Quanto esercizio per sostenere la perdita di peso?

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DESCRIZIONE: Che ruolo ha giocato l'inattività nell'epidemia di obesità e quanto dovremmo esercitare?
Ne ho parlato in precedenza nel mio video Dieta o esercizio, cosa c'è di più importante per la perdita di peso? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/diet-or-exercise-whats-more-important-for-weight-loss/) <br/> Non fraintendermi: l'esercizio è meraviglioso! Dai un'occhiata, ad esempio:
• Cosa dovrebbero mangiare le donne per vivere più a lungo (
http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/what-women-should-eat-to-live-longer/)
• Dimezzare il rischio di attacco cardiaco (
• Esercizio e cancro al seno (
• Inversione del declino cognitivo (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/reversing-cognitive-decline/)
Meglio attenersi a cibi ricchi di nutrienti ma poveri di calorie: calcola il tuo punteggio di alimentazione sana (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/calculate-your-healthy-eating-score/). È anche più economico, vedi Best Nutrition Bang For Your Buck ( http://nutritionfacts.org/2013/11/26/best-nutrition-bang-for-your-buck/).

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-exercise-to-sustain-weight-loss/ e proverà a rispondere!

Credito immagine: Will_Arthur via flickr.

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• Negozio: https://drgreger.org

58 Risposte a “Quanto esercizio per sostenere la perdita di peso?”

  1. I think he's underestimating the types of exercise you can do to burn more calories, he only mentioned walking and 6 minutes of sex.  Most people who exercise regularly do more than just walk, and most people do more than 6 minutes of exercise.

  2. I am sure it was not Dr. Greger's intention but the message here is "dont waste your time exercising", which is terribly wrong. 30 minutes a day of exercising trumps almost every other method ( including a veg diet ) in maintaing a healthy weight and preventing heart disease.

  3. but hey, what about mr.Durianrider who eats 3000 to 7000 kcals a day. and weights under 65kg (145lbs) mega lean… so I guess it isn't only about how many calories people eat, but also what kind…. High Carb Low Fat in Harley's case

  4. The best reason to be vegan? Because it's morally unjustifiable to torture and murder 80 billion land animals and 1 to 3 trillion aquatic animals each year mostly for our palate pleasure since we can easily meet all our nutrition needs from plants (and non-animal sources). It's easy to be vegan.  It's clear that using animals as property, as "things", as resources for food, clothing, entertainment and other reasons is great violence. Becoming vegan was one of the best decisions I made in my life. If you're not vegan, please start here http://www.VeganismIsNonviolence.com/becoming-vegan http://www.facebook.com/LiveVegan

  5. I wonder what the average calorie intake is for obese people, 3000-4000 a day? According to self reported data people eat around 1800 cals a day, Ha! Can you believe anyone would get obese on that amount?

  6. Maybe bcs we eat GMO Frankenstein food in addition to weird over engineered wheat that our bodies can't even recognize anymore, exposed to scientifically proven obesegens every day – like drinking plastic water (from plastic bottles), fluoride in top water and other millions of chemicals that in our food and water and eating dead food that has no life in it left after we cook it – do animals cook their food? And who is doing all these to us – we are! We are working for crazy people and corporations and letting them to brainwash us with all for profit no matter what the consequences to the population which is us – time to get smart everybody and open our eyes!

  7. It's just moving your body. You use energy so you'll eat to regain your energy. Exercise has nothing to do with weight loss.

  8. There seems to be a lot of confusion between nett and gross calorie burn during exercise, which leads to people thinking they're burning more than they actually do. To actually add calories you can consume to your day, you need only to take into account the nett calories burned and ignore the BMR competent.

    For somebody weight around 75kg (165lbs) it would take a walk of around 10 miles at around 3.5mph to burn enough calories for a Big Mac. Who has the time the walk 10 miles a day to burn off a Big Mac's worth of calories, let alone the motivation to do it. Maybe you could do it with a treadmill, but it'd still take around 3 hours a day.

    Ultimately, it's best to just not eat the Big Mac in the first place. A Big Mac a day, if none of it is burned off, will result in a gain of around 22kg (50lbs) of fat a year.

  9. The problem is that a lack of exercise (among other things) contributes to CVD (cardiovascular disease), and while a plant based diet has proven weight-loss benefits; it's unhealthy to define your overall health by weight alone.

    Oh, and BMI is a lie that offers no accurate picture of health.

  10. To help lower my blood sugar, I do exercise before breakfast and also after every meal. I also put a small table under my computer table so I can stand and or exercise while using a computer. Same can be done in the office by requesting a higher office table.

  11. As anyone who runs understands it's not just the calories you burn while running but the extra calories you burn for many hours afterwards that should be taken into account.  Also overlooked is that physical exercise conditions your insides and helps with hunger control and digestion.

    But if I had to guess I'd say it's the long slow sustained exercise you'd get from normal physical activities that is missing in most people's lives, hunting and gathering wasn't like going to the Gym.

