Quanto è efficace la chemioterapia?

La maggior parte dei farmaci chemioterapici sono approvati dalla FDA senza evidenza di efficacia sulla sopravvivenza o sulla qualità della vita.

E la prevenzione del cancro in primo luogo? Vedi Combattere i dieci segni distintivi del cancro con il cibo (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/fighting-the-ten-hallmarks-of-cancer-with-food) e Come non morire di cancro (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-not-to-die-from-cancer/).

In arrivo? Quanto la chemioterapia migliora la sopravvivenza? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-does-chemotherapy-improve-survival).<br/>
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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “Quanto è efficace la chemioterapia?”

  1. …and then there’s my wife. Never smoker, never drinker, no history of overweight or obesity, lifelong vegetarian (recent vegan), and got diagnosed with an aggressive stage 2 cancer that was discovered by an ultrasound tech! She underwent chemo, radiation, and surgery and has been cancer free for over 10 years.

  2. The wealthy elites are running America. They've bought our supreme Court, our congress, and most of our politicians. They have one goal: making profit. They suck money out of the average American, more every year, and they take less and less responsibility for the pain and agony they are causing. The American people must rise up and demand better. That's the only thing that will help.

  3. In overturning roe versus Wade, the supreme Court has taken control out of the hands of the doctors, and placed it in their own hands and the hands of the far right wing Christian fanatics.

  4. Some people would say, well just eat a healthier diet. That is true, but the FDA and our own government officials lie to people about what's in the food and how harmful it can be. The FDA allows companies to do their own studies, write their own reports, and decide how healthy the ingredients in their food is. It's causing autoimmune diseases, plus cancer and other diseases rampant in the American people, little by little.

  5. I think it would have been useful to add some suggestions of what one could do with this information, because otherwise some folks my get the wrong message. In comments there are many "I reject all drugs, nature is my medicine" type of comments. Healthy lifestyle is definitely good for prevention and helps with recovery, but one still needs medical treatment to get rid of cancer. I guess a good suggestion could be to look up, if drugs that a doctor wants to prescribe you or your family member have clinical studies that evaluate survival or quality of life. Or to ask your doctor, if the chosen drugs have these type of studies to prove their effectiveness.

  6. I’m not so worried about getting cancer as I am of becoming a cancer patient, which, statistically speaking, is more likely to happen due to overdiagnosis and overtreatment

  7. Dr Greger's references to penury and bankruptcy as a result of medical bills are chilling. References (not by Dr Greger) to European systems in which treatment is free of charge at the point of use, as "socialised", is a negative description of systems in which patients need not fear being punished by bills over and above the inevitable financial damage caused by potential loss of income.

  8. Cancer is a means that the elite uses to exterminate the inferior man. We’ve known for years that fasting CURES cancer but our reality is controlled by billionaire psychopaths that want YOU DEAD and BROKE.

  9. "[M]any FDA-approved cancer drugs might lack clinical benefit."
    "There is no proof this poison will prolong your life, but take it anyway…"
    This sounds like the faith based medicine to me.

  10. This info on the economic side (and some of the medical) only applies to the US though. Chemo saved my life (almost without side effects after treatment) and it was almost free (I live in Norway). The chemo they used on me certainly worked – that being said I have no knowledge outside the treatment of my own illness (Ewing Sarcoma)

  11. My mother, a colon cancer patient, was actually killed by her chemotherapy [since recalled]; it gave her heart failure. This was a known side effect before the final in vivo studies, and also that the therapy was not efficacious on the cancers for which it was submitted for approval to the FDA . . . and was approved anyway! At the time of her death, it was found that the therapy had had no affect on my mother's cancer. Until class action lawsuits can succeed in getting compensatory damages in such cases, and regularly, this widespread fraud–and that is what it is–will persist. Thanks for posting.

  12. I hope he releases a video on what to do if you get cancer even when preventative measures were taken to avoid getting it in the first place.

    Edit: Spelling

  13. As a cancer survivor, I can say that the pressure doctors put on cancer patients to do the chemo/radiation is intense. Over a half dozen of my relatives with various cancers that followed doctors orders on doing the chemo/radiation were dead in 18 months and some with the first infusion. I am still here 6 years later and am glad I refused the toxic bankrupting treatments suggested by my doctors. Diet, stress, exercise are the keys to getting well IMO. Thanks for awaking the masses to the cancer treatment scam.

  14. Herceptin, a monoclonal antibody which targets the over expressed her2 protein on cancer cells, discovered in the ‘80’s was and is a game changer for many people with a her2 positive cancer like myself, that can be more aggressive. Luckily I have insurance that covers everything after meeting the deductible, but many aren’t that lucky. I think there are ways to help with payment for many of these drugs. That said, I am refusing the hormone therapy because I do think dietary changes can do a lot for (slightly) Estrogen positive bc. I am a non smoking, non junk food eating, barely ever drinker, avid exerciser who got cancer.

