Le arterie dei vegani contro i corridori

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DESCRIZIONE: Le arterie carotidi di coloro che seguono diete a base vegetale appaiono più sane anche di quelle slim (atleti di resistenza di lunga distanza che hanno corso una media di 50,000 miglia).

Ho detto inversione delle malattie cardiache? Se non sapevi che esisteva un modo per curare le malattie cardiache senza farti aprire il petto, allora il mio blog Heart Disease: There Is a Cure (http://nutritionfacts.org/ 380/000/000/heart-disease-c'è-una-cura) è un buon punto di partenza.<br/>
Maggiori informazioni sui rischi da radiazioni associati alle procedure diagnostiche in Cancer Risk From CT Scan Radiation (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/cancer-risk-from-ct-scan-radiation /) e I raggi X dentali causano tumori al cervello? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-dental-x-rays-cause-brain-tumors/).

Lo spessore della parete dell'arteria carotide è quello che è stato misurato nello studio che ho profilato in Eggs vs. Cigarettes in Atherosclerosis (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-vs-cigarettes-in-aterosclerosi/).

Un altro confronto tra atleti e mangiatori di piante può essere trovato in È la dieta, l'esercizio o entrambi? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-it-the-diet-the-exercise-or-both/) Confronta le capacità di lotta contro il cancro con un risultato simile. Guarda il video “prequel”, quindi sai di quale test stanno parlando: Ex Vivo Cancer Proliferation Bioassay ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video /è-la-dieta-l-esercizio-o-entrambi/). Per la perdita di peso la dieta fornisce anche un maggiore controllo: dieta vs esercizio per la perdita di peso ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/diet-or-exercise-whats -più-importante-per-perdere-peso/).

Niente di tutto ciò serve a screditare l'esercizio, che è fondamentale per una serie di importanti ragioni, l'immunità (Preserving Immune Function in Athletes With Nutritional Yeast, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/preserving- funzione immunitaria-negli-atleti-con-lievito-nutrizionale/), salute del seno (esercizio fisico e cancro al seno, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/exercise-breast-cancer/) e protezione del cervello (Reversing Cognitive Decline, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/reversing-cognitive-decline/). Quindi dieta ed esercizio fisico, non o esercizio. La mia attività fisica deriva dal camminare mentre lavoro: Stand Up for Your Health (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/standing-up- per la tua salute/).
Non tutti gli studi hanno mostrato che i vegani hanno una forma e una funzione arteriosa superiori. Scopri perché nel mio prossimo video Vitamina B000 Necessaria per la Salute Arteriosa (

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/arteries-of-vegans-vs-runners/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Crediti immagine: Coolmikeol, Nukamari, Lisaclarke, Marcos Vasconcelos Photography, distrazione di massa e Rob Swatski tramite flickr; Christina Lohmeyer e Sasa Ilic (SUNBEAM VISION OHG) tramite Wikimedia; e bb4life_911 tramite Photobucket.

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61 Risposte a “Le arterie dei vegani contro i corridori”

  1. I am almost a vegan, except for the fact I eat 1 egg of my pet chickens once every 2 months.
    My bmi has been 19 for years and years.

  2. in some places in this world, some people rely heavily in meat,..animal protein of all kinds almost every day in the desert. the outlive most of vegans. I think it mostly depend on active life style as opposed to couch-potatoes…

  3. Another great video – love the actual science used to prove the point. Exercise is a great thing, but obviously exercise when combined with a plant based diet is better.

  4. Thank you once again!
    I'm still wondering about what O'Keefe suggests regarding Micah True's sudden death. The debate here at my house centers on "It Was His Extreme Exercise" vs "No! What Was He Eating?!". I'm partial to the latter since I like to ramp up my heart rate (usually no more than 1 hour biking & 30 min walk/jog 5k training).
    So, what really killed Mr. True?
    And; are there studies comparing SAD & vegan extreme athletes?

  5. Must be nice to be a woman. It's so easy to get skinny as a rail by doing nothing other than not eating. On the other hand, a guy needs to be muscular to look good. Unfortunately a low protein diet doesn't work with body building.

  6. these werent just any vegans.. they were 'low calorie, low protein vegans'.. meaning most of their diet probably came from whole plant based foods.  THE QUALITY of the food is more important than 'being vegan'. A vegan could eat french fries, potato chips, skittles, and soda for their diet. This vegan wouldnt be any healthier than a person on the standard American diet. The introduction of numerous processed and refined food products marketed to vegans by the food industry will only continue the obesity and illnesses caused by poor diet.   The key is to eat minimally processed whole foods (ex. boiled rice) and to avoid packaged, refined,and processed food products (ex. rice krispies treat).

  7. Great vid. Though I don't agree with the "..it may be easier to just eat plants" in our today's society. In the end, you can't live healthy with only one – food OR exercise. In the long run, you have to optimize both! 

  8. If, in animal derived food, I take only 1 cup of yogurt per day, how much closer am I to vegan food?  This video shows a bar chart comparing vegan, meat-eating heavy runners, and average meat-eaters. Where will my 1 cup of yogurt/day put me (very roughly)? Can anyone knowledgeable please tell me.

  9. The study compares long term, low calorie, low protein vegan diets with runners and non runners on a standard American diet. For this to be meaningful I would need to know what the study means by low calorie? So what was considered low calorie? Are all vegan's considered low calorie because they eat fruits and vegetables that are not as nutrient dense as many of the  American foods? If not then what is the difference between a low calorie vegan and a non low calorie vegan?

  10. I want to go vegan.. I am very close to it. I am in transition. I have cut out red meats and next will be chicken and than fish.

  11. Incredible information Dr. Gregor. Thank you for this treasure trove of evidence-based data to assist us in reaching our peak fitness & wellness goals. Keep up the great work!

  12. How about including people who adhere to a non-vegan healthy diet and who are couch potatoes, as well as people who adhere to a non-vegan healthy diet and are active, regular exercisers? All this study shows is that being a sedentary vegan is probably better than being a sedentary fatso who eats a bunch of garbage, and maybe better than being a long distance runner who eats a lot of garbage. But the use of long distance runners in this study is itself questionable, as recent findings show that long distance running is detrimental to your heart health and can increase the rate of aging.

  13. vegans have the exact same level of CVD events as non-vegans, in fact, some studies suggest its higher. Why, because vegans appear to get colds, flus and other type of inflamation infections at a greater rate, and inflamation is perhaps the most significant driver of CVD.

    The immune system is central to the health and functionality of the CV system, and vegans, have in genereal an immune system that performs poorly, becuase their diet, lacks critical vitamins and fats that are essential for heart health.

  14. This is a study where only 21 vegans were compared to 21 from the other categories. So very limited proof.

  15. I have a couple of questions. How long had they been vegan? And what would someone like myself expect as a cyclist, vegetarian for over twenty years and vegan for 3?

  16. I have repeatedly told people, you cannot outrun clogged arteries. I know many avid runners (who are not vegan) who suffered heart attacks. Many while running…

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