Qual è il miglior collutorio?

C'è un intruglio economico che si può fare a casa che elimina in modo sicuro i batteri che formano cavità sui nostri denti meglio del collutorio alla clorexidina e ne riduce anche capacità di formare la placca.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra newsletter elettronica ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Ora tengo solo un barattolo di vetro pieno di tè verde freddo (Cold Steeping Green Tea http://nutritionfacts.org/video/cold-steeping-green-tea/) con un cucchiaio di amla in frigo e agitalo e deglutisci ogni volta che sto rovistando là dentro. Per credito extra puoi anche fare un po' di gargarismi (guarda il mio video Can Gargling Prevent the Common Cold? http://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-gargling-prevent- the-common-cold/).<br/>
Il tè verde non dovrebbe essere la bevanda principale dei bambini, però, poiché il contenuto naturale di fluoro può causare macchie estetiche sui denti. Per ulteriori informazioni, guarda il mio video Il consumo di tè durante l'infanzia può aumentare il rischio di fluorosi ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/childhood-tea-drinking-may-increase-fluorosis-risk /).

Ecco i link ai due video sulla salute orale a cui mi riferisco nel video: Diete a base vegetale: Salute orale (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/plant-based-diets-oral-health/) e Plant -Diete a base di: salute dentale (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/plant-based-diets-dental-health/).

Un altro motivo per cui potremmo voler evitare i collutori antibatterici è che possono uccidere i batteri buoni sulla nostra lingua, determinanti per migliorare le prestazioni atletiche con contenenti nitrati la verdura. Guarda il mio video Non usare colluttorio antisettico (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/dont-use-antiseptic-mouthwash).

Il tè verde non uccide solo i batteri nocivi, ma anche i virus nocivi. Dai un'occhiata al trattamento delle verruche genitali con il tè verde ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/treating-genital-warts-with-green-tea/).

Hai bisogno di un promemoria cos'è l'amla? Maggiori informazioni sul potere della polvere di uva spina indiana essiccata in:
• Amla Versus Cancer Cell Growth ( http://nutritionfacts.org/ video/amla-versus-cancer-cell-growth)
• Invasione di cellule tumorali contro Amla (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/amla-versus-cancer-cell-invasion/)
• Amla contro il diabete ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/amla-versus-diabetes/)
• Una colazione migliore (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/a-better-breakfast/)

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/whats-the-best-mouthwash/ e proverà a rispondere!

Credito immagine: treobenny via Flickr.

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• Negozio: https://drgreger.org

100 Risposte a “Qual è il miglior collutorio?”

  1. i brush my teeth 3 to 4  times a day…i just got used to it when i was young and use a non fluoride toothpaste foe 18 years now..at 42 …i got to the dentist every 6 months for a clean and check up for the past 22 years (it was free here in Ireland till 2012) now it cost 35 euro…but i think i worth it…and my teeth, all mine …no work needed,,,no fillings ,,,nothing

  2. I wanna learn more about fluoride. I know that's not really a nutrition thing. But does anyone know if fluoride really does prevent cavities? I've tried to do some research but all I find is that it's best not to swallow it

  3. Thanks, awesome video. I am currently using eucalyptus essential oil plus baking soda and water for mouthwash, but I might just add amla or green tea too 🙂

  4. I use a tea tree mouthwash from Thursday Plantation which I buy off Amazon, it's incredible! Sorted out a tooth infection when I was in Byron Bay (near where it's made) over a weekend when I couldn't get to a doctor!

  5. Great Vid!! Anyone know if we can put something natural like green tea into a WaterPik? I was told to use not just water but add Listerine and Hydrogen peroxide to water reservoir but dont want to use that. Any ideas anyone?? Thanks!!!

  6. Not all green teas are created equal. How you go about choosing good tea is beyond me! There are 20 brands of green tea at the super market, most of which taste like a sour butt. What do ya'll buy for green tea?

  7. This is awesome! Thank you for this research! There are many clients I can pass this on to. Thanks so much for all you do

  8. It's better to reduce the amount of sugar.I don't like green tea since it has caffeine in it.I prefer chamomele which is caffeine free suitable for relaxing nerves in stressful situations.
    A strong chamomile tea makes a good mouthwash also that relieves mouth ulcers and canker sores. It even helps control periodontal diseases.Chamomile is an antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic that has many other uses
    Unlike many herbal teas which taste bitter, chamomile tea is delicious.

  9. This Amla powder…where can I find?? Also, can I make a quart of Green tea and keep it in a glass container inside a fridge without having to make green tea daily? Or would it loose it's capabilities? AMAZING research. FAV!!

  10. Dr. Greger…. you read my mind.  I was just wondering what the healthiest toothpaste and mouthwash was yesterday and planned on searching your channel today.

