Benefici del lievito alimentare per il cancro

In che modo la fibra di beta glucano nel lievito di birra, panettiere e nutrizionale può migliorare la guarigione delle ferite e, potenzialmente, l'immunità anti-cancro.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Se i beta glucani sono davvero così potenti, potrebbe esserci preoccupazione che possa sovrastimolare il sistema immunitario in determinate condizioni autoimmuni? Sì, vedi Il lievito alimentare scatena la malattia di Crohn? ( ed è lievito nutrizionale Sano per tutti? (

Che ne dici di combattere le infezioni comuni? Sono contento che tu l'abbia chiesto! Scopri:
• Preservare la funzione immunitaria negli atleti con lievito nutrizionale ( in-atleti-con-lievito-nutrizionale/)
• Miglior alimento per prevenire le comuni infezioni infantili (
• Miglior cibo per contrastare lo stress -Soppressione immunitaria indotta (

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100 Risposte a “Benefici del lievito alimentare per il cancro”

  1. Recently a friend had a surgery, but after they said her heart rate was abnormally low (in the 20’s, but it needed to be at least 50). My question is: why can someone who is physically unfit and overweight have a low heart-rate? I already know her diet is bad, and maybe it has a link. Apparently her doctor didn’t know why, but thought it was concerning as she wasn’t an athlete. Why is this please?

  2. Dr Gregor it's your gal jessie from nanabar!! I was wondering if you could do a video on c60 – I've heard lots of conflicting information about it and would love to hear your thoughts 🙏🏾 best wishes ✨

  3. More cancer miracle stories. Ending this video with a paper that couldnt even be found. People eat bread that has yeast all the time, is that equivalent? There is so much more to learn about nutritional yeast like the connection to Crohn’s. Dumping this story on people without good science and cautions is questionable. How many cancer patients are gonna run to the store now in search of the this next miracle story that they hear all the time and this one did not seem to have solid random controlled studies.

  4. Dr. Greger i have a question to you.. how in the world do you structurally, on a daily basis, get in the recommended amount of vitamin E? if you only consume whole foods, thus no oil, and you don't go berserk on almonds (and thus eat a high fat diet).
    I never ever get anywhere close to the recommended levels not even to half of it.. i generally get between 3 – 7.5 mg a day.
    i can remember from a long time ago that someone like mcdougall said you needed 7mg a day or something?
    i tell you it's impossible, unless you go eat certain stuff (in rediculous amounts) on a daily basis specifically to get in enough vitamin E.

    If "normal" people are getting this amount of vitamin E a day it's solely cause everything they eat is baked and topped with oils

  5. At the end, I thought I heard "taste your popcorn", but it did not make any sense. So, I turned on the caption. It was "tastier popcorn", but it still made no sense to me. Why popcorn? Popcorns are not created with yeasts, are they?

  6. This is what hormesis is all about: creating a stress on the body to stimulate and immunological response.. My favorite therapies are sauna and ozone for immune boosting. Google if you want to learn more.

  7. that's absolutely amazing. imagine how good it would be for all the elderly even just for reducing infections at their age especially with how simple and cheap it is. and also for cats and dogs who are very prone to cancer nowadays it seems, imagine how cheap and easy this is for helping in that fight.

  8. Too bad 90% of all nooch is grown on Glyphosate dessicated grains and is laced with MSG. This is absolute garbage. As worse as any transformed carbs. Was causing my candida to come back.

    Im done with this shit.

  9. We got it solely because we wanted to add it to McDougall's Penne Florentine like a certain lady on Youtube did in her recipe. Now that we have Dr. Greger's new cookbook, it's finding its place in more and more dishes. Thanks, Dr. G.

  10. Can Dr. Greger do a video investigating garlic's effects on immunity and cancer? I think this would be an interesting topic. Thanks 👍

  11. Mycotoxins and aflatoxins in Beans, Corn, Coffee, Nuts, especially PEANUTS, apple cider vinegar, mushrooms, grains and dried dates, prunes and raisins would make a great video. Also mold poisoning and detoxing of the cytoxins that cause CIRS chronic inflammatory response syndrome.

