Quali sono le cause del diabete?

Il grasso saturo può essere tossico per le cellule beta produttrici di insulina nel pancreas, spiegando perché il consumo di grasso animale può compromettere la secrezione di insulina, non solo sensibilità all'insulina.

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Questa è una puntata della mia serie di video intermittenti durata un anno sulla complessità dello sviluppo del diabete. Ecco i primi quattro con molti altri in arrivo:
• Quali sono le cause dell'insulino-resistenza? (http://nutritionfacts.org/what-causes-insulin-resistance)
• L'effetto spillover Collega l'obesità al diabete (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-spillover-effect-links-obesity-to-diabetes)<br/> • Lipotossicità: come i grassi saturi aumentano la glicemia (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/lipotossicità-how-saturo-grassi- solleva-glicemia)
• Il diabete come malattia della tossicità dei grassi (http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/Diabetes-as-a-Disease-of-Fat-Toxicity)

Separato dal è ciò che possiamo effettivamente fare per prevenirlo:
• Eggs and Diabetes (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs -e-diabete/)
• Pesce e diabete (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/fish-and-diabetes/)
• Prevenire il prediabete mangiando di più (http://www.nutritionfacts.org/video/preventing-prediabetes-by-eating-more/)
• La medicina dello stile di vita è lo standard di cura per il prediabete (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/lifestyle-medicine-is-the-standard-of-care-for-prediabetes/)
• Come prevenire la trasformazione del prediabete in diabete (
• Come prevenire il prediabete nei bambini (http://www. Nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-prevent-prediabetes-in-children)

E trattandolo:
• I diabetici dovrebbero prendere i loro impulsi (http://www.nutritionfacts.org/video/diabetics-should- prendi i loro impulsi/)
• Semi di lino vs. Diabete (
• Aggiornamento sulla cannella per il controllo della glicemia (

100 Risposte a “Quali sono le cause del diabete?”

  1. Fraud plain and simple. My look at REAL research shows low carb and eating natural fats–including saturated fats from natural sources is the best avenue for the majority of people. Some do great on your approach; key words: some and m
    ajority. Not sure where you pulled that ONE study from. Your ass maybe.? Get some more scientific studies and then you may have a VERY small victory.. The real problem is overcooking our food and charring our food, meats and vegetables. Get with the program dude, You and the vegan cultists are sooooooo behind the real science. Time for you to dive into to research that is real grasshopper and not research that backs your false claims. Suggestion for further study: Glycation also intermittent fasting.

  2. Beta cells is responsive to glucose in the blood. It is funny how this crazy vegan thinks, that dietary fat has any effect on beta cells.

  3. This is just so spined and so far from reality, that I can't even think, how this guy is not charged for further causing obesity epidemic with his religious vegan misinterpretation.

  4. So if the beta cells are destroyed and they can not regenerate then what's the use? The time to cash in is imminent. Bummer, most things offer some measure of hope. HOW NOT TO DIE just told me I'm as good as dead!

  5. Don't eat high amounts of sugar and fat at the same time. Why do vegans think there is only one way to accomplish this? I oxidize saturated fat all the time, like right now because I am fasting. Is your own fat a deadly toxin. Make me laugh some more.

  6. 0:50 So EVERY saturated fat is palmitate ? Because you just made it seem like it was . If people would just report honestly , then the diet debates wouldn't go on forever .

    C6 Caproic acid
    C8 Caprylic acid
    C10 Capric acid
    C12 Lauric acid
    C14 Myristic acid
    C16 Palmitic acid
    C18 Stearic acid
    C18:1 Oleic acid
    C18:2 Linoleic acid
    C18:3 Linolenic acid

  7. In India, I've seen countless cases of vegans and vegetarians with T2D. Avoiding animal fats is just part of the equation. Using and heating artificially extracted cooking oils (even cold-pressed), sedentary lifestyle and inadequate sun exposure are just as important co-factors.

  8. So long story short: fatty foods reduces the levels of beta cells which is responsible for secreting insulin resulting diabetes.

  9. Elevated blood lipids is caused by a high carb low fat diet.

    A ketogenic diet rich in saturates lower blood lipid levels because…you're burning them for energy? This video is very poor in it's solid scientific backing imho

  10. Im not sure but ,if anyone else wants to uncover best diet to avoid diabetes try Natural Remedy Tactic (do a search on google ) ? Ive heard some awesome things about it and my partner got cool results with it.