  11. Is Vegetarian a legal medical definition to really mean Vegan in these studies? or do they mean lacto ovo vegetarian when they say vegetarian, as we know it more commonly?

    It is hard to cite these studies when they are advocating in layman's terms eating eggs and milk, if and when they are actually strict vegetarians in the study.

    What is the current medical definition of Vegetarian as they exist in these studies? do they include animal products or are they really just saying Vegan?

  12. Thanks for this video! I'm wondering, does the brewed green tea have to be kept in the fridge or could you put it in a mason jar in the bathroom as you would store regular mouthwash? If so, how long would this last (and be effective) for before you should brew a new batch?

  13. I stopped using all commercial mouthwashes and toothpastes such as Listerine and Colgate almost a decade ago and my teeth and gums improved considerably to the point where my gums no longer recede nor bleed anymore like they used to when I was using chlorhexadine containing mouthwashes. Now it's just a good tooth and gum powder and hydrogen peroxide rinses for me.

  14. Dr. Greger has some of the best and most relevant health info on the net!
    A big thank you for this…I can't wait to share the info about green tea vs. chlorhexidane with my dentist who recommends it.  
    I'll be drinking a lot more green tea from now on.  

  15. I love the idea of this and want to try it. However I am a mostly raw vegan and don't consume any caffeine. Would it be ok to just swish with a glass of cold steeped green tea and not swallow it? 

  16. This video FTW. Swishing green tea (I buy Yogi pure green tea or japanese green tea or i'd get from Traditional Medicinals) is great. Chewing Xylitol is great as well. If I need to use a mouth wash, I ONLY ever use Trace Minerals Mineral Mouth Rinse.

  17. Thanks for the video. Is it better to pre wash with the green tee concoction or to after wash?? I didn't understand that part. Thank you?

  18. I use aloe vera powder in water as a mouthwash. It helped removed stains in my teeth and also helps prevents plaque. I've also tried spearmint tea and peppermint tea as mouthwash altho can't remember how they worked.

  19. "No such study existed. . .Until now." Article was published in 2009. Neveretheless, great video doc. Keep up the great and meticulously-executed work.

  20. Cool, so let me get this straight. You can get kill plaque bacteria with green tea, but not remove the plaque itself. And you get to stain your teeth from swishing around tea in your mouth.

    So basically you get to kill some oral bacteria, keep the plaque, AND stain your teeth yellow. Win, win  I guess. What kind of a idiot even makes a video about this lol. Obviously he is looking for views to make the money from it if he is getting this desperate for material.

  21. Green tea also contains the proven oral health promoting agent… fluoride. In non-neglible amounts.

    Guess what, it works. Including when ingested.

    (That inflammation/antioxidative hypothesis is interesting, but not well tested.)

    I'd say that certain polyols like sorbitol, xylitol might also be quite effective. Eugenol likely too. (But careful with it, at high concentration it is toxic.)
    Heck, all of the above ingredients are used in modern toothpastes.

    As to amla specifically, ellagitannins in it could be effective antimicrobials and tumour suppressors. Possibly also green tea tannins too.
    Not enough good trials though.
    (Please don't buy into ayurvedic woo.)

  22. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but may this be staining my teeth? How should it be done, exactly? One more thing: does it interfere with bicarb mouthwashes? Are these compatible? Too many questions, I know…

  23. I like to use 1.5% H2O2 as a mouthwash. Sure I might be non-selectively killing everything, but I know my breath stays non-offensive all day. Also I use a fluoride-free toothpaste, but I do rinse with regular tap water, which ours has natural fluoride in the water, so hopefully it's already bonded to calcium. I try to avoid all sources of fluoride and aluminum for consumption. So, I guess I will see the result of this in years to come. In my opinion my teeth have got better. They are no longer hot/cold or pressure sensitive.

  24. Flossing all the time is sometimes useless due to sad technique, even though the floss was actually in there. Ask your dental pro to observe your floss technique on one or two front teeth. It's worth picking up a tweak to get way better results for yr work.

  25. If your gums are pretty deep underneath, no mouthwash will reach the depths, because inflamed tissues weep a clear tasteless fluid called GCF, gingival crevicular fluid. The mouthwash can't get deep enough because it can't "go upstream". Unless you run it in there with a syringe or water-jet device filled with undiluted mouthwash.

  26. DID YOU KNOW?: plaque on teeth is soft scummy whitish stuff. SOFT. It is not tartar, mineral, calcium, or hard! Did you know that? PLAQUE IS GOOEY. (it's true. They went and chose a word for it that rhymes with 'crack' and sounds like rock. Shoulda named it 'schmuzz' or something.)

