I vantaggi della restrizione calorica per la longevità

Sebbene sia una rovina per chi è a dieta, un metabolismo più lento potrebbe effettivamente essere una buona cosa.

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Questo fa parte della mia serie di video sulla restrizione calorica, il digiuno intermittente e il mangiare a tempo limitato. Il prossimo è Potential Pitfalls of Calorie Restriction (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/potential-pitfalls-of-calorie-restriction) .

Il resto in uscita nei prossimi mesi sono:
• I benefici del digiuno per la perdita di peso messi alla prova (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/benefits-of-fasting-for-weight-loss-put-to-the-test)<br/> • Il digiuno fa dimagrire? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-fasting-beneficial-for-weight-loss)
• Il digiuno per dimagrire è sicuro? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-fasting-for-weight-loss-safe)
• Il digiuno intermittente a giorni alterni messo alla prova (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/Alternate-Day-Intermittent-Fasting-Put -to-the-Test)
• Il digiuno intermittente a giorni alterni è sicuro? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-alternate-day-intermittent-fasting-safe)
• Il digiuno intermittente aumenta l'aspettativa di vita umana? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-intermittent-fasting-increase-human-life-expectancy)
• La dieta 5:2 e la dieta che imita il digiuno messe alla prova (https://nutritionfacts .org/video/the-5-2-diet-and-the-fasting-mimicking-diet-put-to-test)
• Mangiare a tempo limitato messo alla prova (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/time-restricted-eating-put-to-the- test)
• I vantaggi di mangiare a orari limitati ( https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-benefits-of-early-time-restricted-eating)

Se non vuoi aspettare puoi guardarli tutti ora su un download digitale (https://drgreger.org/collections/ download/prodotti/digiuno-dimagrimento-digitale).

Se lo stai guardando il giorno in cui uscirà, ci sono ancora due giorni per registrarmi al mio terzo e ultimo webinar sul digiuno, Digiuno e Cancro, qui (https://nutritionfacts.org/webinar/fasting-cancer/).

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-benefits-of-calorie-restriction- for-longevity e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

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88 Risposte a “I vantaggi della restrizione calorica per la longevità”

  1. fasting is a great way to restrict your calorie,but fasting all the time is unhealthy. The 5-2 day is great,fast for 5 days ( omad,not water fast ) and then 2 days eat normal.

  2. It takes some of the constant work off of the digestive system and that energy can be more readily available to assist other organs in the body. That’s why fasting sometimes can heal ailments.

  3. It’s easy to CR 25% of your daily calories FOR ME.. Eat a large salad bowl with fruit before eating your main entree and the fiber will slow down your overeating. Fast on Tuesday/Thursday and vegan cheat on ONE day of the week . Make sure you eat your beans especially Lentils and Chickpeas for lunch or dinner. So easy and super cheap.
    Another trick (for me)is eating SLOWLY and enjoying every spoon or forkful and let your stomach tell you when you’re done.

  4. Thanks for the video. Dr Nun Sava Siva Amen Ra is in the process of mastering the caloric restriction, cyclic fasting, anti aging lifestyle, and is writing an evolving encyclopedia on the subject. It seems he's ahead of the game because he's been practicing it for over 20 years.

  5. Some of us ladies have been on a "diet" almost our entire lives in order to stay slim. Suppose that will extend our lives as you don't see very obese people after middle age.

  6. But aren't vegans supposed to eat as many calories as needed? Isn't restriction on a vegan diet what makes people feel horrible and get deficiencies? Im confused here.

  7. Intermittent fasting works – don't eat after dinner and have a late breakfast. 16 / 8 works great.
    It reduces calories by stopping mindless snacking in the evening.

  8. With a WFPD, and eating the DD, I worry not a whit about calories. I’m a lean, mean, walking machine. Walked the 485-mile Colorado Trail this summer, age 72, feeling very fortunate to hang out with the movers and doers of the world, most in their 20s and 30s. As always, thank you Dr. Greger for your information, inspiration, and leadership.

  9. I am SO looking forward to Dr. Greger's " How not to Diet" I've been a vegan for three years and I have to admit, the last 10 pounds has been really really difficult for me to shed. Hopefully I get help through his new coming out book. But I also have to admit, I really don't know how to healthfully do this: I am a whole food plant based puritan….still I have those extra 10 pounds. I have recently added a lot of exercise – and I have great hopes that this will help me.

