Qualche medicina ayurvedica peggiore dell'esposizione alla vernice al piombo

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DESCRIZIONE: Triphala, una combinazione di tre frutti –amla, bibhitaki e haritaki— è la formulazione a base di erbe più comunemente usata nella medicina ayurvedica e può avere potenti proprietà antitumorali. Sfortunatamente, un integratore alimentare a base di erbe ayurvediche su cinque è stato trovato contaminato da piombo, mercurio e/o arsenico.

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/videos/some-ayurvedic-medicine-worse-than-lead-paint-exposure/ e cercherò di rispondere! Non esitate a postare qui nella sezione dei commenti qualsiasi domanda del tipo da chiedere al dottore e sarei felice di provare a rispondere. Assicurati di controllare gli altri video sulla medicina ayurvedica (http://nutritionfacts.org/topics/ayurvedic-medicine/) e non perderti tutti i video sul mercurio (http://nutritionfacts.org/topics/mercury/). E ci sono 1,449 soggetti (http://nutritionfacts .org/topics/) trattati nel resto dei miei video–sentiti libero di esplorarli!
Credito immagine: Daniel R. Blume / Flickr http://www .NutritionFacts.org
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14 Risposte a “Qualche medicina ayurvedica peggiore dell'esposizione alla vernice al piombo”

  1. Looks like we have to verify our sources of triphala etc. .. after chernobyl blew up turkey sent all the contaminated tea crops to Russia as a gift for their generous contribution of radioactive isotopes…. when will people stop disguising NukearB0Ms as nuclear plants & killing youth for the sake of a trivial amount of power.

  2. @organicsuperman It'd be wonderful if you could post it to this specific video on nutritionfacts. org. This way more people benefit from the response, and I can actually provide you with links (which I can't do on Youtube). Thanks!

  3. Wonder who introduced chemical fertilizers ? America .. of course. Now that is what a lobby can do. We have seen it all …guns lobby,tobacco lobby ,alcohol lobby, blood diamonds , now here is pharmaceutical lobby at its work.

  4. Has anyone figured out why lead and other contaminants are so prevalent in ayruvedic medicines? What about spices and other foods imported from India?

  5. In another video, you talked about amla being the healthiest berry.

    Can you please do a video on acquiring safe sources of amla or triphala?

    Or an affordable way to do heavy metal testing?

  6. Sorry doctor, but this example you mentioned actually concerns about ´´triphala guggul´´, which is a completely different compound from triphala (amalaki + haritaki+bibhitaki), since other ingredients may indeed be present as guggul, pippali, etc. (see http://www.ayujournal.org/temp/Ayu363318-3705681_101736.pdf ) . I hope you give Triphala another chance to show how amazing it is and get back to talking about it in other videos. Regarding contamination, it really is a pity and we should look for safe suppliers and continue research.

  7. Ayurvedic preparations have been found to contain lead, mercury, and arsenic, substances known to be harmful to humans.

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