Punti salienti dell'audizione delle linee guida dietetiche 2020

Ho avuto l'onore di testimoniare davanti al Comitato consultivo delle linee guida dietetiche del governo degli Stati Uniti. Guarda il video per vedere il mio intervento e alcuni dei miei estratti preferiti.

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Dopo questa audizione, l'USDA e il Dipartimento della salute e dei servizi umani hanno annunciato che stanno limitando la portata delle informazioni che possono essere utilizzate per determinare le nuove linee guida. Questa decisione esclude gli impatti sulla salute degli alimenti ultraprocessati, del sodio e della carne. Per saperne di più, i nostri amici di Balanced.org hanno raccolto informazioni e petizioni. Dai un'occhiata qui: https://www.betterguidelines.com.

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/highlights-from-the-2020-dietary-guidelines-hearing e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi avere un elenco di link a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/highlights-from-the-2020-linee-guida-dietetiche-uditive. Troverai anche una trascrizione e ringraziamenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze, e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2,000 argomenti di salute.

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100 Risposte a “Punti salienti dell'audizione delle linee guida dietetiche 2020”

  1. Mankind are omnivores. We eat both plants and meat. All energy comes from the sun. It’s absorbed by plants which are eaten by herbivores which are eaten by carnivores . Omnivores eat everything. Meat is higher on the food chain than plants. Processing tends to decrease nutrition- on the other hand before processed foods, when you had to pick your own food and kill your own meat it was possible to starve. I like processed foods. I like dairy.

  2. What vitamin or mineral can you find in vegetables and fruit that you cannot find in meat or dairy?
    It's hilarious you need a committee of people to tell you what to eat. Enjoy your GMO soy.

  3. Never mind worrying about protein deficiency—let’s worry about fiber deficiency. Holy hell. The American diet lacks fiber. People all around the world have to understand we’re not carnivores/omnivores.

  4. Dang, Doc. What a great talk. Very eloquent, factual, and to the point. Beautiful! Thank you for speaking on behalf of all of us!

  5. So the veganindustry wants us to belive that eating hyper processed chemical junk(TOFU) instead of meat is somehow going to make us healthy. When the bioavailability of EAA, FA, fatsoluable vitamins is lacking in these foods or just isn't there at all. Sure there's energy. Thankfully the vegan industry also provide you with a ton of medicine or "Supplements" so that they can charge even more for their "healthy" food. Clearly veganism isn't a health choise. Now we can have a discussion on the ethics behind it all, but claiming veganism is healthy is just a pure lie. Veganism can sometimes be healthy with lots of supplements if you have the genetics for it. But most vegans still end up with poor bonemineralisation, wich i'd guess is most likely due to the lack of bioavailable forms of Vitamin A, D plus all the fiber causing malresorptions in the intestine.

  6. I think the evidence is in the appearance of this Dr. I wouldn't want to take health advice from someone that resembles something from the Walking Dead.

  7. Why everybody consider keto or low carb as the opposite of plant based?!
    The right way to do keto, as I do, is plant based.. Most of the volume comes from veggies., I eat meat and fish in moderation, and have most of my fats also from plants as olive oil, nuts and seeds, and some coconut oil. I do eat dairy but it's ocational. The biggest question is fruits, right? So I'm not really doing keto but low carb, which means that I usually restrict myself to 1-2 fruits a day max

  8. I watched a news report about a recent study showing processes meats having no link to cancer. I watched in disbelief and then realized the meat industry must be really worried if they are starting a propaganda campaign to keep you eating their poison. I would think people would have learned from Big Tobacco…but people still smoke don't they.

  9. We need zero fiber and all the digestible spirulina and other plankton and algae we can fill up on. Where is the mention of the healthiest food for humans?

  10. I am going to buy Dr. Greger's Carbophobia book as well as his How not to Die book to support him and the cause for good health and nutrition and to keep some very good information constantly on hand for myself.

  11. Thank you, Dr. Greger, for representing us in this important public hearing. Let the truth be told!!!!

  12. I have a huge problem. After being on Keto for 2 years I decided to go over to a plant based diet beginning yesterday. I didn't check my blood sugar levels until today. I'm not diabetic……………………….yet, but I check my blood sugar most days, usually after a meal. My fasting level has always been 80-100. Sometimes there's a morning bounce and I'll go up to 115. After meals I'll go up too 130-140 depending on what I eat then drop back over the next 3 hours. Today I ate oats and 4-5 dates plus some coconut crème. My blood sugar jumped up to 185. Its never been that high ever. It came down to the 130s late this afternoon so I had a plate of seedless grapes for dinner. Checked my blood an hour later and its almost 200! What's going on?

  13. Thank you Dr. Gregor, for standing up there and fighting for the American People’s RIGHT to know the risks about what foods we are lead to believe are healthy or not. I hope more people are inspired by you and your evidence based work ❤️

  14. Fyi… volunteer at food ministries for the poor and at food banks and you will have a measure as to how much out of stock merchandize is donated or thrown out..Even the poor don't trust the freshness of processed meats like hots dogs and lunch meets from popular brands. And fyi..my guess is the Amazon jungle is burning down to plant SOY BEANS there is no other way to offer people or pupulations worldwide plant based PROTEIN EXCEPT by processing more doy beans which in order for that not to hurt the human body in the long term consumption is to fermented as in TOFU. in the long road to sustainability roaming cows are probably a better option for the environment.

