Protein and Heart Disease

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DESCRIPTION: Why is the intake of animal protein associated with heart disease–even independent of saturated fat—and the intake of plant protein protective? This is another reason plant protein is preferable ( Cheaper too! See Eating Healthy on the Cheap ( Beans specifically have been linked to lower blood pressure ( Other healthier sources of protein, such as nuts, also lower heart disease risk via a variety of mechanisms. See for example How Do Nuts Prevent Sudden Cardiac Death? ( More landmark research for Harvard in Harvard’s Meat and Mortality Studies ( and What Women should Eat to Live Longer (<br />
Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he’ll try to answer it!

Image Credit: National Human Genome Research Institute; This Girl Lel; and Bludgeoner86 via Flickr.
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24 Risposte a “Protein and Heart Disease”

  1. Sorry, I didn't get what you were saying. I get what you were saying now. Those studies where showing soy fights cancer are likely using conventional soy. My guess is that these studies are actually using conventional pesticide-laden veg protein. Colin Campbell addresses this grass-fed organic meat idea in the extra clips on the Forkes Over Knives DVD and says that there is no difference.

  2. You know, I'm sorry to generalize here, but a lot of these paleo adopters are meatheads. I mean much like the brainless gym meatheads. They buy are always ready to buy into the latest fad craze. I've been in these circles for 20 years and I've seen quite a bit. Creatine, chromium, HGH, the fads come, and the fads go. This audience is ready to jump on any superficial quick fix. Of course, they are not all ignorant. I've met smart ones but by and large, the stereotype of meathead fits.

  3. leukocytosis occurs regardless of grass fed, raw milk, whatever excuse someone wants to use.
    animal protein is Unnatural to a human being.

    weren't the animals in asia in the 70's all grass fed, which were studied in the china study? t colin campbell has said that whatever the cow has eaten has nothing to do with how bad all animal protein is to a human being.

  4. for those who are vegans, I'm a vegan wanna-be, i don't want to take vegetable protein powders, I am not active nor do i want to be active, how can i get enough protein without eating too many calories?…any site you guys can link me to?….thanks

  5. Hey doc, just for the sake of completeness and since you're discussing animal protein in general, why don't you also post the 26 year prospective study "Dietary protein and risk of ischemic heart disease in women" which involved 84 thousand women? Let me quote this from that study for you "Higher intakes of poultry, fish, and nuts were significantly associated with lower risk (of CHD)… ". Animal protein not too bad now is it?

  6. Since Australians only eat grass-fed beef, and their heart disease matches that of the USA, that should put it to rest for reasonable people.

    Grass-fed beef—–It’s apparently $24.00 a pound at wholefoods. Most people live in cities, and they're too poor for grass-fed beef, and they’ll not likely drive 1 ½ hours, or more, to buy reasonably priced steak only to drive all the way back with part of a quickly rotting, stinking corpse.

  7. Oh, the hidden agenda game? You think it's one sided? You know Mr. Greger here is (or was) an animal rights activist? Nutrition facts, right… You're welcome!

  8. That's awesome man, but please feel free to provide the links yourself. Not very polite handing others the burden of proving your points, is it? And if you're implying that even large scale studies can be skewed or biased, I agree with you, they can. (very common in vegan studies in my experience) Interestingly, that should make you a skeptic, not a cult member…

  9. Yes, through my own research, I was able to find out several of his videos were based on bad, misjudged, or distorted science. Several flukes indeed! But if you find them helpful who am I to stop you! 🙂 It was a pleasure talking with you too… have fun reinforcing your fantasies!

  10. Dr. Greger
    I would love to see a video on grass-fed cattle, it seems to be all the rage. People are dogmatically holding that as thier final argument against going vegan (even though they eat and will continue to eat conventional flesh) and although i say many things about how certain compounds are inherent in the meat or dairy itself regardless of farming practice they refuse to accept it…..

    HELP!!! Make a solid video on it…or if you have already then what is it called?

  11. Dr. Greger
    I would love to see a video on grass-fed cattle, it seems to be all the rage. People are dogmatically holding that as thier final argument against going vegan (even though they eat and will continue to eat conventional flesh) and although i say many things about how certain compounds are inherent in the meat or dairy itself regardless of farming practice they refuse to accept it…..

    HELP!!! Make a solid video on it…or if you have already then what is it called?

  12. This study is a cohort of 43,960 men, so idk how can you draw causality from that, but more importantly, how do you know its the protein since it's just a follow up? i mean high animal protein diets are also high cholesterol and high saturated fat diets, even "lean meat" has small amounts of cholesterol. Unless u conducted a RCT, and u feed participants Hydrolyzed isolate whey protein, (which is very high in protein and has virtually 0 fat) don't tell me it causes heart disease. And there was a 2000 cohort similar study from harvard too, that didn't find that it increases HD, in fact replacing carbs with protein has a beneficial effect, and no it wasn't funded by the industry, and btw i'm vegan.

  13. i do eat meat, but also like vegetables, fruits, etc,…so what should be ˝neutral ˝˝ ratio meat:vegetables to have healthy meal ?

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