Qual è la dieta naturale? (Chiedendo al pubblico di Bear Grylls, dieta carnivora e carne di organi)

Siamo scesi per le strade di Londra per scoprire cosa il pubblico pensava fosse una dieta naturale.

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Leggi di più su Bear Grylls qui – https://plantbasednews.org/news/celebrities /bear-grylls-dieta-naturale-fegato-testicoli-latticini-crudi/

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42 Risposte a “Qual è la dieta naturale? (Chiedendo al pubblico di Bear Grylls, dieta carnivora e carne di organi)”

  1. Humans, like all primates, are frugivores. 🥭🥥🍅🍇🍈🍉🍊🍑🍐🍏🍎🍍🍌🍋🥝🥒🥑🍓🍒

  2. Its quite heartening to see the majority seem to understand that plant-based should predominate our diets. We just need to educate them that full-vegan is the way to go for health and ethical reasons.

  3. Majority of globally consumed protein comes from plants. -journal Science, Oxford University Meta Analysis

  4. Meat is the wasteful way of eating and we should eat veg? Veg is way more wasted and who cares what a brainwashed public thinks

  5. Our "natural diet" is made up of starches, carbs, proteins, and fats. It doesn't matter where they come from. Thus, plants are the moral option. All plants have varied amounts of protein.

  6. My mum drank raw dairy as a child and got TB. She had to have her neck cut open so they could take the affected lymph nodes out. Much later she saw the owner of the farm who gave her the raw milk – the farmer had a scar on their neck too.

  7. That's someone's penis 😂. . . If that is someone's penis then that is someone else's flesh and we should not consume other people's flesh. ❤

  8. Bear Grylls has fallen victim to the world of Dunning-Kruger. He misunderstands what hunter-gathers ate, and doesn't bother to look it up to find out. There is zero chance that early modern humans were carnivores, and all the evidence shows that it was agriculture that caused population growth and human longevity.

  9. Humans from cold climates should eat more animal-based and humans from hot climates should eat more plant based. What foods did prehistoric people local environments provide. The environment is what determines what humans should eat. Interracial breeding will create humans with different types of dietary needs. Modern humans have unnatural influences that determine what they should eat so it's a quest for those individuals to discover the optimum die for them.

  10. All the great apes can do fine with fruit and leaves. After hominids discovered fire, we added cooked starches and that allowed us to spend much less time eating. That permitted us to live outside of the tropics.

  11. How making interviews with people who have no knowledge about nutrition is relevant. They have never read any science about nutition. This is how vegans live, in fairy tale world. They watch you tube like this and get no science.

  12. What's wrong with liver, heart, kidneys, and brain? Nothing. People should eat all of the animal, where possible, once cleaned out. People always made use of all the animals parts once, but now, it's become a sin to use any part of an animal. The best parts of an animal are given to the pet shops or the canneries for the dog and cat food. It's disgusting. We're giving the best food away to our pets.

  13. Only vegans would look at animals this way. I'm disgusted with you. Your grandmother's would slap you for your behaviour. If they hadn't eaten all that sort of food, you'd never have been born.

  14. Listen to that stupid girl saying that animal was born with a penis and it should die with one. Well, Jews are born with complete penis's but they don't die with one. According to their God, they have to get a lump lopped off. WHY? Grow up. We've been eating meat since the beginning of time. You can't live without animal produce. Like it or not. You're always going to add to your vegan lifestyle with bits of animal produce. You need it.

  15. How many people did you cherry pick to get the ones you wanted? How many people actually preferred a carnivore diet. I can think of plenty of doctors who eat a carnivore diet for good healthy medical reasons. And they're not wrong.

  16. Vegans have no idea what they're talking about. They just walk about talking utter rubbish and pretend they're being sensible. It doesn't work that way. There's nothing scientific about what you're doing or saying. Just talking rubbish.

    Vegetables can be very harmful, they contain natural chemicals that can be very harmful like salicylates and oxalates etc. They're chemicals that make people very sick and they're the last things that people ever consider make them ill, simply because they've always been told that vegetables and fruits are so good for them. It simply isn't true.

  17. It's funny that people still think plants don't have protein or ''complete'' protein and using that as an excuse to consume animal flesh. Seriously, people really need to educate themselves, it's 2023.

  18. Organ meat is very heathy. If you were in an area without access to fruits and vegetables they provide many of the vitamins you get from vegetables.

  19. I haven't seen anyone suffering from lack of protein, but I have seen so many suffer from lack of fiber, and high cholesterol.

  20. The natural diet is whatever humans can find. We are omnivores. Bear Grylls has a show where he puts everyone on an island. There was a vegan there. That vegan ate a chicken.
    The natural human diet is everything plants and especially lots and lots of meat.

  21. Just mention taking supplements that have testicles in it and all men will say a resounding NO WAY.
    The best and only diet we should be eating is a vegan one.
    Going vegan is a lifestyle.

  22. A lot of people think the only way to be healthy and strong is to consume a lot of meat and dairy, when they are actually better off avoiding it and eating plants instead. And if they knew about climate change, they would have another huge reason to avoid it. It sucks to see so many ignorant people, but we gotta do what's best even if other people don't know any better. Be the best person you can be, regardless.

  23. People just have no clue. We have gotten so far away from nature now we are layers and layers and layers deep in misinformation and bad habits.

  24. We don't need protein as our body breaks protein to amino acid! And breaking protein takes a lot of energy and water hence not good for our kidneys!

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