  15. Forget the guidelines, eat whole foods, healthy fats & oils, plenty of vegis. No more processed foods and no more sugar! Whether you eat meat or not, organic, only 100% grassfed is the way to go. The intelligent people of the world will decide their own fate and will support the food industries producing these whole, healthy foods. Don’t wonder when more & more crappy processed foods will be left sitting on the shelves. The word is spreading and the good news too about sick people healing themselves ONLY WITH HEALTHY EATING! Not with less food or low fat. And not with meds! Just the right foods and the healthy fats. The science is on our side my friends. Too bad our so called „leaders“ are dragging their feet in joining this healthy way of life.

  16. Just bought your first book. I can’t thank you enough for your hard work. You are the kind of person that gives me hope in humanity. Can’t wait for your next book to come out. This coming from a family of 4 vegans!

  17. “Dietary guidelines, killing Americans since the late ‘70’s”, should be your tag line. The clinical and nutritional experts have been, and continue to be, feckless problem solvers. Vegans and vegetarians die of cancer at the exact same rates as evil meat eaters.
    Go rob a bank with a pork chop.

  18. Doctor,

    I can only tell you that having changed my diet to low carb my A1C has dropped and so has my triglycerides. You spoke about the dangers of processed meats. That’s great. Tell me your thoughts about the consumption of pasture raised beef.

    I think there is a real danger of well-intentioned individuals talking past each other on nutrition issues. My low carb includes eating 10 cups of vegetables per day. But I also eat, meat and fish. Perhaps not one diet fits all.

    I do appreciate doctors like you taking such a passionate interest in nutrition. The public needs you to be the leaders in educating them about just how much their health outcomes are controlled by their choices.

  19. I go everyday. One big long one. Mostly plants but I do eat a little meat. No cheese. The other day I was in our company cafeteria and I order a veggie burrito. The cook must think eggs and cheese are veggies. I realized that he thought that it's impossible to have a meal without animal products. It's so ingrained in the American people that it feels impossible for them to eat without animals.

  20. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes almost a year ago. I’ve researched so many diets and still have NO clue which is best for me. My doctors just throw more meds at me. It’s like they don’t want me to actually be healthy.

  21. Science and facts, WOW 
    Who would have thought that unbiased facts are more important than corporate advertising.
    Seems like businesses have no ethics today.  
    Greed has over taken common sense and common good in the business world.

  22. I don't think anyone will ever take the dietary guidelines advice ever again. This committee has been a joke. Is my current diet the right diet? I don't know, but I know they definitely don't know.

  23. The problem is that individual people have outsourced their diet content to others. If you want to be well, take personal responsibility for it. How'd many died from transfats?
    I don't care what this board has ever said, or will ever say. And thank goodness – nutrition guidelines have likely been the prime cause of death for more Americans than any other root cause.
    Is anyone talking about the physiological damage done to the cupro-enzyme systems (including cytochrome c oxidase, the enzyme that chops oxygen, and turns it into water as the enzyme releases ADP to make Mg-ATP) by copper chelating glyphosate (even in stomach acid) and copper absorption blocking high fructose corn syrup? No mention?

  24. He only talked about processed meats. What is the idea as far as eventually getting them to recommend a vegan diet? Is that never going to happen?

  25. Tell them what’s up Gregor !!!! I met someone yesterday that has cancer and is not suppose to live very long. I recommended to stop consuming dairy. He laughed at me haha

  26. I don’t know about Americans but the average consumer in Australia doesn’t read or pay dietary guidelines much attention. They do whatever they were raised to or whatever is trending. I don’t know anyone who keeps up to date with the guidelines each year or nutrition research other than myself which is why I’m able to win so many arguments on nutrition in my friend circles

  27. Grass-fed meat is not the same as processed meat. Thanks for conflating the facts. Another reason why I will always hold suspect vegan and vegetarian pushovers. And the government… much more!

  28. Did anyone listen ? It's always plant-rich diet vs the Paleo guys vs the Keto advocates !
    Meanwhile, raw plant food eaters seem to take a different route. I guess they'd still recommend the SAD diet, bcoz it'd help all those Govt agencies 🙂

  29. Lady in the middle at the blue table when Greger starts:
    1. I think like this guy…
    2. Wait, uh-oh…
    3. Oh no, he's not gonna…
    4. Bacon. He just trashed bacon.
    :scribbles on notepad, not mad really just disappointed:

  30. Aww, dude! I love you man!!! I’ve watched this twice and can’t help but admire and respect the clarity of your appeal. Reputable research, common sense, call for moral action and recognition of group accountability. It was all there. Don’t stop, your work saves lives. 🤙

  31. Processed meat is not just bologna and hot dogs, it is machine-ground beef and cooked whole beef. We must realize that cooking is the ultimate form of processing.

  32. I just saw this video for my applied nutrition community class and i loved it, especially about how eating more fiber from plants (also my main goal) and eating LESS processed meats like ham and bacon to reduce the risk of colon/rectal cancer which my great grandfather, Victor, had and the famous actor of Black Panther just recently passed away.

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