  13. When seniors don't get enough sleep, their legs are wobbly and soft the next morning, and they are more likely to fall as a result.

  14. My mother has been on a bi-phosphonate for the last 4 years as part of bone cancer treatment. She had 9 months off last year to get dental work done as her dentist had refused to do any work while she was on the drug. All the medicos have stressed this side effect from the start. I'm not sure if they have worried about the stress fracture risk to the same degree.

    The apples on our tree had brown spots last year. They were due to calcium deficiency. Maybe eating an organic apple a day will help peoples bones.

  15. Alarm bells started ringing in my head the moment I heard people were experience withdrawal symptoms from those PPIs, it sounds like the pill mills all over again.

  16. WOW, I've been taking multivitamins daily, which contains 667 mcg of folate as calcium L-5 menthyl-tetrahydrofolate. It's 6 mini tabs per day so I'm going to cut down to one per day which is 111 mcg, and take breaks evey other day or so.

  17. Is there a transcript of this ? I sure miss the days when doctors could write articles. Who has 1 hour 47 minutes when I could read this in 25 minutes?

  18. So we should eat foods that contain 700 – 1200 mg of calcium instead of taking supplements? I try to avoid dairy so this will be hard to get daily. Any suggestions for foods to eat everyday to add up to what we need? I do strength training 4 days a week and do balance program.

  19. Excellent compilation of information!
    What level of calcium supplementation yielded the increased risk of CVD events? I'm wondering if small doses, like 80mg, taken with food would confer a higher CVD risk when diet+supplement = 800 mg and under. Also, regarding Vitamin D supplementation, I'd like to know if levels of benefit/risk track with blood levels as well as supplementation doses. It looked like the study showed blood levels but I couldn't quite understand what it was saying. If we knew that then we could all aim for an approximate blood level. thank you ~ Marian

  20. Easy to say someone who is overweight from antipsychotics needs to work harder. Just how would they achieve this? My son has been sick with schizoaffective disorder for 25 years & is obese from the medication. He wakes every day feeling horrible & has no motivation to change his diet.. If you have some ideas, for weight loss, I’d be happy to hear them.
    Glad you practice what you preach by walking on a treadmill!

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