Protezione dei denti dal tè all'ibisco

Come possiamo proteggere lo smalto dei nostri denti dagli acidi naturali erosivi che si trovano nei cibi e nelle bevande acide?

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Per ulteriori informazioni sugli effetti dell'ibisco sulla pressione sanguigna, vedere il video precedente, Tè all'ibisco vs. Diete a base vegetale per l'ipertensione (

Ci sono altri potenziali svantaggi nel bere il tè? Questo è l'argomento dei miei prossimi due video, C'è troppo alluminio nel tè? ( e quanto Il tè all'ibisco è troppo? (<br/>
Per ulteriori informazioni su come evitare gli effetti collaterali dei farmaci scegliendo trattamenti più naturali, puoi trovare video come:
• Come prevenire la trasformazione del prediabete Diabete (
• Inibizione dell'aggregazione piastrinica con le bacche ( -berries/)
• Trattamento per la gotta con una ciliegina sulla torta (
http:/ /
• Farmaci statine per il colesterolo e cancro al seno invasivo (
• Trattamento completamente consensuale delle malattie cardiache ( malattie e-treatment/)
• Curcumina curcuma e artrite reumatoide (http ://
• Trattamento dell'ADHD senza stimolanti (

Per ulteriori informazioni su dieta e salute orale, vedere:
• Non usare colluttorio antisettico (
• Diete a base vegetale: salute orale ( -diete-salute-orale/)
• Diete vegetali: salute dentale (
• I gargarismi possono prevenire il Comune raffreddore? (
• Qual è il miglior colluttorio? (

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su tea/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Partha S. Sahana via Flickr.
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71 Risposte a “Protezione dei denti dal tè all'ibisco”

  1. Thanks! Easy enough to do, rinse after drinking. I drink water all day long so this is no problem. My tea for the day is 2 cups water with one teabag of Trader Joe's Organic green tea brewed with one teabag of Traditional Medicinal's Organic Hibiscus tea. 

  2. Can you please do a video on root canals linked with cancer? Been researching this & keep finding several sources linked with diseases associated with root canals….

  3. Just sipping away at my morning cup of tea…through a straw! Fun to imagine (because tea and straws don't usually go together, hehe).

  4. Considering how thick the enamel part of teeth are…does it matter some gets eroded….. vegan diets, less tooth decay, gum disease, inflamation, so on….again does it matter. Some cultures use their teeth as tools, severely wearing down enamel and still have phenomenal teeth.  Dentist grind down enamel when needed… people who get veneers, have there teeth enamel ground down,  I think gum loss is more an issue then enamel erosion. 

  5. I coincidentally always drank water after drinking hibiscus tea. One day I drank hibiscus tea without drinking water afterwards and my tooth was very sore for a few days. I suspected that it was the tea. Will always drink water after hibi tea now.

  6. In your previous video on hibiscus tea, you gave a recipe calling for the juice of a lemon–which I though odd for several reasons. It turns the tea cloudy, it's highly acidic, and I always end up using half again as much sweeter. As a result, I've changed it up. I add a few crushed, frozen cherries to red raspberry, or a few frozen blue berries to the blueberry hibiscus tea. I was wondering what you'd think of that nutritionally. I guess either way, swishing with water and regular floride remain the rule.

  7. I drink hibiscus tea, not hot but cold with a straw. Please make a video with the benefits of hibiscus as this is very misleading.

  8. Hibiscus tea is also a natural pH indicator, add 1/4 tsp of baking soda to a pitcher of cold brewed hibiscus tea and watch it change colour from pinkish red to clear grey – indicating a pH of 7 or neutral. 

  9. Thought its going to be some nonsense video, because hibiscus tea is awesome and natural, however it actually makes sense. They should have tested RAW hibiscus tea as different chemicals used in retail tea for flavors etc add acidity to it.

    I have piece of tooth chipped off that i saved and i will test how it will dissolve in concentrated RAW hibiscus tea.

  10. Its still astonish me just how a number of people do not know about Hybetez Remedy (look on google search engine) despite the fact that a lot of people cures their cholesterol naturally using it. Thanks to my personal friend who told me about this. I have eliminated my hypertension problem for good with natural approaches.

  11. Anybody know what is Hybetez Remedy about? I hear a lot of people cures
    their cholesterol naturally with Hybetez Remedy (do a google search).

