Uova e colina: qualcosa di pesce

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DESCRIZIONE: Troppa colina, un composto concentrato nelle uova e in altri prodotti animali, può emanare un odore simile alle secrezioni corporee pesce in decomposizione e può aumentare il rischio di malattie cardiache a causa della conversione nell'intestino in trimetilammina.

In precedenza ho fatto un'immersione più approfondita nella colina numero in Carnitine, Choline, Cancer and Cholesterol: The TMAO Connection ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/carnitine-choline-cancer-and-cholesterol-the-tmao-connection /). Maggiori informazioni su uova e colesterolo nella dieta Colesterolo all'uovo (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/egg-cholesterol-in-the-diet/) ed evitare il colesterolo è un gioco da ragazzi ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/avoiding-cholesterol-is-a-no-brainer/).<br/>
Più succosità della legge sulla libertà di informazione nelle uova e nel colesterolo: affermazioni palesemente false e fuorvianti (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-and-cholesterol-patently-false-and-misleading-claims/), Uova contro sigarette in Atherosclerosis (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-vs-cigarettes-in-atherosclerosis/), e la mia ultima presentazione dal vivo More Than an Apple a Day: Combating Common Diseases (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/more-than-an-apple-a -giorno-prevenire-le-nostre-malattie-più-comuni/).

Cos'altro potrebbe farti annusare di pesce? Vedere Vaginosi batterica e dieta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/bacterial-vaginosis-and-diet/).
Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-and-choline-something-fishy/ e cercherà di rispondere!
Credito immagine: MrX via Wikimedia.

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• Negozio: 580https://drgreger.org

92 Risposte a “Uova e colina: qualcosa di pesce”

  1. Choline is also a brain detoxer. Also people with socalled painters disease have low levels of choline in their brains. And raw yolk is better dan coocked eggs.

  2. I know when I eat certain things I get fbo. i dont know if it's trimethylaminuria or bromhidrosis. I've been vegan for 9weeks to try & remove the problem. I think since the food isn't breaking down its coming through the pores. Ida colonic bad to get ? I was thinking about trying the Master Cleanse

  3. Even if physiological levels of TMAO contribute to heart disease in humans (which is a big “if” at this point) and even if red meat were to raise TMAO substantially more than most other foods (which appears to be false), it wouldn’t in any way whatsoever follow that eating red meat causes heart disease.-Chris Masterjohn

  4. Fish produces way more TMAO than red meat does, and more than any other food for that matter. If TMAO is so horrible, why aren't fish eaters dying left and right?

  5. I understand that eggs are injurous to health for containing much cholesterol and dioxins, as well as high levels of choline. BUT, I thought that eggs provide high lebels of dha, or the DHA building blocks, omega 3 fatty acids. WHY is the egg indistry prohibited to say so?

  6. listening as i sit here eating an omelet… a 4egg omelet with minced ham/onion/garlic/ginger… cooked in real cows butter… hmmmm hmmm good… if it's good enough to come from a cows tit and a chickens ass it's good enough for me… 😉 at least it wasn't cooked in hydrogenated oil… or with genectically modified foods…

  7. have you ever eaten asparagus and peed after? I'll eat my half dozen eggs a week from outside free range bug eating chickens…thank you

  8. it's a myth..a diet high amount in fruits beats the whole dha omega 3 mommy. vegan diets for optimal health..whole food high carbs high raw

  9. It may be that some of them have better flora in their gut that helps keep the conditions for producing TMAO in check. If you have enough good flora in your gut, it is possible to have a steak once in a while and not be at risk for heart disease as your body's production of TMAO has been decreased or stopped by the good flora in your gut.

  10. Agreed about how eggs don't have eyesight saving nutrients as I have relatives that eat plenty of eggs regularly and still have problems with their eyes. My vision isn't 20/20 (hasn't been since childhood) and yet I can see a bit better than they can in the dark and when it comes to certain activities like reading and seeing things over a distance and I consume no eggs or any other animal products (unless you count honey which I have occasionally). I tend to eat a lot of red/orange plant foods.

  11. Piracetam is known to deplete choline in the acetylated form acetylcholine in the mammalian brain. In such case, choline supplementation is advised. What's your opinion on such?

