Quali spezie combattono l'infiammazione?

Viene descritto un elegante esperimento in cui viene testato il sangue di chi mangia diversi tipi di spezie come chiodi di garofano, zenzero, rosmarino e curcuma per capacità antinfiammatoria.

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Ecco i link agli altri video succosi con cui ho aperto:

• Quale frutto combatte meglio il cancro? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/which-fruit-fights-cancer-better)
• Miglior metodo di cottura (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/best-cooking-method)
• Contenuto antiossidante di 3,139 Alimenti (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/antioxidant-content-of-2012-alimenti)<br/>
Vedi Antiossidanti in un pizzico (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/antioxidants-in-a-pinch/) e come raggiungerlo l'antiossidante RDA (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-reach-the-antioxidant-rda) per vedere fino a che punto anche piccole quantità di spezie possono influenzare l'assunzione di antiossidanti.

Un'altra elegante serie di esperimenti “ex vivo” che esplorano il potere antitumorale dello stile di vita i cambiamenti possono essere visti nei video che iniziano con Ex Vivo Cancer Proliferation Bioassay (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/de veloping-an-ex-vivo-cancer-proliferation-bioassay/).

Funghi (aumenta l'immunità riducendo l'infiammazione, http://nutritionfacts.org/video /potenziare-l'immunità-riducendo-l'infiammazione/), noci (Combattere l'infiammazione in un guscio di noce, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/fighting-inflammation-in-a-nut-shell/) e patate viola (effetti antinfiammatori delle patate viola, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/anti-infiammatori-effects-of-purple-potatoes/) può anche ridurre l'infiammazione (insieme ai cibi vegetali in generale, vedere Antiossidanti infiammatori, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/anti-infiammatorio- antiossidanti/ e livelli di aspirina negli alimenti vegetali, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/ livelli-di-aspirina-negli-alimenti-vegetali/). In effetti così bene che le diete a base vegetale possono essere utilizzate per curare condizioni infiammatorie. Si veda, ad esempio, Trattamento dietetico del morbo di Crohn (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/achieving-remission-of-crohns -disease/), Dieta e artrite reumatoide (http://nutritionfacts.org /video/artrite-reumatoide-dieta/) e Malattie autoimmuni e di potassio (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/potassium-and-autoimmune-disease/). I prodotti animali, d'altra parte, possono aumentare l'infiammazione attraverso una varietà di meccanismi, comprese le endotossine (Come fa la carne a causare l'infiammazione?, http://nutritionfacts.org/139/09/20/perché-la-carne-causa-infiammazione/), acido arachidonico (pollo, uova e infiammazione, http://nutritionfacts.org /video/uova-di-pollo-e-infiammazione/) e Neu5Gc (La molecola di carne infiammatoria Neu5Gc, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-infiammatori-meat-molecule-neu5gc/).

Se il colesterolo ossidato è un nuovo concetto per te, controlla il suo ruolo nella progressione delle malattie cardiache nel mio video Arterial Acne (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/arterial-acne/).

Tratterò i risultati del DNA nel mio prossimo video, Spicing Up DNA P protezione (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/spicing-up-dna-protection). E se i composti della curcuma sono così antinfiammatori, possono essere usati per curare con successo le malattie infiammatorie. Scoprilo nel mio prossimo video Curcuma Curcumina e Artrite Reumatoide (http://nutritionfacts.org /video/curcuma-curcumina-e-artrite-reumatoide).

Fai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video ? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/which- spices-fight-inflammation/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: SteamDave, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – PNNL, Paolovalde e Riy tramite flickr e Saxluvr tramite clker.com.

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100 Risposte a “Quali spezie combattono l'infiammazione?”

  1. I'm a bit confused, because there is the view that disease is your body's attempt to heal you, so an inflammation would be a healing process and if we reduce inflammation, we slow don't healing. Do I understand it wrong?

  2. Thanks! I'm making a veal and pork Goulash spiced with: paprika powder, cayenne & white & black & green pepper, piri piri chili, red chili, ancho chili, rosemary, tarragon, oregano, thyme, sage, clove, star anis, anis, muscot, fennel seeds, cinnamon, cumin, marjoram, tumeric, bay leaf and salt and sugar, hweew… Oh, an lot's of love. 😉

  3. I like how you explain the method of the study, unlike fox news that takes an inconclusive study and tries to convince people that marijuana will give you heart attacks.  

