Quanto la chemioterapia migliora la sopravvivenza?

Sopravvivenza dopo la chemioterapia: se si mettono insieme tutti i nuovi farmaci chemio approvati in una dozzina di anni, il beneficio medio di sopravvivenza globale è di soli 2,1 mesi.

Se ti sei perso il video precedente, vedi Quanto è efficace la chemioterapia? (

Come possiamo aiutare a prevenire il cancro in primo luogo? Vedi, ad esempio, The Best Diet for Colon Cancer Prevention (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-best-diet-for-colon-cancer-prevention/) e altri sulla pagina dell'argomento del cancro (https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/cancer) .

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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91 Risposte a “Quanto la chemioterapia migliora la sopravvivenza?”

  1. when i was working in a hospital pharmacy i had to use tweezers to pick up cancer drugs….they are so toxic the person dispensing them cannot even touch them….i asked how can this help anyone if we can't even touch it….i believe lots of people would still be here if they didnt get 'treatment'

  2. I don’t think such a blanket condemnation of chemotherapy is helpful. My wife's first dx of breast cancer was in 2004. Finished all surgeries and chemo in 2006. Dx of metastatic breast cancer in 2015. Stats at that time showed survival of 2.5 years. Oncologist stressed that MBC is treatable but not curable. Wife did go through some awful side effects but she kept going back for more chemo. She died in August 2021…about 6 years after MBC dx.

  3. Thank you Dr. Greger. I've always thought chemo was a bit overrated. Not that it doesn't work for some maladies….but this overarching research does show us what the real truth is.

  4. So the average benefit to survival is about 2 months? All the more reason to take care of yourself in every way possible so that one isn't left with such a bleak outlook. I really do hope that medical treatment for cancer becomes viable and effective, but we just aren't anywhere close to that happening.

  5. I had already decided if I ever developed cancer, chemo would be my last option. I watched my mom struggle through it. She had an aggressive form of Lung Cancer. When it came back for the third time, they gave her a "New, Improved" chemo. One dose landed her in the hospital, sick, toxic, and mentally unstable (she attacked her nurses). She never recovered. She died within the month. Her system just shut down. I decided than and there, if I was going to go out, I'd rather go out with dignity. The only plus side was we didn't have to pay for it. The Canadian health care system will kill you with the cure for free.

  6. An honest question: doesn't the results mirror the fact that most patients are old and/or multi-sick and therefore die quickly after the therapies, whereas a younger person would have a higher rate of long-term survivability after chemo?

    Sort of like the reverse of how life expectency was rather low due to a high death rate of infants.

  7. Some people choose to not do chemotherapy if they get cancer again they’d rather just die…… these are real life stories, prepare and plan for your health, people who fight cancer are tougher than us

  8. I had to watch my sister, who was dx with pancreatic cancer, go through absolute hell. It was so horrific that I told myself I’d never stay around to suffer like she did.

  9. If people overestimate the effect of the treatment, that might create a positive placebo effect. Some say that remaining optimistic during cancer treatment helps.

  10. Thank you for venturing into territory few are willing to brave, Dr. Greger!! Invaluable information! We sooo appreciate you! NutritionFACTS we all need to know!

  11. My husband said no to cancer "treatment" his doctor said bye bye and good luck. He was at peace with his choice and spent the next 4 months at home being loved with no adverse side effects. In Jesus there is eternal life after death we fully believe. He was not afraid and we spent every minute in Gods grace until it was time. I will meet my best friend again in Heaven this i know to be true. In Christ we are never alone and having faith over fear is quite peaceful to the body, mind, spirit and soul. Thank you for sharing the honest truth with us all Dr Gregor no matter what. Love you God Bless all with His grace, peace and love

  12. My father died of lymphoma. But it would be more accurate to say he died due to being too weakend by a sceptic shock. His toilet during chemo was broken and he had to use the guest toilet. This most likely led to him having a sceptic shock. After being in a coma for a few weeks he never really recovered. No one ever told us that chemo wouldn't cure him.

  13. My sister had cancer and when they put her on chemo her health started to decline, when they changed her "medication" she got worse. She died at 40, those drugs killed her.

  14. It all depends on the type of cancer and the stage. Aside from chemo there a lots of new therapies, targeted therapies for example. I dont think I would take chemo and I agree with what you’re saying about chemo however my opinion is that this video doesn’t paint a fair picture of all the therapies that exist. There are therapies that are effective, there are types and stages of cancer where survival has majorly improved compared to 50 years ago. You do mention this but it’s not really the focus of the video and it comes across as if overall there is no point for anybody to get treated.

  15. sad that doctor himself posts such videos pushing people for "alternate" medicines… the data is fine, it is tooooo generic, for example the last slide is for age> 20.. obviously the numbers should be seen for 20-40, 40-60 and over 60 age groups SEPERATELY. other variables are type, staging, quality of care, etc…….. . this video is BIASED in my opinion

  16. this is rather depressing information…..it would appear its ALL about the money rather than the quality of life….I suppose offering people some hope is not a bad thing, but its not exactly being forthright about it……I understand trying to keep a positive attitude; however preying of people's emotions is…..well….simply EVIL!

