Prevenzione dietetica della degenerazione maculare legata all'età

Pigmenti vegetali gialli come la luteina e la zeaxantina si accumulano nella parte posteriore dei nostri occhi per proteggere le nostre retine dalla degenerazione maculare senile. Vengono confrontati i livelli di questi nutrienti per il risparmio della vista nelle uova, nelle verdure e nelle bacche di goji biologiche allevate all'aperto.

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Ho già toccato questo importante argomento in Prevenire la degenerazione maculare con la dieta ( Ho anche trattato altre principali cause di cecità come la cataratta (Preventing Cataracts with Diet, e glaucoma (guarda il mio ultimo video, Greens vs. Glaucoma, glaucoma, e il mio prossimo video, Trattamento dietetico del glaucoma, di glaucoma).<br/>
Nell'industria delle uova Punto cieco ( Confronto i livelli nelle uova con quelli nelle verdure.

Sebbene non sembrassero aumentare una misura della funzione immunitaria (Boosting Natural Killer Cell Activity, video/boosting-natural-killer-cell-activity), le bacche di goji sono uno degli snack più ricchi di antiossidanti in circolazione. Un consiglio su come ottenerli a buon mercato può essere trovato nel mio video Le bacche di Goji sono buone per te? ( .

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Kattebelletje e Kirinqueen tramite flickr, e Sun Ladder, Aney, Theornamentalist , Ashlyak, Dinkum, OsvaldoGago e Kotoviski tramite Wikimedia.

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42 Risposte a “Prevenzione dietetica della degenerazione maculare legata all'età”

  1. OMGoodness! I'm 63 and starting to have some eye problems! My dad had macular degeneration and lost his sight in his early 70's! I'm off to buy some trail mix ASAP! Thank you so much for this information!

  2. It's not that difficult figuring out what protects your eyes, but I wish he had mentioned more than goji berries. Beets, yams, sweet potatoes, black rice, and anything purple are excellent sources for protecting your eyes. I also like to include kale, spinach, and dark greens daily in order to get a nice variety of protective veggies. I suspect the seeds and/or nuts in store bought trail mix are most likely NOT raw. If that is the case, that particular trail mix should be avoided.

  3. Thanks for the info! Just had a friend tell me of a loss of vision tob thete.sister due to this condition. And my cousin also:-(

  4. D'oh! A few months after switching from 80/10/10 to starch based foods like rice, potatoes, beans, and oatmeal, my eyes have been getting worse. Sooner or later I'll figure out the correct combination of foods, hopefully before I go blind, get obese or loose my frick'n mind.

  5. wondering why this video isn't showing up at NF.O?  I prefer to watch them over there where the commentary is of a different caliber.  I do understand that out here is good for "exposure".  cheers.

  6. Hello,  my father got a surgery to remove cataracts,  he has some lens on his eyes now.   Would he still benefit from eating corn, spinach and Goji berries?

    Ps. Idk where to find Goji berries in Ecuador, do other types of berries also do the trick?

  7. I used to eat Goji Berries until I found out that most suppliers were from China. I have to wonder if there could be high levels of toxins such as heavy metals since those contaminants are routinely in Chinese grown tea. The government of China has no problem allowing toxins in tea to be packaged for export and labeled "organic". I just need to find a verifiable source before I buy any more…

  8. 60 g of spinach organic and 150 g of corn organic a day// 1 cup of corn and 1/2 cup of spinach for 3 months a dramatic boost in protective eye pigment also Goji berries with nuts and seeds (Dr. Greger)

  9. Good that the study used these free range, organic, fairy land eggs and not the industry trash. Shows that even the best eggs still suck compared to the plants themselves


  11. Great video. Will corn, spinach, goji berries REVERSE the dry AMD I have. I can tell it's getting worse and although I'm WFPB I've been taking AREDS2 on the advice of my ophthamologist (who is delighted that I'm WFPB). I'd stand on my head every day if I though that would work.

  12. This is going to sound insane but I actually would rather be able to see the ultraviolet light then to block it and that's coming from a health conscious vegan. I'd rather were sunglasses outside and then see the extra blue light when coming inside.

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