Prostata contro piante

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DESCRIZIONE:Tutti gli uomini dovrebbero considerare di seguire una dieta salutare per la prostata, che includa legumi (fagioli, piselli, lenticchie, soia); alcune verdure (come aglio e cipolle); alcuni semi (semi di lino); e l'evitamento di cereali raffinati, uova e pollame. Per informazioni sull'IPB (prostata ingrossata), una condizione che colpisce milioni di uomini, vedere il video del giorno di ieri ( le-prostate-sono-più-grandi-delle-altre/). Se i semi di lino da soli possono influenzare così drammaticamente la crescita delle cellule del cancro alla prostata, che dire di un'intera dieta a base di piante? Vedere Ex Vivo Cancer Proliferation Bioassay ( ed è la dieta, l'esercizio o entrambi? ( . Nel video del giorno di domani Prostate vs. a Plant-Based Diet ( based-diet/), la stessa domanda sarà esplorata per BPH. Cos'altro possono fare i semi di lino? Vedere Sopravvivenza al cancro al seno e assunzione di lignan (, Flax and Fecal Flora (, e Just the Flax Ma'am ( . Che dire di aglio e cipolle? Vedi il potenziatore di assorbimento minerale trovato (, Pretty in Pee-nk ( e la verdura antitumorale n. 1 ( /). Abbiamo già visto la storia peggiore del pollame: EPIC Findings on Lymphoma ( -risultati-sul-linfoma/), diossine di pollo, virus o antibiotici? (, Pollame e cancro del pene ( ) e Poultry Exposure and Neurological Disease ( video/esposizione-di-pollame-e-malattia-neurologica/).

Fai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!

Immagine di credito: Dr. TM Joseph.
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11 Risposte a “Prostata contro piante”

  1. i've been vegan for about 6 years, and up until 8 months ago I ate almost zero fruit. Now, it's about 80% of my diet. 15-20 bananas a day just for starters. As long as fat intake is low (and I mean <10%) the pancreas can operate properly and the high sugar is processed without spiking insulin levels. Sugar gets a bad rap but it's actually sugar+fat which is dangerous. If people weren't consuming so much fat to begin with, that distinction probably would have been discovered decades ago 😉

  2. Well my five days of eating vegan will end tomorrow. As far as I can remember it is the longest I have gone without eating animal products. During this time I have watched loads of Doctor Gregor's videos, and most interesting they have been.

    This one in particular on flax seed, has shown what great benefits accrue , from a  cheap easily available product. Which  I will continue to use.

    Dr. Gregor makes no bones about his agenda to promote veganism, I find his videos credible and engaging, Thank-you sir.

  3. Oh yeah, flax to treat BHP. That's a joke. If you take a close look at the study you'll find you'd be eating 4 ounces of flax a day to equal the lignan value used in the study. Oh, that would come to a whopping 605 calories from flax a day. I'll take a pass on this one.

  4. This actually worked for me! I developed a serious eye issue from the BPH drug I was taking similar to central serous retinopathy. It progressed to point where I could see a grey spot (likea shadow) in the center of my field of vision. It was present all the time. That was scary. I stopped taking my BPH med and the spot disappeared within days. I was then prescribed a different BPH med. The eye spot returned along with a scary cardiac side effect. So I immediately stopped taking that med and again the eye problem was gone. The central serous retinopathy was well documented by my eye doctor. After discontinuing the meds they scanned my eye again and the fluid build up was not present. I tried ground flaxseed and experienced BPH relief within a few days. Thanks Dr. Greger!

  5. I was not flaxseed but a flaxseed concentrate (Beneflax, which is not being produced anymore), that was given in the study to examine its benefits against the symptoms of BPH. Given that 100 g of flaxseed contains 370 mg of secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG), you would need to consume 80-160 g of pure flaxseed per day. This would be toxic because of its content of cyanide. So not a quite fair suggestion!

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