  11. Physicians are responsible for 'knowing' current medical knowledge. Its time to Sue doctors that tell you to eat a diet that creates THEM a long term patient by destroying your health.

  12. When is fat bad? When triglyceride levels in the blood are chronically high. It's like glucose. When is glucose bad? When glucose levels in the blood are chronically high. You don't complain about glucose levels going up after a meal, but for some reason when triglycerides levels go up after eating it's the end of the world.

    But in a healthy person, triglyceride levels are down again within 4 to 6 hours after eating, just like glucose levels.

    Chronically high triglyceride levels however are another story, just like chronically high glucose levels. That is bad.

    Now I wonder what would cause chronically high triglyceride levels?

    Chronically high glucose levels are caused by the cells refusing to take up glucose. Basically they're saying: too much, I have enough. Is the same thing true for triglycerides? Do the cells simply refuse them because they had enough? Or maybe it's both? Once the cell is full of glycogen, it start to refuse both glucose and triglycerides?

    Adding everything up the condition of type 2 diabetes really is a condition of having too much energy stored in the blood and it can't go anywhere, so it stays in the blood. The triglycerides do make it to the fatcells eventually, but the glucose levels take much longer to drop.

    In this situation, the resulting insulin resistance causes the cells to not be able to fill their glycogen stores fast enough, so they start signaling that they're in need for nutrition. So people start eating again sooner, ending up eating or drinking something with sugar.

    Now, in this whole story I don't see how fat alone is the cause of insulin resistance. Neither do I see how glucose alone causes insulin resistance. There is something about the 2 of them together causing insulin resistance. But even then, that only really happens when you overeat every day. And the chance of overeating is more likely the more processed foods you eat and the less healthy food (vegetables specifically).

    This explains why extremes work so good in solving insulin resistance (provided you also remove processed food)…. These 2 extremes are high carb low fat and low carb high fat. In both these diets people lose weight and reduce insulin resistance.


    Because they both reduce the amount of energy stored in the blood. Both basically reduce one of the 2 macro energy nutrients, cutting the amount of energy stored in the blood in half to a level where the cells are able to clear the blood from excess energy without any problems, reducing the need for insulin resistance.

    It's not the source of energy that causes insulin resistance, it"s forcing too much energy into the blood that causes insulin resistance.

  13. Lol, this is hilarious, it is a joke right? This bloke has replaced glucose for saturated fat for some sort of satirical joke…

  14. Absolutley wrong!! The fatty folks you actually see walking around with diabetes is NOT due to them eating saturated fat. That is probably a very low portion of their diets. It is fake boxed processed foods, cheap fake fast food, potato chips crap, TOO much protein from TOO much meat and SUGAR, SUGAR and more SUGAR. Those diabetics are not eating coconut oil, olive oil, avacados, nuts, seeds, etc. They ARE eating foods that constantly wearing out their pancreas by raising their insulin levels nonstop. Here's a little nugget of new information for you….Saturated fats DO NOT raise insulin hardly at all IF any. It is the SUGAR and fake crap that diabetics eat. It is not from eating good whole foods including saturated fat.

  15. I've been diabetic for about 20 years following a low fat, moderate carb diet with very little success, taking my medication as instructed by my doctor until one day I opened up to fat because it was the last thing that needed to be done. I can't be any happier. Fat is bad when you combine it with lots of carbs. But when you consume only the carbs provided by the vegetables with high amounts of fat the results are phenomenal. Fat does not cause insulin resistance, it's the high carbs. You got it all wrong. By the way my diabetes is almost gone. I feel highly energetic too. I'm appalled how you distribute this information without testing it personally. I know a doctor who cured his diabetes with a high fat low carbs diet xD. Incredible.

  16. Exploring “Vαnοjο Fivu” (Google it) will help you to recover from diabetes and acquire a healthy lifestyle. For a time frame of 1 ½ months, my hubby has been a keen follower of the program. He has been reliant to insulin for 5 years in his 6 year long struggle against type 2 diabetes. Considering that reading through this program and also sticking to the plan he is eating better everyday & everyday…

  17. High cal diet with high saturated fat consumption… fair enough. How about low cal diet's high in saturated fats?? Or high fat diets with little to no carb intake?