  4. Considering that Indians are mostly vegetarian and most likely consume the highest amount of these powerful spices (Turmeric, Ginger, Cloves), I wonder, do they have the lowest overall cancer rates in the world? 

  5. Are the effects of these four spices (clove, turmeric, rosemary, ginger) 
    diminished any by boiling them for a tea concoction?

  6. HELP!, if the inflammatory response is for having crap in the blood is not good to having it? I suppose it does harm if it is chronic and in that case a little rest will be good, but what if you don't eat crap? then eating turmeric is bad? and if you have a inflammatory response, would be better to go in and out of eating turmeric instead of eating it continuously? so you clean the crap and also rest of the inflammatory response?

  7. I have been pointing for years that modern medicine is constantly violating the Hippocratic Oath, stating: "First do no harm". Every doctor takes this oath but most of them remain compliant with the common Med. School curriculum, teaching them to prescribe toxic-harmful medications while denying and putting down any natural-harmless substances that could do as good or better job. This corruption is attributed to big Pharma, the medical mafia that controls Med Schools to assure their products are promoted throughout our formal health system. The research findings in this video are another evidence for natural-healthy food sources that have been overlooked and ignored by main-stream science because they cannot be patented and exploited by big pharma.

  8. Thank you Dr. Greger! Your information is better than gold!! I like that you are not trying to sell me on some miracle pill but are showing me how to make informed life changing decisions. God bless

  9. turmeric in high doses works better than over the counter pain relief. I've been an athlete since highschool. I know chronic pain from injuries. Turmeric worked so well on my ankle and even my neck pains from falling asleep on the couch. I had to stop training legs because of my injury, but turmeric comes into play. Try this supplement!! its cheap and theres more benefits than just inflammation!

  10. Para los hispanohablantes: romero, clavo de olor, curcuma y gengibre. Si le agregan manzanilla y hacen un té es más sano que el Ibuprofeno.

  11. What would help would be to get the comparative result levels of the expensive drugs in terms of their effectiveness…not to take away the better option of natural food but if one is using it as a comparison to show the comparative results.

  12. If turmeric gets any more good press the pharmaceutical industry is going to have to get it banned. I use it every day to reduce the inflammation pinching my radial and CT nerves. Cook it in veggies with anti-inflammatory properties of their own and you will never go back to the pills, I got off of all of mine. Some dishes I can mix in some Rosemary too, but with cloves and ginger I usually reserve those for something less bitter then leafy greens, they are better suited to something mildly sweet.

  13. can you take garlic tumric and chamile tea togeather and ginger..anybody know im scared its gonna then my blood yoo much im not on no meds

  14. I've recently had my initial experience with cloves. I added what I thought was a small amount to my smoothie, 1 heaping tablespoon. Wow! That stuff is quite powerful, made my mouth numb and my smoothie was just barely eatable. I would start with a few cloves at most for your first try.

  15. Curcumin or tumeric is a very drying medicine and not suitable for people with sjogren's syndrome with dry mouth and dry eyes. Curcumin is so drying that it can cause constipation in some people. Normal ginger is a better choice in such situation.

  16. Does anyone know if it matters whether white or yellow turmeric is best? I know yellow is the standard, but white is far easier to handle given the huge roots you can obtain… and the lack of staining!

  17. Actually, we could assume that the better health achieved by people around the Mediterranean is due to the high consumption of spices, particularly Rosemary, and not because of wine consumption.

