I vantaggi di Millet per il diabete

Quali sono stati i notevoli risultati di uno studio crossover che ha randomizzato centinaia di persone con diabete a una tazza e una terza di miglio ogni giorno?

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Se ti sei perso il mio video precedente, dai un'occhiata a Studies on Millet Nutrition: Is It a Healthy Grain? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/studies-on-millet-nutrition-is-it-a-healthy-grain) <br/>
Ecco il video del sorgo di cui ho parlato: Il sorgo è un cereale sano? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-sorghum-a-healthy-grain)

Per ulteriori informazioni su cosa possono fare le lenticchie per i diabetici, vedere i diabetici dovrebbero prendere i loro legumi. (https://www.nutritionfacts.org/video/diabetics-should-take-their-pulses/)

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Vuoi ottenere un elenco di collegamenti a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate in https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-benefits-of-millet-for-diabetes. Troverai anche una trascrizione e ringraziamenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze, e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2,000 argomenti di salute.

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54 Risposte a “I vantaggi di Millet per il diabete”

  1. Also has vitamin B15, helps with our Oxygen level. Not recognized by the US, but It is in Russia. Russia loads up their Olympic contestants with vitamin B5 so they have more oxygen in their blood. I grind it fresh when I make bread. Mary

  2. This seems like a poor study. Testing millet but serving it mixed with a variety of legumes and spices is not how to test something.

    If a study tested the benefits of meat but served it to the participants mixed with lentils and spices wouldn't Dr. Greger be keen to point out how flawed that study is? Not that I'm in favour of meat, but I'm in favour of consistency.

  3. What's the most common millet sold in health food stores in bulk in the United States?
    I first had it in the late 70s, it's good food.

  4. Dr Greger and his dedicated team are the best ever at encouraging really supportive this is inspiring me to explore gluten free millet love this 🙂 I have autism and gluten free always helps

  5. I dont see how it is good thing to get a heavier and digestion processes that last longer time, will take you energy, eat a meal of fresh ripe fruit full of simple sugar, will digest much easier and quicker.

  6. Good Morning. Who knew that learning could be so fun. Who knew that talking about digestion, blood sugar, mixing millet and lentils with seasonings could be so beneficial to prediabetes?!
    Your teaching methods give me a growing smile while I'm learning. Gotta love you doctor. Thank you & God bless you.💕

  7. Purchased sorghum for the first time and had it in place of rice in our Buddha bowls. Delicious. Thank you for sharing your wealth of information

  8. Millets were staple in indian diet for centuries but since last few decades Indians ditched them for wheat and rice, which explains the rise of heart disease, diabetes and other diseases! still in some parts of India who still eat many kinds of millets are healthier and are have less prone to diseases of so called modern world! So proud of the indian researchers cited by Dr. Greger here,who are working to bring millets back to their glory!!

  9. Is "Pearled" millet just a processing method OR a different type of millet. I just bought "Kodo Millet", but I then saw on the package: "Pearled Kodo Millet"? So, is this pearled millet or Kodo millet? I want the Benefits of Kodo Millet as seen in the Video.

  10. Dr. Greger can you please do a video on baby/toddler nutrition? I have a 3 year old son (vegan since conception) and might be having another baby in the future. I want to make sure I've got everything covered for my son. Thanks!

  11. Hey! This is so instructional! I've been trying to search for a video that really explains the stuff in this vid. 🙌Your tip really is like the vids from Doctor Ethan. Doctor's demonstrations are informative and he actually helped me a lot on my midterms. He is an insightful medical student in Nottingham and he talks about mental health.

    I suggest you check out his YT out and give Dr Ethan a subscribe over here! ➡️ #DoctorEthanStudent

  12. I get acid reflux after i have porridge made of finger millet. Could there be any reason for that caused by the millet?

  13. Dr. Greger , could you please respond to Dr. Chris Masterjohns video : Why you should moderate millet due to goitrogenic problems . The data is confusing because 3rd world countries where it is over consumed have thyroid problems. Any data for here in states or Europe to show moderate amounts ok ?

  14. This is great. Too bad most Americans see wild millet containing crops as weeds. We mindlessly spray them with herbicides but they're not only highly nutritious they're excellent for the soil too.

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