  18. A lot of this is just theory. For example other research shows the role of excess fat and carbs – Besides genetic influence, it is generally accepted that environmental factors are the main cause for the rapidly increasing worldwide prevalence of type 2 diabetes. Lifestyle and hypercaloric diets rich in large amounts of carbohydrate and saturated fats are known risk factors.
    Elevated glucose and increased FFA have been shown to trigger pancreatic beta cell loss and dysfunction in type 2 diabetes [1], and increasing evidences demonstrate that long-term exposure to high glucose or FFA generates peripheral insulin resistance, both in vivo and in vitro resulting in pancreatic stress and increased susceptibility to beta cell apoptosis and, as a consequence, suppression of insulin secretion [2]. Although the overall picture is known, the detailed mechanisms underlying these effects are only partially understood.

  19. How do infants survive when their diets are high in saturated fat (from mother's milk)?
    An when a person is on a extended fast, isn't he burning saturated fat, and doesn't fasting prevent/reduce/reverse diabetes?

  20. US FDA is also in bed with pharma. Antibiotic-resistant alien bacteria from livestock are already gestating in the guts of most human beings causes diabetes and more. Help us Ripley.

  21. When it comes to information about overall health as well as diabetic issues therapy, I find this “Vαnοjο Fivu” (Google it) easy to follow and incredibly good. Aside from being simple to follow, this diet plan as well as lifestyle transformation will not stress you about carb or calorie tracking! My transition to a healthier life style has not only helped me lose fat but also overcome diabetic issues and also hypertension! The guide can really help you cure diabetic issues..

  22. If you want to eliminate diabetes and want to switch to a more healthy way of life, then you can count on this “Vαnοjο Fivu” (Google it). The manual have taught me regarding how cells are not able to feed on glucose because of fat. ”Vαnοjο Fivu” (Search Google) has helped me cure diabetes and avoid its serious and also fatal effects..

  23. What about processed vs unprocessed fats? ie. toxic fats verses healthy fats ie. canola vs coconut oil

  24. Here's the million dollar question Dr Gregor : where they eating only fatty food or what else were the subjects eating? Because I am doing Keto and my long term friend Diabetes type 2 is reversing gradually. I've been doing this over a year. Cholesterol, sugar is fine says my doctor. See I practice what I preach, you don't from what I see. What a waste of mind unfortunately.

  25. This actually provides evidence that once your B-cells are destroyed you shouldn't be following a high carb diet, because you lack the B-cells to make enough insulin and they won't regrow. This shows that the daily dozen is going to kill you, because most of us spend the first 20 years of our lives eating shitloads of saturated fat and sugar, which kills of our B-cells. Following this up by a high carb diet like the daily dozen is a recipe for premature death. We aren't a bunch of afrikans growing up with healthy foods… What works for them doesn't work for us anymore.

  26. This “Vαnοjο Fivu” (Google it) can assist you get a healthier life-style and become free of diabetes at the same time. As I`ve see clearly, I discovered how fat impedes cells from feeding on glucose. ”Vαnοjο Fivu” (Search Google) has helped me cure diabetic issues and avoid its serious and even deadly effects..

  27. I discussed “Vαnοjο Fivu” (Google it) to Type 2 diabetes sufferers. One of them was able to decrease his HA1c to 5.9 and won in treating his diabetes. The health of the other person has significantly improved. His fasting blood glucose was decrease to 110mg/dL and he is no longer susceptible to heart trauma, losing his arms or legs, as well as eye impairment and neuropathy..

  28. What about saturated fats from coconut oil/milk/shredded coconut, etc? Are they the long enough saturated fats that contribute to beta cell death? Or are they predominantly short or medium enough fatty acids, like lauric acid, that don’t cause this? Still love my coconut products, but are they slightly worse than avocados and nuts and seeds, but better than longer saturated fatty acids like stearic, palmitic, etc. from animal fats? In other words, where do coconut products fall on the spectrum?

