Quanti bicchieri d'acqua dovremmo bere al giorno?

Sulla base dei potenziali benefici di una corretta idratazione come la riduzione del rischio di cancro alla vescica, quante tazze d'acqua dovremmo sforzarci di bere ogni giorno?

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra newsletter elettronica ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

I Ho già parlato dei benefici cognitivi di una corretta idratazione qui: un bicchiere d'acqua rende i bambini più intelligenti? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-a-drink-of-water-make-children-smarter/)

Il tè sorpreso è idratante? Guarda il mio video Il tè alla caffeina disidrata? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-caffeinated-tea-dehydrating/)<br/>
Sorpreso che l'8-a-day si basasse su prove così fragili? Sfortunatamente, gran parte di ciò che facciamo in medicina ha basi traballanti. Questo è l'impulso dietro questo concetto di medicina basata sull'evidenza (che concetto!). Ironia della sorte, però, questo nuovo movimento potrebbe di per sé minare alcuni dei trattamenti più efficaci. Vedi Medicina basata sull'evidenza o basata sull'evidenza? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/evidence-based-medicine-or-evidence-biased/)

In quale altro modo possiamo ridurre il rischio di cancro alla vescica? Vedi Raw Broccoli and Bladder Cancer Survival (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/raw-broccoli-and-bladder-cancer-survival/).

Che tipo di acqua? Raccomando l'acqua del rubinetto, che tende ad essere preferibile dal punto di vista della contaminazione chimica e microbica. Che ne dici di acquistare una di quelle fantasiose macchine alcalinizzanti? Vedi l'acqua alcalina: una truffa? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/alkaline-water-a-scam/)

È così bello avere dati su una domanda così fondamentale. Abbiamo molto per cui ringraziare gli avventisti. Vedrai i loro studi spuntare frequentemente. Si veda, ad esempio, Diete a base vegetale e diabete (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/plant-based-diets-and-diabetes/).

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-many-glasses-of-water-should-we-drink- un giorno e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Viaggiatore_40 tramite Flickr.


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42 Risposte a “Quanti bicchieri d'acqua dovremmo bere al giorno?”

  1. I was always upset that I could never seem to drink enough water everyday… well now I know my 5 cups a day is adequate! thank you 😀

  2. Hello doctor
    I would like to ask about bottled water, how beneficial is it ? with the alteration of sodium levels and inclusion of fluoride, do you recommend drinking bottled water ? Would like to know your thoughts about it
    Thank you
    Adam Ayesh

  3. Here is the trick, keep a pitcher of water next to your desk. This way you make sure you get enough water…

    …and a treadmill. Right, Dr. Greger?

  4. The Gorilla hardly drinks any water at all in a very hot climate even. They don't exercise much either though with movement of less then half a mile a day. But they do strength training and they have a pure water fortified alkaline diet of leaves and stems.Cooking, alcohol, caffeine, processed, exercise all these things dehydrate you so no wonder. The rest of the animal kingdom probably gets a fraction of the exercise we get.

  5. Una dieta basada en frutas y vegetales crudos no requiere de beber agua. Experiencia propia que cualquiera puede llevar a cabo en su casa. Antes de opinar, hagan la prueba. El único agua que bebí fue un vaso chico diario que se necesita para poder realizar algún licuado que quedará de consistencia cremosa. Saludos!!!

  6. I used to try drinking 8 cups per day and felt like I was drowning myself. I am a 107 pound, 5'2" woman. This is what happens when male biased studies are applied as advice for everyone. I do not need as much water as a 200 pound, 6'3" man. Now I only drink when I'm thirsty, which comes to about 5 cups of water per day, not including fruits, vegetables, etc. Thanks Dr. Greger for clearing this up.

  7. I hope those are minimal amounts. As a female I drink a minimum of 64 oz of water. Depending if I'm running around all day or staying put, as well as the temperature, I'll drink as much as 128 oz of water. This amount doesn't include coffee, tea, or coconut water (which I would drink to replenish my electrolytes on a hot day).

  8. Drink when thirsty and eat when hungry. Its not rocket science.
    TIP: When hungry, drink a glass of water and see if the hunger subsides because in most cases we are thirsty and confuse with hunger. I drink anywhere from 2 – 4 liters a day.
    Follow your body is the wisest way to live.

  9. This whole water thing has something missing to it. I drink water if my mouth is dry or whatever. It doesn't instantly feel like boom my water is met. I would gamble to say the same goes if I drank a lot. My theory is maybe the water need is meant to be met as the "water" in vegetables. Maybe it's because I drink a lot of water I notice. At least listening to my body water alone isn't doing it for me.

  10. Now i know Sv3rige is a clinical lunatic and a lot of his theories are bullshit, but his water theory sounds a bit plausible, not completely, I know the stupid like to try and say a lot of words stringed together to make them sound like they know what they are talking about but it does sound logical.

    He thinks we don't need to drink water and that water actually dehydrates your cells, but dehydrating your cells does sound plausible, there is a whole science behind it on his video that i can't remember but it is the only thing that makes any kind of sense that he says. He says the whole water thing is corruption from the bottled water industry and since being vegan I am aware of how much corruption their is in these kinds of things, I am well aware of all the shams the industries have made just to gain wealth, so this theory of his has some merit in that regard, and Greger said himself there is no real study in this field so i don't know what to think, I'm still sceptical though.

    This is his video

  11. Urologists recommend you PEE over 2.5 quarts daily to prevent kidney stones. Especially true for those over 70 years of age

  12. Just this morning I saw a news release stating that on long flights water could be deleterious to your health since in the absence of electrolytes it rushes through you and does no good. Their answer; 2% milk. I get the part of absence of electrolytes and there is indeed such a thing as over consumption of water but this news item was …………….. insane.

  13. Water ??? What the hell is water is that the brown stuff that comes out of my faucet no wait I know its the stuff that falls from the sky that eats the paint off of my car no hold on its the stuff that makes mountain dew liquidly and coffee thinner I got it now.

  14. Should be drinking water befor we eat or with the meals? Dr. Greger say drink before you eat. But I have read when you drinl water before you eat the gastric acid thinned and then food not good digested. So is bettet to 30 minutes before you eat!?
    What is true now?

  15. So for women it’s 0,96L to 1,68L and for men 1,44L to 2,64L.

    (Also ugh, why are cups so inaccurate and complicated? ^^ It‘s probably not if you have grown up with it but come on the metric system makes so much more sense than the imperial system. I don‘t care how you bake your cake at home but scientific research should really be using metrics.)

  16. There are so many variables (body size, activity types and levels, humidity and climate, perspiration levels, genetics, diet, water levels in foods eaten, etc.) that it seems exceedingly crude to make general recommendations.
    A better approach, it seems to me, is to monitor the color of one's liquid elimination. A light straw color is ideal. If it is darker (brown or very yellow), then it is best to drink more water (certain foods and vitamins can result in strong yellow color, though, even if water intake is high). If the color is clear or only very faintly yellowish, it indicates too much water.
    Frequency and quantity of urination are also indicators.

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