  12. Take it from a CPT when I say: If you stay at a caloric deficit you will lose weight.I could eat Twinkies as long as I am eating lower than my TDEE. It's not hard…You don't need to workout 2 hours a day. Many trainers will go against that. It all depends on the intensity. Yes, if you walk a slow pace you're going to need to go longer. Do HIIT and you will burn a heck of a lot more calories in a shorter time. 

  13. Exercising is good for circulation, oxygen, detoxing, lymph system, pain levels, strength, training for some kind of physical ability, muscle strength, particularly core strenght supports overall good health etc… so it should still be done!  But, definitely eating has much more to do with literally losing weight for most people, no doubt about it.

  14. exercise isn't just burning calories, it's gaining muscle that will use up more calories during the day just by being made of living cells. as well as that, it also increases metabolism for many hours after a workout which will burn up calories that would normally not be used up and stored as fat. on top of this, it burns carbs in our body then breaks down fat for energy. overall, if you tie it in with proper nutrition and not over consuming unhealthy foods, you will lose weight and get a better body. neither one nor the other can truly work wonders on their own, they need to be combined to become as effective as they can possibly be.

  15. Geesh, when I am on the treadmill at the gym, going 4 mph, the display says that I am burning 405 calories per hour. Since you have to burn 3,600 calories or so to burn one pound of fat, that would be about 9 hours of walking at 4 mph, about 36 miles, to burn one pound of fat. Wish my car was as efficient as extracting energy from carbon, I could get almost 300 mpg. But going to the gym does improve my eyesight…

  16. How to save hours a week in the gym burning calories – don't eat sugar filled beverages, fat and salt filled burgers and fries and definitely no pizza. If you save a dollar off something you were going to buy it's the same as earning one, same as not eating a calorie means you don't have to waste time and energy burning it.

  17. Bitch please…. 10% of weight losss is exercise most comes from diet…. proof. I intermitent fast and have been for the past 4 months and have shredded 70 lbs with little to no exercise …. i call bs.

  18. The video clearly shows Dr. Greger has no real personal experience when it comes to sports, fitness and weight loss, sadly. Otherwise he wouldn’t promote such crap. Eating hclf vegan alone only works when you restrict calories hard. In order to not starve yourself and lose weight you need to exercise on a regular basis and with exercise I‘m not talking about fucking your partner for a few minutes once a week! 😁 Alternate strength training like bodyweight exercises with cardio training like walking, running, cycling or swimming. It’s so effective for weight loss!

  19. Dr Greger what about physical EPOC activities like HIIT and Tabata training and progressive overload and time over tension weight lifting which continue to burn calories after the exercise is completed? I would really like to hear your thoughts on those exercise regimens and the frequency that they must be done.

  20. It would be a shame for you not to lose body fat when other typical people are capable to lose weight quickly with Custokebon Secrets (just google search it).

  21. What is the best way to lost tons of weight? I read a lot of good opinions on the net about how exactly Custokebon Secrets can help you lost a lot of fat. Has any one tried this popular lose weight secrets?

  22. I lost 45 pounds during 1 year of plant based diet. Exercise? Pretty much none, unless typing counts. Before that, I Worked out vigorously for years and was peridically overweight or even obese at times. You can’t outrun a bad diet.

  23. There is no possible way you could exercise enough to compensate for the standard American diet over a long period of time. A plant-based diet also doesn’t work long term for many people. Eat what you want, but watch your portion sizes, move your body everyday, and love yourself.

  24. The video indicates one the most fundamental truths in physical activity. Our bodies have limits. For instance, you cannot expect to get a bodybuilder body by following Arnold Schwarzenegger´s son current training regime without training experience. Most trainers at GYM and fitness you tubers sell the idea that you can do insane training routines to "burn calories" and eating the same insane amount of food. Body needs time to recover so eating the necessary and moderate training routines are essential for health.

  25. This video has good advice, but I'm confused about the best diet plan that I should work with, only because I have never used any. Anybody tried the Custokebon Secrets? I have noticed some folks refer to unbelivable things about Custokebon Secrets.

  26. I see a lot of people keep on talking about Custokebon Secrets (look on google search engine). But I'm uncertain if it is good. Have you ever tried this popular diet plan program?

  27. Diet Plan known as Custokebon Secrets kept showing up here on a lot of youtube videos and I thought they were scam. However after my work buddy follow it, and finally lost crazy amounts of weight with it without starving herself. I'm persuaded. Do not take my own word for it, search for Custokebon Secrets on the google search engine.

  28. As expert, I do believe Okibetonic Secrets can be great way to lost crazy amounts of weight. Why don't you give it a chance? perhaps it can work for you too.

  29. Guys, build muscle does not need to be hard (I used to feel it did). I'll give you some advice right now. Search a diet plan called Okibetonic Secrets. Seriously, that course has transformed my life. I probably shouldn't even be talking about it because I don't want a bunch of other guys out there running the same "game" but whatever, I am in a good mood today so I'll share the wealth haha.

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