  27. Dr. Greger: thank you for your passion and for sharing that passion with us. We've all heard 'You are what you eat," but it never really sunk in until I read " How Not to Die." Not a meat eater but I knew nothing about the benefits of a plant based diet…"until now." I don't know how you keep up with all of your videos, lectures, writings and your general devotion to your topic. So, I can only heed your advice and say 'thank you,' while I cut my turmeric. God bless…

  28. This is so true!! Try drinking green tea at night and your mouth doesn't smell in the morning!! (provided that you don't eat anything afterward) This is such a great substitute for mouthwash – which I don't like using because of the "burn" it creates in my buccal mucosa.

  29. Very interesting stuff about green tea. As always, many thanks for the video.

    I do a mouthwash mixed with 1 cup aloe juice, 1 cup distilled water, 1 tbsp baking soda and five drops of (high quality) peppermint essential oil.

    When I had bleeding gums (a few year ago), I tried "The Natural Dentist" mouthwash and it was the only one out of all the mouthwashes that I tried that worked well and cleared it up. I did a little online research, and figured out how to make one on my own. (above recipe)

    I'm not sure if this is scientifically proven to work also, I've been curious if there is any health issues with this practice but it has seemed to work very well for me.

  30. Why did chlorhexadene turn my mouth black? It didn't happen to my husband or mother. I thought maybe related to all the blueberries I eat! Scary. Glad I stopped using it (a few years ago).

    On the other hand, a couple weeks after starting amla powder in my breakfast, I started experiencing extreme dental sensitivity. Maybe it's so acidic that it's burning everything off my teeth? Could be something else totally.

  31. Dr. Greger, what about hydrogen peroxide? I use it as mouthwash everyday but should I continue or should I cease and desist??? Thanks!!

  32. Well done analysis comparing alternatives head to head. Guess I will have to use my green tea for something other than drinking it.

  33. Is white tea as effective as green tea, since it has less fluoride, and therefore you want have to worried about flurosis? 🙂

  34. I'm all in for the green tea mouth rinse and drinking green tea after meals would be great too, but I have to question the addition of amla. Wouldn't the fruit acids in the amla (gooseberry) be caustic to tooth enamel? So while the amla does reduce plaque bacteria, it could also possibly wear away at your teeth.

  35. Don’t the tannins in tea stain teeth? Rinsing with green tea without rinsing with water afterward sounds like a recipe for yellow teeth. Thoughts?

  36. Please, I would like to know how to prepare the mouth wast, ratio for a green tea mouthwash recipe , i have started putting powdered green tea and amla on my toothbrush with my tooth paste,

  37. There is no reason for bad breath if one performs good dental hygiene. I have never had bad breath – ever. I pull with coconut oil nightly, I floss a few times a day, I brush at least five minutes each time and I rinse with peroxide once a day. I also have a toothbrush just for my tongue. I even have allergies and still don't have bad breath. I can eat raw garlic and raw onion, brush my teeth and no smell at all.

  38. Sorry Dr., the best mouthwash that is super safe and will kill everything is "hypochlorous acid" or HOCL. It even removed the subtle white on my tongue.

  39. I'm confused i thought you would mention Nitric Oxide – blood pressure – mouthwash destroying N.O. Any studies available or videos done about Green tea and amli killing friendly mouth bacteria which is so vital in oral nitric oxide production? 🎩

  40. What bothers me with many of Dr. Greger's videos is that they seem to end too soon. This video is a typical example. What is the formula for the mouth wash that one should use? How much green tea? How much amla? For how long, etc. He never says.

  41. I've battled severe depression for nearly ten years. Currently, it's the best it's ever been; prior to my current state, however, my ability to take care of myself was nearly nonexistent.

    A few months ago I visited the dentist for a check-up for the first time in years (shout out to no dental insurance). I told her my dental hygiene hadn't always been the best because of my depression, that on the days I wasn't able to even get out of bed or eat, I certainly wasn't able to brush and floss.

    Remarkably, in spite of this, I had no cavities. There may be many reasons as to why, but I'm thinking it may have been because of my diet. I've been vegan for five years (prior to going vegan I was vegetarian for ten) and have been consuming green tea regularly since I was eleven years old. I'm thankful to my past self for making those health promoting decisions.

    Depression is cruel, but within its cruelty I found this silver lining. Maybe there's hope in that.

    For those who have struggled similarly, or currently are, I hope you find the strength to always keep going. It's tough to talk about this sort of thing because it's still stigmatized. People who don't understand may look at a depressed person's struggle to take care of themselves and pass judgement, without realizing the extent to which we already judge and chastise ourselves. If we could, we would.

    Lord knows how many times I've wept because I was physically unable to get out of bed, or eat, or shower, or do anything other than merely exist⁠—dirty, tear-stained, and depressed. I wouldn't wish this illness on my worst enemy. I don't know anyone with depression who would.

    But it's all one day at a time, right? That's all anyone can expect of us, including ourselves. Wishing anyone who reads this the health, wellness, and happiness they deserve. 💗

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