  12. this vid talks about whole eggs im guessing, but what about only egg whites? im working out and I happen to eat about 5-6 egg white (plus 1 egg yolk) for breakfast about 2-3 times a week. I understand that most cholesterol lies in the yolk, is the egg white still in the safe zone, or it contains the same affects?

  13. I actually throw them out. rarely I bake or cook some other stuff with them, but most of the time I throw around 3-4 yolks

  14. I don't understand how can eggs give you disease, I know this family of 6 in Mexico that the only thing they eat is eggs, raw milk from cows, tons of beans and rare meats cuz can't of ford it…super healthy family. Grandmother over 86 stills cooks, and walks for a mile everyday to buy groceries…just saying!!!!

  15. Me, every time I put a bit I. My mouth I just bless that food..am 60 and I look in my 40's supper healthy eat everything in small portions…drink tons of water, fruits, not so much veggies ..

  16. no, don't be silly. it's not like this guy has a website called veganmd or he likes to say that eating cholesterol raises blood cholesterol levels even though the actual science doesn't support his position.

    naw, he's just a good doc telling the truth… and soon enough we'll both likely be down-voted out of existence

  17. Where to start with this idiot. Eggs, especially if you can get real free run, or the omega enhanced ones are one of the healthiest foods you can eat.

  18. Several decades ago, lots of egg research was done on animals. It is ALL in the pier reviewed medical journals. In every study done, every species that was fed eggs, for 2 years, and then autopsied, had severe heart disease. All control groups were healthy. DO you think people are immune ??? It is all published in the medical journals. Read them before commenting.

  19. What about Choline and Prostate Cancer? I read a study that said having eggs 3 times per week increases the mortality rate by 70%. However the study did not entail that it actually caused prostate cancer. I eat a dozen eggs per week, I have done so for over four years and my overall cholesterol was 118.

  20. im vegetarian transitioning to vegan and i dont understand this at all. isnt choline an essential nutrient? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19906248

    women need about ~400mg a day and men ~500mg from what i can remember. highest veg sources of choline are cruciferous veg and one would need to eat almost 1kg of broccoli or cauliflower to get only ~350mg choline. everyday. i hope someone can clear this up.

  21. I have fatty liver disease and cholesterolosis, I was advised to eat eggs as they are good for the liver by a natural doc, confused, eggs I was told have choline but also have sulphur and amino acids need for phase I and II detox inside the liver, really confused.

  22. I would like to see these studies with free range eggs. Chickens fed with free access to bugs, weeds, grass among other things that healthy free roaming chikens would eat may have better nutrition profiles in their meat than commercial eggs who live in the dark stressed every day. Maybe commercial chickens have stress hormones in their meat and eggs that could be the problem with human disease.

  23. Man you vegans are fucking so biased and dumb!! My grandmother ate eggs and drank raw milk everyday on a farm she lived till 98.. Vegans are the cancer of the earth, stop lying for fuck sakes!!

  24. Funded by FDA I suppose …..one research says this another research says that, potentially this and potentially that. I know where this is going, i am on ketone diet, with natural and organic food sources. I have been on choline up take with Inositol. Love to Inform you its been divine. And for all the women I slept with, never once have I heard any one complain about by body stink (after hours of game time ) !

    Inositol + Choline = Divine Prime human being.

    Most beneficial thing on the planet after

    Compile supplement load :

    Magnesium (every day 400 mg)
    Boron (every day 6 mg)
    Copper + Zinc (3 times a week )
    Astaxanthin (every 3 days 6 mg)
    Choline + Inositol (daily 1000mg)
    Potassium (cream of tartar)
    Iodine ( twice a week)
    Omega 3 on
    Sundays ( helps me face Mondays lol)

    4 eggs per days ( cholesterol is last thing I worry about since my liver burn everything oily) choline flushes out Cholesterol.

    Divine state of mind

    I do my blood work every three months and have no problems whatsoever. Even my doctor took notes when i met him the second time, as he was curious how can I be like this ( Steel body and soul) I only wish more people know the truth and make a better choice.

