Quale alga è più protettiva contro il cancro al seno?

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DESCRIZIONE: Gli snack all'alga Nori possono alterare favorevolmente il metabolismo degli estrogeni modulando la flora intestinale delle donne, con conseguente diminuzione rischio di cancro al seno.

Gli snack alle alghe sono come patatine di cavolo riccio, spuntini fatti con verdure a foglia verde scuro, imbattibile!

Maggiori informazioni su alcuni degli altri componenti dietetici protettivi nelle diete delle donne giapponesi in Perché le donne asiatiche hanno meno cancro al seno? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/why-do-asian-women-have-less-breast-cancer/) e seno Sopravvivenza al cancro e soia (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/breast-cancer-survival-and-soy/).<br/>
Se ti piacciono i video di confronto contro il cancro, assicurati di controllare anche Quale frutto combatte meglio il cancro? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/which-fruit-fights-cancer-better/) e #1 Anticancro Vegetale ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/1-anticancer-vegetable/).

Ho fatto video sul perché il mio hijike (Evitare la carenza di iodio, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/ evitare-carenza-di-iodio-2/) e alghe (troppo iodio può essere tanto cattivo quanto troppo poco, http: //nutritionfacts.org/video/too-much-iodio-can-be-as-bad-as-too-little/) non sono le scelte migliori.

Se preferisci attenerti alle piante terrestri, vedi Prevenire il cancro al seno con qualsiasi verdura necessaria ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/preventing-breast-cancer-by-any-greens-necessary/). E per ulteriori informazioni sull'abbassamento del cancro al seno attraverso la dieta:
• Fibre vs. cancro al seno (
• Esercizio e cancro al seno (
• Cancro al seno contro funghi (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/breast-cancer-vs-mushrooms/)
• Cancro, interrotto: tè verde (http: //nutritionfacts.org/video/cancer-interrupted-green-tea/)
• La risposta al Pritikin Puzzle (
• Inquinanti nel tessuto mammario californiano (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/pollutants- in-californian-breast-tissue/)
• Liberarsi dell'eccesso di estrogeni (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/relieving-y noi stessi-di-eccesso-estrogeni/)
• Semi di lino e prevenzione del cancro al seno (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flaxseeds-breast-cancer-prevention/)
• Broccoli Contro le cellule staminali del cancro al seno ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/broccoli-versus-breast-cancer- staminali-cellule/)
• PhIP: The Three Strikes Breast Cancerogeno (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/phip-the-three-strikes-breast-carcinogen/)
• Cancro al seno e alcol: quanto è sicuro? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/breast-cancer-and-alcohol-what-much -is-safe/)
• Frutta a guscio o arachidi per la prevenzione del cancro al seno? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/tree-nuts-or-peanuts-for- prevenzione del cancro al seno/)

E altro sull'importanza della diversità alimentare nell'Anti-Infiammazione delle Varietà da Giardino (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/garden-variety-anti-inflammation/) , Mele e arance: Diversità alimentare (http: //nutritionfacts.org/video/apples-and-oranges-dietary-diversity/) e Costruire un portfolio cognitivo (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/constructing-a-cognitive-portfolio/).

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/ quale-alga-è-più-protettiva-contro-il-cancro-al-seno/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Emily Barney e jessica wilson {jek in the box} tramite flickr; e Servizio di ricerca agricola, Alice Wiegand e Lyzzy tramite Wikimedia.

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26 Risposte a “Quale alga è più protettiva contro il cancro al seno?”

  1. if you go to a store and buy sea weed, it could be from anywhere. all the sea weed we have access to is testing out contaminated with radiation and other poisons (that's what sea weed does, absorbs all sorts of poison – would you really want to eat that for health?) instead, i'd be recommending chlorella, spirulina and other non-contaminated blue green algaes that have been grown in controlled pristine conditions – with lots of bio-dynamic leafy green veggies and home-grown sprouts on the side.

  2. From my recent research into iodine I have read that it helps regulate female hormones so in my opinion that is the component of the seaweed which is reducing breast cancer rates. The WHO also states that a large portion of the population has low levels. It also seems to have amazing results with removing heavy metals from the body etc

  3. It is going to be tough, and expensive, to eat all this in one day, every day, but I'm up to the challenge. I may have to purchase a lorry.

  4. There is a brand of spirulina that they grown in the deserts of the South West US which I used to love until this particular Youtube channel claimed spirulina was toxic and now I'm afraid of using it because I have no way to judge if he is correct. Too bad it seemed to be improving my complexion.

  5. Nope, more like drawbacks of radiation. The seaweed was always about 50% more radioactive than background (bananas are only a bit more radioactive). Fukushima incident doubled this, now they're nearly 2x background dose. The problematic part is that about 1/5th of this is alpha particles, most of it being in form of radioiodine – tends to mess up thyroid way more than normal iodine.

  6. The tricky part is trying to actually measure the effective dose if eaten, in uSv. I bet it will be quite a bit more damaging than the free air dose suggests.

  7. On the other hand, caesium is also terrible, liable to build into bones and release radiation for years. Plankton has been found to have been heavily contaminated, seaweed could also be.
    Were it not for alpha particles (either caesium or iodine) detected in large amounts, I'd actually blow it off, unless you're subsisting on a diet of mostly seaweed.

  8. Annie Chun's Roasted Seaweed snack is sold at target. Sesame and Wasabi Flavor. I don't like seaweed but manage to eat the sesame ones. They do have salt. You can get seaweed and dulse on amazon, as well.

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