  12. I made an experiment with piece of my tooth that chopped off i put in bottle with very concentrated hibiscus tea for a month and nothing happened no damage to enamel not even any discoloration or anything.

    What really damages tooth enamel is eating / drinking hot substances it makes micro cracks in enamel because of sudden temperature change, you wont see this cracks unless you put very bright light source outside your mouth (like 1000+ lumen) then you can almost see trough your teeth in the mirror and this cracks and other tooth defects become visible.

  13. 25 years of continual use? Mmm, I think I'm safe. Well, thank you again sir for the stats! Please continue to educate us lesser mortals with such engaging and fact-based nutro-science.

  14. Drinking hot tea with a plastic straw (are there any straws made from other materials?) doesn't sound very attractive to me. So, I have to drink my tea coldly?

  15. Then don't drink hibiscus tea on a daily basis, I don't think it will cause any significant damage if you drink it every once in a while. Plus, you can add a pinch of baking soda to the water you'll use to swish afterwards to neutralize the acids.

  16. You would think a dentist wouldn't want to warn you of this, it's more profitable if you damage your teeth and they fix them for the big bucks they make.

  17. Hello there, have you considered Hybetez
    Remedy yet? Just do a search engine search. On there you'll find an
    awesome tips about how you can fix your high blood pressure issue
    naturally . Why don't you give it a chance? perhaps it's going to work
    for you too.

  18. My hypothesis is higher enamel erosion in plant eaters is due to higher general health conscientiousness and therefore more brushing, perhaps excessive. Check the wear patterns.

  19. Soaking an extracted, dead molar in any substance whatsoever (in this case, certain teas) is hardly going to be indicative of anything that could/would happen to a healthy, live tooth that is constantly exposed to a bath of protective, enzyme-rich saliva. Contrary to popular belief, teeth do NOT decay from everyday outside influences, they decay due to poor nutrition/digestion. Yes, Coke and sugar will harm your teeth, but not because they are touching your teeth as they go into your mouth, but because they are exerting a negative influence on your entire digestive system and causing havoc there, which then affects every organ, every part of your body, including your skin, bones and teeth. A person with bad teeth has plenty of other health issues too.

  20. i drink a gallon of it every other day, im addicted to it…this tea was our kool-Aide growing up my mom would make it all the time an it was good.

  21. I drank hibiscus tea regularly and experienced tooth enamel damage, so I switched to taking hibiscus in capsule form instead of drinking the tea. It has lowered my blood pressure significantly

  22. What is the best product or brand to treat your high blood pressure issue inherently ? I read loads of good opinions on the internet about how exactly Hybetez Remedy can assist you cure your high blood pressure issue naturally . Has anybody tested out this high blood pressure secret remedy?

  23. Hello there, I want to know if Hybetez Remedy, will really work for me? I notice lots of people keep on speaking about this high blood pressure remedy.

  24. I learned this the hard way from drinking ACV which I use to drink with water all day long. Then I began adding hibiscus tea…my enamel really took a beating.

  25. What is the best product or brand to cleanse your high blood pressure issue inherently ? I read loads of good opinions on the internet about how exactly Hybetez Remedy can assist you cure your high blood pressure issue naturally . Has anybody tried using this high blood pressure secret remedy?

  26. My family is Jamaican and grow their own hibiscus trees. For generations we have drank what we call sorrel and Americans call hibiscus tea. No issues with our teeth. My grandmother is 85 and has all her teeth. Whether we drink it right away or ferment it into an alcohol beverage, it’s never had that affect on anyone I know. To get the antioxidants we drink it without sugar or sweeten it for family gatherings.

  27. What exactly is Hybetez Remedy? How does this thing really work? I notice lots of people keep on speaking about this high blood pressure treatment.

  28. I used to drink hibiscus tea throughout the day for several months around 2 years ago. It's no wonder my teeth had problems. I'm going to avoid it now.

  29. What about proper dilution? If the ratios were perfected to account for even tooth decay. Then maybe that could be it. Surely drinking the tea cool rather then hot is better as heat and acid increases the effectiveness of erosion. What about adding a sprinkling of baking soda to neutralize the acids? Does this cancel out benefits?

  30. Teeth are not a priority in living for a long time, can be replaced, but if you have high blood pressure Hibiscus tea lowers it, so if it can save you from heart attack as opposed to losing a few teeth ! no competition hibiscus tea wins hands down !

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