    I lived with Anxiety 15 years since my teens and today, work and Play hard folks. No regrets !!!!

  25. Sorry, but where did this bloke crop up from?. Many of his videos have recently appeared on my "for you" list, and he is against every food that I have seen confirmed as healthy for you. What is his motive????

  26. I would like to request doctor Gregor that while you were promoting veganism for health please do not fall into the Trap of the vegan cult, even though you are majorly promoting veganism if you find any non vegetarian food something like eggs or sometimes even fish please do admit if it is beneficial for the health, you do not have to go 100% veganism just for the heck of it.

  27. Eggs are a superfood and cholesterol is essential for life. Any epidemiological study that fails the Bradford Hill criteria is junk associational pseudo-science. This case study from the 1990s proves my point. 88 year old man ate on average 25 eggs a day for 15 years with zero health issues. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1953841
    The studies you talk about fail most of the criteria 2, 4, 5, 6?, 7 & 8, when one considers this 1991 case study. (2) consistent finding in different people “88 year old human paradox”, (4) effect occurs after cause “eating heaps of eggs for 15 years”, (5) Greater exposure “25 eggs a day, over 15 years” should generally lead to greater incidence of the effect, (6) cholesterol and saturated fat has failed in countless studies to generate a risk ratio similar to smoking, let alone explain how it occurs in the body, (7 & 8) Epidemiology laboratory or experimental evidence are at odds, plus this man is a living case experiment, that their conclusions fail comprehensively. This is a failed hypothesis, which should be disposed of.

  28. All I can say is my energy is way up, and my frequent bathroom trips is way down, so until I see a problem supplementing with choline I'm going to keep using it. Btw any study can be made to say what ever the special interest group that's paying for the study wants it to say. I don't care what some study say I should or shouldn't take, my body say otherwise and guess which one I'm listening to 🤔

  29. Would love to know Dr. Greger's recommended daily intake of choline for vegans then. I am pregnant right now and the midwives are pushing eggs like crazy because of choline but I can't stomach the idea for a multitude of reasons. But choline keeps popping up and it's so hard to find good info on it. This video is informative in that it states that Americans get too much choline which can be damaging, but then makes the recommendation to eat 400+ mg per day…which is really hard to get on a vegan diet.

  30. Cholesterol is largely made by the liver, and is made more if we have high fat diets. So yes limit that. The choline debate is a shocker all round. It is essential! We don’t manufacture enough so must get it from food. Dr, you omit saying choline is found at high levels in some nuts, seeds and your favourite.. beans!!, not just eggs and meat. Then you say it MAY be linked to cancer and early death .. . This debate is based in limited science and skewed to biased organisations, including nutrition facts which raises huge money in donations to cover big salaries in dubious scientific readings, NOT peer research.

  31. following a WFPB diet, I think Im not getting even closes to the recommended 500mg/day. Despite TMAO, should I consider supplementing?

  32. Vegans die from atherosclerosis too. So, this non vegetarian / atherosclerosis link is just another speculation by vegans and doctors.

  33. im not opposed to a darker look at choline but on the other hand reputable researchers and people really like types of choline a lot! A powerful anti depressant when taken all because it was needed in some ones diet

  34. That choline intake is bullcrap I have no idea where you dug up those lies. Look at food data yourself this was completely false. Most people fall VERY short. Even if you ate the right foods you’d be JUST meeting the 50%-100%; if you ate right for it. Most people don’t or more than 50%. 1,000mg is a complete lie that’s almost ALMOST impossible.

  35. Egg yolks do not have LDL (BAD) cholesterol! There are two types: high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL). As a general rule, HDL is considered “good” cholesterol, while LDL is considered “bad.” This is because HDL carries cholesterol to your liver, where it can be removed from your bloodstream before it builds up in your arteries. LDL, on the other hand, takes cholesterol directly to your arteries. This can result in atherosclerosis, a plaque buildup that can even cause heart attack and stroke. Touting that eggs will give you a heart attack is very outdated and proven wrong. As far as Choline goes, its in eggs and most animal products. No big deal. Around 130mg an egg to be exact. This came from independent labs, not ad based propaganda.

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