  29. the biggest nonsense i ever heard . refined sugar, fructose which is toxic to the liver, and excess carbs(be it good or bad carbs they all cause an insulin response) cause diabetes , there are so MANY ERRORS IN THIS VIDEO , IT WOULD TAKE ME 2 HOURS TO EXPLAIN

  30. So when a very fat person tries to lose weight, could they be doing worse for their bodies and killing off the beta cells just from their own body fat? Then – at some point people have just fractions of their beta cells .. how are they supposed to eat? If they eat vegan, normally, would they still have problems with sugar in the blood, and if fat toxicity causes t2d … how can you get the fat out of your cells? There is a lot here unexplanined … which is typical of you vegan guys and it turns people away when they think about it or ask question and don't get answers.

  31. Prof. Roy Taylor of Newcastle university who recently conducted a research study into diabetes reversal doesn't mention this in any material I've come across. For him it'll all about storage being impeded by fat deposits which can be acquired through excess consumption of FOOD of any variety – even alcohol.

  32. Dr. Greger conveniently left out that these study participants were NOT on a low carb diet while consuming all of this saturated fat.

  33. You are delutional. Wonder if you had any idea about what you talking about. I had crazy fatty liver – prediabetes and low carb high protein high sarturated fat diet for 6 month help me shred 95% fat of liver. Be careful about what you think you know.

  34. Sad to think the kill rain forests to farm palms for palm oil… the worst type of oil to put it in our foods that really didn’t need it like retried beans peanut butter etc

  35. I wish all you doctors would lock yourselves in a room and not come out until you reach a consensus about what causes diabetes, is it high carbs or high fat? make up your minds! You tube videos on experts on both senarios…who is a laymen supposed to believe.

  36. So after trying a vegan diet, a keto diet and a carnivore diet, I can conclude that one specific diet may not be the answer at least for me. Yes, I need some meat, fish etc; but I believe it is what Dr. Gregor is saying because I ate today a low carb (4gr minus 3g fiber) bread, 2 slices toasted with butter, salami and cheese. A short while after I felt my heart rate go up slightly, some mild perspiration and I could feel my blood sugar spike. I still took my Metformin, but it was clearly obvious that I had forced way too much fat into my body and as a result my body spoke to me. On the contrary, last night (and I’m a former Chef) I made no fat chicken curry with organic coconut milk, curry, turmeric, cumin, smoked paprika with bell peppers, onions, garlic, and ginger and after an hour and a half, my blood sugar was 6.3 which is excellent. If I go below 6.0 or some people measure 60, my sugars are too low and I feel irritable etc.

  37. ese estudio no menciona el efecto de los carbohidratos sobre la insulina, eso me hace pensar que fue financiado por la industria alimenticia (¬__¬) 👎👎👎👎👎

  38. Great video, but it made me wonder. How come someone on low carb high fat manages to cure diabetes when they do exactly the opposite of what is recommended here? Maybe we just don't know enough

  39. In my case, I can confirm that a high-fat diet significantly worsens my health, produces insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. But not only with animal fat, but with fat in general, this is also with fat from nuts and oily fish.

    In short, my diet is fundamentally vegetarian, low in fat and low in carbohydrates, based on vegetables. Of animal origin I only eat a soft-boiled egg occasionally. I also avoid all foods high in sugar, and for now also cereals, legumes and potatoes.

    In my experience, after many years of illness and trying changes in my diet, this is the healthiest diet, low in fat and low in carbohydrates, based mainly on vegetables.

  40. Im diabetic and I've been taking supplements, minerals, b complex, omega 3, vit d and a multivitamin. My pee used to be as sugary as a coke, now its barely there

  41. I will honestly say that #drosaye has done a lot of good with his knowledge and skill for herbs
    I’m in particularly greatful that even after being cured from using his diabetes medicine,that all the people I recommend to him also gave good news
    You’re really a God sent and I appreciate you..

  42. Wurde Ihnen gesagt, dass Herpes nicht heilbar ist? Ist eine große Lüge, weil ich über mehrere Ärzte gesprochen habe, bis ich auf youtube auf einen Kommentar über diesen Kräuterarzt gestoßen bin, der HSV1/2 mit seinem Medikament heilt, und ich beschloss, es zu versuchen, und siehe da, ich wurde krank mit seinen geheilten Kräutern und Er hat mich auch von Diabetes Typ 1 & 2 geheilt, im Moment kann ich mutig sagen, dass ich gesund und okay bin.
    Daher empfehle ich Dr. Ehizojie jedem, der heute gesundheitliche Probleme hat….
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