  10. You just need to slowly decrease the amount of cal… eating one bite less every single day….the result will come faster then you think…
    Or just try less sugar (maybe 1/6 of a teaspoon) in your coffee every day…
    Huge results after 3 months

  11. This might be slightly off topic, but I have MS and have found that eating small meals and restricting actually make my feel so much better during the day. I end up being less symptomatic and more energenic. Maybe this had something to do with how the body reacts to calorie restriction.

  12. This is just false, you want to eat as much food as you can. The more you eat the bigger you get! Not only do you get bigger but your lifespan gets bigger as well

  13. The trouble with calorie restriction is that you tend to feel a lot more lethargic. So you may live longer but you won't feel as good. Best not to calorie restrict and do exercise, that way you'll have energy and feel good. Although you may die sooner 🤷‍♂️

  14. I am 31 and I am vegan for almost 11 years. I have tried to gain weight since… ever! So, I always try to eat as much as I can, but I don't have any success in gaining weight. And each time I hear that calorie restriction is beneficial for longevity, I get jealous of all the other girls. Meanwhile, they are jealous of me because I'm a freak of nature who can eat anything, anytime, and a lot.

  15. Were the participants eating the standard American diet? If so reduced oxidative stress may just be because of reduced junk food intake. Would love to see a study like this done on wfpb eaters.

  16. holy crap this is the golden information we've been waiting for!! can't wait for the IF videos, I know they are coming, I believe with all my vegan heart!!!

  17. I've always wondered whether the calorie restriction = longevity argument is a reason to be cautions with exercising too much, especially since oxidative stress (also caused by exercise) seems to be a causal factor.

  18. I wish I could do this. I know its ridiculous how much I eat. I only eat whole food plant based but can still manage to keep an extra 20-25 lbs of unnecessary weight on me. It might be all the dates with nut butters smeared on them or just the fact that I always have a meal or two a day, in which I get overly full. I guess it food addiction as I had heard that we also produce dopamine from getting a full feeling in the stomach.

  19. Benefits of Calorie restriction for longevity can be easily mimicked by reducing inflammatory amino acids (methionine, cystine, etc) or "balancing them out" and by reduced endotoxin level.

  20. Here's my thing: I eat when I'm hungry. Not when I want to eat, not when my stomach is empty, but when I'm hungry. It goes like this: I eat a bunch of calories in the morning, the majority of my day's worth. Then I go to work. I don't stop working (or running errands or what have you) until I feel this driving force in my belly that interrupts my focus and says (via a feeling) something like 'Ooh, hey there man, it's time to eat. Whatever this is, isn't as important as food anymore.' This feeling will naturally go away and fade to comfortability if I allow it, and I can take my fast pretty deeply depending on how excellent my health is at the time or how far I would like to take it. For the sake of normal circumstances, when I feel that compelling sort of gnawing ache in the stomach that drives me to decide to eat, I go ahead and prepare more food. I try not to snack or add calories in between meals in order to cleanse the system and keep it fresh (try it). When I feel tiny hunger urges that aren't very compelling, I acknowledge them and move on. My body will interrupt me if I'm truly hungry for a meal. This is based on synthesis of all information I've come across thusfar, much of it in alignment with yoga/ayurveda.

  21. Fasting is what creates longevity in the body and kills cancer cells the same time not calorie restriction especially for a vegan diet.

  22. studies say that the vegan diet is deficient in a handful of nutrients.. im pretty sure thats enough restriction.. if people want to loose weight they should eat more fruit and less of everything else, i was getting thin on a fruitarian diet, now that im eating normal again im putting on some weight, must be the coconuts, love my coconuts, ay fhuuck you main

  23. But we’re they healthier just because the food they were eating was unhealthy and so the less the better? What if they were on a near perfect diet vs the same diet but restricted calories? This seems unfinished.

  24. So not being over weight is good for your health but restricting calories when you are slim and healthy is bad. Groundbreaking stuff. 😂

  25. Hello doctor and greetings from Bulgaria
    You are the only doctors I’ve ever trusted and followed. Unfortunately I’m still a vegetarian but a lot less dairy consumption (mainly goat products) and I love the different topics that you present to us.
    But would you please do a video about vaccinations 💉, because I’m so confused with everything around social media these days..
    Please help me with some real evidence for what I should do when I become a mother one day.

    Thanks a lot!

  26. But how many of the benefits of caloric restriction are just due to the benefits of eating less junk? If most of what people eat is bad for them, then it seems that eating less is a good thing. But if you eat nothing but healthy food, would it really be beneficial to restrict calories as opposed to maximizing nutrient intake?

  27. Woooooooo!!!

    Soooooo today was the day people. Today was the day!!