  15. If we ate plant based, we’d have a greater chance of not getting cancer or if we did, we’d have a greater chance of getting rid of it. Doctors don’t cure, they nearly manage.

  16. FDA approves anything that pays them a fee. And Doctors are then trained to push those meds. 6min per patient is the best you'll ever get.
    Once you get prolonged healthissues you're done for if you can't manage to fix them yourself.

  17. I am a resident radiation oncologist, and every oncology congress that I attended to was full of this new drugs that practically don-t change a thing in OS or QL.
    I don-t know what you will present in the next video, but sure you can-t be against all chemotherapy. A lot of chemo drugs are taken from nature.

  18. I wonder, with a multipronged approach, that with one of those being stemcell therapy can help repair the good cells chemo kills.

  19. SAD FACT:
    You could easily switch out the "cancer treatment" with "cov vaccines".
    Same thing.
    But Fear will always make people not think and just follow.
    I mean it is not even allowed to NOT treat your cancer with chemo in America and instead choose an alternative like Gerson

  20. Very important. I am currently taking osteoporosis drugs and wonder how much benefit am I really getting (as I watch my bone density continue to fall every couple of years in my DEXA scan. I am vegan for 12 years.

  21. Very sad to hear that this treatment does not even seem to work in a reliable way. It makes me even sadder to see people who have terrible health habits, like daily fast food no vegetables and no exercize sometimes even smoking and drinking going to the doctor to get yet another dose of poison against the cancer.. which was caused by many doses of poison to begin with. No wonder that so many cancer patients fall back to the same desease only a hand full of years later.

  22. This is medical malpractice on part of FDA. Where are the lawyers? I don't understand? Also know that cancer is a metabolic disorder. Get on ketogenic diet and start intermittent fasting.

  23. Well that is disconcerting… My husband was recently diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer and he'll be getting chemo soon. He's normal weight, played tennis, didn't smoke or drink. He was born on the same year as you, Dr. Greger….. Since his diagnosis, he's been following your diet plus daily doses of tomato paste and soy milk. His PSA went down a bit after he started ADT, but his last test shows that it has crept back up a little. I know the feeling of desperation in trying to find anything that may help keep him alive.

  24. Are there any books on this subject worth reading and is there any literature that is peer reviewed. This is very annoying as I have seen many friends that have done everything to fight cancer.

  25. wow…..as usual, this is an eye opening vid…..and brings into question just how effective our medical system is……my sister-in-law has survived rectal cancer but one of the things she had to deal with along the way besides the chemo was that the insurance company was not approving some of the most basic bills for her treatment…..so she had to fight like hell to get them to approve them….this is not something someone who is fighting for their lives should be having to worry about…..eventually the insurance company covered the costs, but it was to the point she was threatening legal action against the insurance before they finally decide to do the right thing…

  26. I see far too much effort by the medical "community" on cures rather than prevention. But If they promoted prevention more that would cut into the profits of Corporations, and we can't have that now can we? 😉

  27. Dr. Gregor, I’m still waiting for your answer to the question of whether you have had the Covid vaccine. Before it was released you said you would take a vaccine approved by the FDA and you encouraged everyone to do the same. Since your entire career is based on “evidence based medicine” can you please be honest? It wasn’t fully authorized and still isn’t. So did you take it? And how can a decision be based on evidence when Pfizer wouldn’t release all their data and had to be coerced to do so by a court? I would take chemo before I would take a Covid vaccine and I always said I would never take chemo.

  28. All your arguments apply to the approval of the Covid vaccine also. Why so you push everyone to get it? I always said I would take it if you did, and I don’t believe you ever did.

  29. Like a little lamb, how sad were your conscious steps towards your final moment. With countless stings that I still feel my fingers shaking with fear of hurting, the fight for life was left for me… Sad story!

  30. Very effective in my case – They said to me that if my tumour was a city, the chemo would loosen the foundations and the radiation would destroy the rest…it worked ! 10 months post treatment and im cancer clear. There's no doubt it was extremely tough – lost 60lbs and was hospitalized for a month. Rad/chem poisons the body just enough to kill the cancer and not the host…but it felt close.

  31. I am leery of discussing cancer in broad strokes. All cancers are not the same. All tumor response research should not be disregarded. Many of the food recommendations to fight cancer are based on dropping plant cells into dishes of tumor cells and watching the response. Much of the WFPB nutrition research proves correlation but not causation, yet I follow it. It is one thing to encourage a WFPB diet to reduce incidence of cancer. It is another to imply that a WFPB diet can ensure that you will not get cancer. Our world is full of carcinogens in the air, water, plant foods and household products. Some of these we can control, some we cannot. I hope the next videos will provide more nuanced information viewers can use to help make decisions about surgical and pharmaceutical treatment. For example, given the statistics here, some small percentage of pharmaceuticals apparently HAVE been shown to improve quality or quantity of life. How can we find out which ones? What are some questions we might ask our oncologists about this? I find the current trend in our WFPB community of just-say-no to cancer screening and treatment messages troubling.