  17. My mother survived a cancer, many years ago. She did have chemotherapy and it worked for her. She is alive and fine. It was hard, and lots of side effects, true, but it is unfair to put chemotherapy in that bad light.

  18. If you have cancer and are considering chemotherapy, please read Dr. Valter Longo’s book on diet and aging. He’s studying cancer and has had great success with patients fasting for (I believe) a week before a cancer treatment. It sends healthy cells into a kind of hibernation, which seems to protect them from the side effects of the chemo treatment. Cancer cells are permanently “on” and can’t hibernate, so it basically put a target on them.
    It’s worth a read

  19. Outrageous. All those people put through that torture for so little benefit. And not even being given accurate information, so that they can make their own choice.

    There should be some regulatory government department to advocate for the patient, and prevent big pharma exploiting them to make money.

    I hope that someone from a cancer patient’s family sues them big time, for misrepresentation.

  20. I always watch and I don't ever comment but these last two videos really knocked it out the park. I got diagnosed with a brain tumor 7 years ago and chose no treatment and I'm still plucking away. The doctor I had at the time had me set up for chemo and radiation. I got a second opinion and a doctor that was willing to work with me on diet change and supplements. I watched too many people take the normal path and see the grave a lot earlier than I thought they should have.

  21. Thank you Dr. Greger! This is important information to know. I'm a Uterine cancer survivor of 18 months. Caught early with no lymph node involvement. All related organs surgically removed. I went unprocessed whole foods plant based no added fat/oil, no added sugars/sweeteners, mostly no added salt thanks to your nutritional research reviews. You are a wellness superhero. Thank you for your life's work! 🤗👏🏆

  22. Honestly sir, I wish your speech patterns and tone of voice would at least be altered to allow for a very sensitive subject as what happens with chemotherapy. I do enjoy listening to you, know that you mean extremely well and are very sincere, and feel all that you have to offer is so incredibly essential. But I find your speech patterns and tone of voice to sometimes be not always appropriate for a subject as people whose lives are hinging on what kind of trial drug they think that might help their lives live one moment longer. Granted, these new drugs are usually false hopes and short-lived hopes at best, but even one more moment alive we hope beats the alternative. If doctors are falsifying the expectations, that's a different story.

  23. Is there information on efficacy of surgery for colorectal cancer (removing the entire colon and using colostomy bag)?

  24. Very well said. This is a video all doctors should watch.
    And then get them to watch a few videos on how staying away from carcinogenic chemicals and improving diet significantly reduces the likelihood of developing cancer.

  25. Cancer treatment is a great money maker why do you think corporations have taken over our medical system. Our body is designed to heal itself if given the correct assistance. Read Dr. Joe's book You Are the Placebo.

  26. This video doesn’t make any sense, and it’s borderline dangerous misinformation.

    Chemo has been responsible for REMISSION in hundreds of thousands of cancer patients.

    What’s DIABOLICALLY evil in this propaganda is that you cite cancers that only receive chemo after they’ve crossed a SIGNIFICANT threshold. And your mentions here of breast and testicular cancer are specifically noting patients wherein they SOLELY received chemotherapy and didn’t remove the cancerous tumor.

    I thought you were better than this, honestly. You and Dr Berg should go eat some veggie keto for brunch.

  27. I wish health professionals would be honest with us about the meds they prescribe us, sadly they are a cog in the system and benefit from pharmaceutical companies.

  28. I've been working to improve my diet and activity level after a bout of diverticulitis last year and this channel has both informed those changes and inspired diligence to make more. Thank you! The more I can do to avoid another hospital stay is time and effort well spent.

  29. I'm willing to bet that the majority of doctors who work with cancer patients also don't know this. They tend to be the "study study study" types who have strong memory recall, but as far as big-picture, right-brained thinking, they may be below average. They know what they were taught, what they read from authority-verified sources, often written by pharmaceutical industry representatives with great incentives to downplay dangers and overplay benefits, guiding the medical establishment away from more natural approaches that may be more effective and have little to no side effects, or perhaps even have positive side effects. Unlike their products which invariably are loaded with negative side effects.
    As for cancer, I'd like to think we in the plant-based lifestyle community are aware of all the research that diet alone can be used to combat nearly every illness out there. I do wish there were more research on fruit consumption, though. In my experience, one meal of day of primarily fruit (at least 500 calories) can boost your health to such an extent that you never get sick, with anything, ever. Assuming you maintain a minimum of basic complimentary health practices like getting adequate sleep, not binging on alcohol, avoiding processed foods, sun exposure, etc.

  30. My husband died of pancreatic cancer in 2018, so I feel like my experience on this subject might be useful. Don’t expect people to be clear headed when getting a cancer diagnosis. You’re either looking at it though rose colored glasses (We’re going to fight this) or dark colored glasses (“nothing can be done”).

    What we need from the medical industry (and it’s an industry now) is a rating on effectiveness of treatments, kind of like the minimort unit of another video. Only that way we can see the effectiveness.