    6 months I been on keto. Drank wine and had a few cheat days but not many.

    I have lost more than 50lbs. 10 inches off my waist. 2 shirt sizes. Went from 38% to 19% bodyfat and dropping. It's been life changing.

    But everyone talks smack and says wait till you get your bloodwork after eating bacon and eggs for 6 months. I ate other things but that is usually the insult thrown at me by the ignorant.


    Doctor called me today. Had a complete panel done.

    My LDL, cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, blood pressure, organ function, and vitamin and mineral levels were all excellent not even normal. Excellent.

    She said I could add a little more folic acid to my diet was her only comment. Rest was excellent.

    Loosing 50lbs is 1 thing but the proof for me was going to be what my bloodwork was like 6 months later after eating a high fat high cholesterol diet.

    Ans, excellent. Actually better levels now than when I was a vegan and I am 50lbs lighter as a bonus.

    Now I have the concrete data to show my insides are as healthy as my outside 6 months into keto.

    Life changing back by data.

  28. ⭐️ I started eating a good salad before I ordered any fast food or ate processed food. Slowly, I reduced the size of those meals and became hungrier for veggies and fruit over the course of 4 weeks. Now I'm actually cooking 2 to 3 times per day instead of 0 or 1 and I'm craving the veggies! Soda is tough, but I'm reducing it the best I can. Sugar in my coffee is next. Gotta find a nice flavored drink I like (I'm a drink lover) that is wfpb like most of what I eat now 🙂 All I know is over the course of this past month I've become happier, more energetic, I have less inflammation, my focus and memory are better, and I can breathe better. I don't even want much of the processed stuff now but even when I do I can have a little. But, binge eating is something I gotta watch out for so I do try to keep that stuff out of the house and just binge on my huge salads LOL!

  29. I am very surprised you cited the conscientious objector study. I thought there was a generally accepted convention against using data from unethical research.

  30. Lets say calorie restriction and emulating dr Gregers lifestyle and example leads to a longer life. The question is if living like that is worth it in order to squeeze out some extra years as a senior? Personally I work out a ton, row 6 times a week and lift weights 4 times a week, a high level amateur. I eat like a horse, 4000+ calories per day. I enjoy being very fit and strong, I enjoy pushing my own limits and the mental and physical battles that comes with it. If I die at say age 75 instead of 85 why does it matter( unlikely 10 years would be shaved off but lets go for an extreme example)? Do people really have this death fear?

    Can add I'm almost 40 years old so it's not like I'm some kid without any foresight. I take quality of life over lifespan any day of the week.

    Also of course quality of life doesn't have to mean you focus your life around working out and being fit. Could be you are a person who likes to indulge in food. Being a bit overweight doesn't bother you and you would be unhappy if you had to feel like you were on a diet. Why would you change? ( edit: obviously if we are talking about being very overweight, obese, it's a different matter)

    There are no guarantees in life. Could be someone drops a piano on your head tomorrow and you take your last breath. The best alternative is to live life the way that makes you the most happy and feel the best.

  31. My feeling is that you don't need to calorie restrict if you are on a wholefoods plant based diet. Why would you restrict the healthiest food in the world? I am happy to be proven otherwise!

  32. thx for the video 🙂 I would also add that 'calorie restriction' for people is much more complex than simply eating less calories and thus changing biological processes in human body. When you start CR, you change your life-style and this can be also important factor. For example, if CR makes you feel more in power of your life, it helps, but if you strugle with it, it can cause stress and thus 'not help'. You might also change the ways you eat, you act between meals, you think (you might start thinking more about food, staying healthy, etc.), when you get up, go to sleep, etc., because it can all be corellated. Ergo, I think we can't be sure yet that CR itself will help everyone, every time, but it's definitely interesting and promising for longevity 🙂

  33. Fasting, low carbs and good Vit. D levels. Non of that jogging nonsense, just a gentle walk. Resting heart rate down to 54 from 74. All mammals get the same number of heart beats in a lifetime. Lower heart rate = slower metabolism = longer life.

  34. How longer are you really going to live? Have you seen people doing extreme calorie restriction, they licks sickly

  35. I do not like the idea of calorie restriction. Clive Maine McCay tried it, thinking it was his golden ticket to his 130s. Disregarding his trim frame and his biggest efforts to age 130, no matter how hard he tried with his athletic skills, he suffered two fatal strokes and died at age 69 on June 8, 1967.

  36. BMI vs. mortality data shows that a BMI below a certain point increases your mortality risk. How does that square with the calorie restriction evidence? Is the BMI data confounded by people who are underweight due to illness?

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