  12. I am wondering what important completed clinical studies are buried in foreign languages like Russian or German and await translation into English before we can evaluate them and benefit?


  14. I have multiple sclerosis and I just started taking nutritional yeast a couple of weeks ago, the amount of energy that it gives me is phenomenal, as most people would know with autoimmune diseases lack of energy and fatigue is a major problem. I take nutritional yeast with food or by itself and in a very small quantity such as a tablespoon and I have become so much more active and I don't fall asleep during the day which in turn gives me a good night sleep, how about eight hours! you like that! I I know that this is not due to some placebo effect because my spouse started taking nutritional yeast almost the same day and she is so much more active and do not complain of fatigue and the side effects caused by fatigue. I hope my observation is beneficial to the reader. Thank you, God bless have a great day.

  15. After 2 and a half years of being vegan I just bought and tried my first dose of the nooch haha xD Feels much better than taking a b12 supplement, cheaper and has other good nutrients in it. I've heard so many times that it taste like cheese but I'm not getting that, still like it tho 🙂

  16. Thumbs down and unsubscribed. Tired of videos just showing pages being highlighted and read. Also way to much information unrelated and/or unnecessary for the topic the video is supposed to be about. Misleading and confusing Bye

  17. Just had some today on my popcorn! So glad I saw this!! I’m healing from surgery right now!! I hope this helps!! Going to eat lots more! Thank you💕 !

  18. Dr. Gregor, Thank u 4 ur service! Thanx 4 empowering me 2 be my best own health advocate & be my beloved relatives' also, who r struggling w/ cancer. AND just so u ALL know, this special Dr. wrote 2 books & tours the country empowering people 2 research & take charge of their health decision, AND the icing on the (plant-based cake), is that he is DONATING ALL HIS PROFITS 2 CHARITIES!!!! A profound thank u from my heart, Dr Gregor!!

  19. I eat two tablespoons of nutritional yeast a day; I add it to my beans and tofu for the additional protein and b vitamins. Have a whole food plant based diet and started weightlifting trying to build muscle, looks like I'm boosting my immune system as well.

  20. I really like using nutritional yeast to add cheesey flavor to dishes but it seems to cause the candida to flare up. Does NY truly make candida worse? If so, will it be safe to reinduced it after the candida is gone?

  21. Tell me seriously who only uses just a pinch of nutritional yeast on anything? It’s my vegan parmigiana on my pasta.😎

  22. Dude… what’s wrong with your voice? It’s like part sarcasm, part pride from uncovering some uncommonly known facts, part natural douchebag, and a hint of Mrs. Doubtfire. 🤔

  23. In a previous vedeo, you mentioned that. Newtritional yeast causes Cron desease, should we use it or not? Is it safe, what is the right amount? Thanks

  24. Excellent breakfast of organic steel cut oats with mushrooms cooked in with the oats, the the hot oats are poured over frozen blueberries and nutritional yeast. Mix it up to melt the blueberries.

  25. Nutritional yeast gives me migraine headaches, I have to avoid it at all cost. I wish it was more commonly known. I used to eat a ton of it every day following recommendations from other vegans and vegan doctors, and I gradually started to have worse and more frequent headaches. It took me years before I finally made the connection. It felt as if somehow I had saturated my head with certain problematic chemicals inside of nutritional yeast and now my headaches can be very easily triggered by other foods or other factors.

  26. Do you think cooking the yeast makes a difference at all? I’ve been using bakers yeast cause it’s cheaper and was surprised how nice it tasted. I’ve been adding it after cooking

  27. mmm I think this video is hmmm so, you know hmmm interesting, to, the time uhhhh you may want to uhhhhh add Nutritional uuuh yeast, back in to your system! uhhh hmmm I think so, yes!

  28. People with autoimmune and inflammatory diseases already have an overactive immune system that causes a high white blood cell count. This causes the immune system to attack healthy tissue and cause inflammation in the body as well as cancers. So if Beta Glucan increases white blood cell count should people with auto-immune system disorders avoid Beta Glucans?

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