  32. Chemo does not cure cancer. It kills the cancer cells and hopefully not too many of the healthy cells. If the cause of cancer is not fixed it seems to me that it will coma back. Chemo does buy some folks time..especially those with late stage cancer. It might allow them to fix the problem. We all have cancer cells…our bodies just destroy those cells.

  33. The chemo industry does what it was intended to-which is to create customers for life-even if a short lived one, while making bank in the mean time! There ARE already existing better cures for cancer, but they don’t make anyone money and this is also why cancer research hasn’t found a better cure already because they’re not looking for one! Many of the organizations that endorse cancer research, also happen to be the ones advocating for us to use/consume products that cause cancer! It’s all about the money!

  34. "How effective is chemotherapy?" It's VERY effective. At KILLING people. The cure for cancer is extremely simple, extremely safe, and extremely effective. GOD gave it to me (and others) long ago. Click and ye shall find. I'm a prophet of GOD; the prophesied return of Elijah. I don't receive YouTube comment notifications, but seekers will find that I'm easy to contact.

  35. Thank you soooo much for taking on this topic, Dr. Greger!!! Great research! Invaluable information! You’re the best!!

  36. I'm so tired of seeing entities like Cleveland Clinic, Cornell, Houston, Mayo, and Johns Hopkins telling us that all disease starts in the gut, and then turn around and tell us we can't stop said disease with "some miracle diet".

    Whatever bro, keep spraying that Roundup

  37. Dr. Greger, What about BEP Chemotherapy for testicular cancer, – it is said to have quite high success rate, but does it really ??
    I was trying to find out, what is it's absolute risk reduction, as opposed to the (relatively high (?!?)-) relative risk reduction, but so far I was not able to find information about that…

  38. Isn't it true the doctors can prescribe chemo and administer it in their office which turns it into a profit center? Best to get a second opinion at a minimum

  39. Can't wait to watch the next video, I hope it contains some good meta-analysis, I think this system needs another adjudicator above FDA, given that a good meta analysis of SSRI, that there's no evidence of the serotonin theory abd 40 years of practice based on that. Now that FDA with 65% of its funding are from industry, who is administrating the food and drug administration?

  40. My father recently passed away from the “checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy” he was given for his stage 4 melanoma diagnosis. He developed myocarditis and myasthenia gravis a week after the first treatment and spent 8 days in the ICU with gradual organ failure before his heart couldn’t take it anymore. The oncologist told me the treatment attacked his healthy cells instead of the cancer cells. It was a very miserable way to go and I wish he never took it and just lived the rest of his life.

  41. I wouldn't paint chemotherapy with a broad brush. for example, trastuzumab is effective and has made HER2+ cancer from one of the deadliest cancers to one of the cancers with the best prognosis.

  42. Thank you doctor Gregor, I love your videos, we all do.
    I have read many of the comments and I agree with so many of you, prevention is Key! We need healthy diets based on natures antioxidants to prevent and heal cancer.
    But as an oncology nurse I want to make sure the public understands there are chemotherapy guidelines when you are diagnosed with cancer. NCCN guidelines have an input/output regimen recommendation for treatment of most all cancers. Many drugs have been used for decades and are relatively inexpensive. These treatments have been used tried and true with many disease free and curative years. That being said, you should know exactly what you're getting into. Ask a lot of questions and do the research. I give chemo every day and there are many diagnosis I would not get treatment for personally, but there are many I absolutely would. Every cancer is SOOO different. Your grandfathers prostate cancer is going to be treated entirely different than your 27 year old co-workers triple negative breast cancer. You can't compare the two.
    Just be informed and make the best decision for you.

  43. Chemotherapy brought my Dad back into remission from leukaemia, saving his life. It's a heck of a lot more effective than "holistic therapy" or "thoughts & prayers".

  44. Find a good doctor and trust him he will do his best to cure you when it is someone that studies every day thought I’ve worked in a hospital and by far oncologist among all doctors are the ones that update them self the most, daily, on developments in the field

    That is true, oncologist are not the most updated on prevention, they’re very focused on cure, they are the ones who want advice from once you already have the disease, But things are changing as time goes by the more now they’re starting discussions about prevention and implement new papers so this is a trend right now

  45. Oh, the ultimate authority, the Vegan Doctor who is the only one in the entire medical industry who understands reality and knows the truth. The only one in the world who can read, understand and explain what all the studies mean.

  46. Your videos are always the best to receive a notification each time you post a new video.. We'll have regrets for things we did not participate in…Investment should always be on any creative mans heart for success in life.

  47. Great info! Sort of on topic, but I’m hoping someone here can help me. Does anyone know of the least toxic option for colonoscopy bowel prep? It’s to rule out cancer, but some of the ingredients in the prep are tied to cancer! So frustrating.

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