  18. Herbalism teaches us that of course there are herbs that mitigate inflammation. In this case clove, ginger, rosemary, and turmeric are anti inflammatory, but TNFa will not measure other effects. Oregano is antibacterial and up regulates the immune system. Black pepper is a strong mood enhancer and antioxidant. Cayenne is a strong tonic, immune support, and can be used topically on large flesh wounds. Cumin contains some of the highest ORAC points out of all foods because of its incredible ability neutralize free radicals; therefore cooking cumin seeds in oil, like in Indian food, helps neutralize the radical species produces from heated, oxidized oil. Paprika contain high amounts of vitamin A which is great when mixed with saturated fats and cholesterol for maintaining healthy eyes, liver, nerve synapsids, and neurons. Rosemary is an effective estrogen remover to prevent excess estrogen accumulating in the body from plastics, soy, and nonstick pans. Sage can protect against Alzheimer's and is effective to remedy digestive disturbances. So moral of the story? Eat herbs! Anti inflammatory herbs are great, no doubt, but increasing the total amount of used herbs will be beneficial through synergistic relationships between herbs that have not been completely studied, and it will keep the taste buds constantly stimulated.

  19. There are a few factors in exercises cure joint pain. One plan I discovered which succeeds in merging these is the Mackyns Nature Guard (google it if you're interested) without a doubt the best resource i've heard of. look at the extraordinary info .

  20. I went vegan to try and relieve my RA symptoms and even reverse the disease as claimed by this and many online doctors, after nearly two years there has been no difference in the pain levels. I shall remain vegan for ethical reasons but going vegan as a cure for these vile conditions is just rubbish.

  21. Natural TNF blockers do not necessarily have a better side effect profile, they are probably just less potent so the side effects are not as noticeable.

  22. How I get the best results against inflammation? Take all 4 spices together in combination with black pepper? Or change every day another? Or eat as much as possibel like 5 spoons a day?
    Usually got Humira TNF alpha blocker as supplement once a week…. but now have a break since 5 weeks and dont wanna start again. Because of lots of sideeffects.
    Eat vegan.

  23. look at the rates of inflammatory diseases in countries that use Tumeric heavy in their traditional cuisine. You will find correlation. You will also find lower obesity rates…that may or may not be related but I personally think it is. The chain of events that tumeric sets off on a cellular level has benefits that simply start with a reduction in inflammatory markers. cool thing about all this is you dont need alot to gain the benefits. I hate Tumeric but if you add just a dash to chili or any savory foods, you dont taste it anyway….just makes your dish orange. Tumeric is an ancient medicinal spice that westerners are just finally starting to warm up to.

  24. What is unique about turmeric is that it combats inflammation through multiple mechanisms…. simultaneously! Its multi-pronged approach allows it to work wonders for aches, pains, and arthritis (by stopping inflammation at the source), while also strongly supporting the immune system with antioxidants This ( t.co/1EwwDxCQ8o ) "Liposomalized" Formula" is specifically blended to make the turmeric bind to phospholipids (fats) that increase bioavailability of turmeric 10 to 20 times!

  25. To raise the antioxidant load of daily consumption i have bought a capsule filler tool and use it to put spices in the capsules  and take a couple with the meal. I prefer the plant based capsules made of cellulose instead of the ones made out of animal parts. But are these capsules safe for consumption? Since they are an industrial product and are usually sold in bulk with no ingredient labels.

  26. This video is outdated
    Clove and Eugenol are affect the AMPK enzymes activation which then in turn reduces fat metabolism and stops the SIRT1 mechanism which is protective against cancer by deactivating interleukin formation.

    Clove has for hundreds of years been used by us Indians against toothaches. But I would suggest you to do some research papers that have been published.

    Clove is a very good spice but it has its disadvantages too.
    I can't risk with AMPK inhibitors at all. So, no clove for me.

  27. Keep in mind that the other herbs and spices also have benefits, just in different ways, and perhaps protect against a different assay of toxins… It's always fun to do a search for herbs on google.scholar and follow Dr. Robert Morse!!!

  28. But is it better to eat it uncooked or does cooking destroy the efficacy of the spices nutritional content??? No one has c.ompetently answered that yet

  29. Watch out for powdered turmeric, lead chromate is often added to enhance
    the color, and to add weight, as it is sold by weight. Fresh turmeric
    should be ok.

  30. I love sprinkling ginger + clove powder in my nightly tea (rooibois, also high in quercetin.) Basically make it a chai spice. Another easy way to sneak more rosemary in my food is I grow it in my container (so I see it often) and extradose it over smashed crispy potatoes <3

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