    However, I’m not holding my breath on such a metric. Although the doctors and nurses who treated Paul were good and kind (save one), the problem lies in big Pharma and not the individual doctor — I’m betting they’re not even getting the whole story — and getting a diagnosis of cancer, you’re never clear to hear it.

  31. Total insanity that science cries about people not wanting to listen to reality, and this is the de jure way they do business. The ending was perfect.

  32. had 12 chemio for hodgkinien type 3, neck tumor removed. not sure it was good or not but im convinced i wont get more chemio.. at this point im ready to die stop butching me

  33. I've read that many cancer survivors are using medical cannabis as a holistic remedy instead of chemotherapy, like Olivia Newton – John for her breast cancer. It would be interesting to compare outcomes of chemo vs cannabis.

  34. What a bunch of BS and dubious misinformation…you cherry picked studies with late stage cancer..what about early stage ? This guy didn't even complete his residency training and he goes around spreads misinformation…ridiculous

  35. Capitalism is about profit, not human well-being or need.

    "The essence of capitalism, its raison d'être, is not to build democracy, or help working people, or save the environment, or build homes for the homeless. Its goal is to convert nature into commodities and commodities into capital, to invest and accumulate, transmuting every part of the world into its own image for its own realization. The modern capitalist imperative is simply to create more money for idle investors by any means possible. This growth is often enabled by predation on the publicly-held resources that represents real value, thereby diminishing the community's ability to sustain itself in the long run. Forests are clear-cut; public utilities are privatized; social programs are gutted; and so on. The net result is that the quality of life for the vast majority of the world's citizens has declined." ~ Michael Parenti

  36. I've wondered if the treatment was worth it after watching both of my wives parents die of cancer. Thanks for the information.

  37. I can recall over the last 5 decades or so, every say, 2 or 3 years, on mainstream media there's been a 'new' cancer cure announced ( interferon, injecting cancer cells back in after incubation, on and on). These news pieces always end with the phrase, " but it's still 5 years off being in production or on the market. Then…..crickets., forever after,…. and we are always just stuck with the same old "Cut, Burn, Poison" (surgery, radiation, chemotherapy).

  38. My mom's going through chemo right now and I can't bear to share this with her.. she thinks it's going to cure her

  39. This was an exceptional video. I suspected a lot of this but it was great to see it confirmed.

    Unrelated, I have a suggestion for a very specific and practical episode. We all know that "processed foods" are not great, but I would love to see a nutritional evaluation of Amy's plant-based frozen meals. Do they have any nutritional value? Are they at least better than other frozen foods?

  40. Thank you for this important and honest video. My husband was killed by Chemo drugs. He could of lived a year or more longer but Chemo killed him.

  41. Exactly Thank you Dr. Gregor why in the world with anybody say yes to chemo is above me knowing all the facts annoying all the information that’s out there on chemotherapy you gotta be seriously out of your mind.

  42. It appears as though the medical world has given up on trying to CURE cancer, the whole process having been hijacked in order to maximize profits for stockholders.

  43. So, this is just about the new chemo drugs approved over the past 12 years? Are the older chemo drugs better? I’m assuming they must be.

    Could you do a video that talks about ALL of the chemo drugs out there? This video makes it seem like it’s about all chemo drugs but I guess it’s only about the new ones. Really wish this was more clear.

  44. Not at all surprised to hear this. Chemo is poison. There are probably better ways to kill cancer cells but it wouldn’t be as profitable. Nice world we live in. Smh.

  45. I agree that some of the cancer drug's efficacy are questionable. But why the insurance company will pick up the bill then? The cost mentioned in the video are before the insurance, it can't be out of pocket cost, if you have insurance.

  46. It is A SHAME (and even stupid) that the insurance companies have little to no cover to Alternative, natural, options that many times give MUCH BETTER RESULTS than chemo.
    A (clean-), organic (when possible) PLANT BASED DIET, is a very good start in any case !!! And the sooner, the better !!

  47. You fell into the same trap with the cov jabs.
    They are the exact same and they remain on the market and get pushed even more.
    It is a tragedy hwo much control Pharma has.

  48. I think the contentions are high cost and efficacy. For The efficacy, I think the pharma world is incapable since cancer is not easy, and too risky economically to develop a completely new drug, me too products are much safer. For the high cost, I don't know about the cost structure, the drug itself, some of them are really cheap. I think the insurance company negotiated price is lot less than mentioned.

  49. I see my comment about asking about the Covid vaccine was deleted. Dr Gregor covers all areas of health and evidence based studies. I don’t think what I asked was controversial. Isn’t this what he does?

  50. it is worth noting that the odds of getting cancer in America is 38% for females and 42% for males and that most diagnoses will occur before age 65, many before age 50. For smokers it is 50%. It is a similar story for heart disease. Interesting that the average lifespan of those with chronic disease is now only 65, while the retirement age is moved to 67. Work until you die if you eat highly processed foods (made from ingredients which are subsidized by the government making them extremely cheap). Nice the taxpayers save money by not having to pay out social security I guess …

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