Quanto sanno effettivamente i medici sulla nutrizione?

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Quindi , cos'è il consenso scientifico su una dieta sana? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-scientific-consensus-on-a-healthy-diet). Guarda il video per scoprirlo.

Altri video correlati includono:
• Ai medici potrebbe mancare il loro strumento più importante (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/physicians-may-be-missing-their-most-important-tool/)
• Come i medici hanno risposto all'essere nominati un killer leader (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-doctors-responded-to-being-named-a -leading-killer/)<br/> • Dieta ottimale: dammelo subito, Doc (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/optimal-diet-just-give-it-to-me-straight-doc)
• Scoprilo Se il tuo dottore prende i soldi della compagnia farmaceutica (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/find-out-if-your-doctor-takes-drug-company-money )

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “Quanto sanno effettivamente i medici sulla nutrizione?”

  1. Following on from that last point, most hospital cafeterias are a joke, too. Last time I had to get something from my local hospital café, the choices were things like cheese sandwiches, egg mayonnaise, toasties dripping with grease, cake slices and crisps. Hardly anything actually nutritious or even remotely good for you. I ended up with a bottle of water and a couple of bananas.
    In a place that is supposed to make and keep people healthier! Crazy.

  2. Nurses too (at least in Sweden) aren't well educated, or self read on it. Which is, frankly, worse as our salutogenic approach, in theory, focuses on health and health promotion, wheras the doctor has more the pathological path.

  3. There’s NO money in preventative medicine. Plus even if the doctors would prescribe a proper diet. Who would listen. NO ONE! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🥴

  4. Doctors know the truth; it doesn't matter. They are alotted 15 min per patient. They must hear patients complaint, ask questions, diagnose, treat. Wanna squeese a condensed nutrition questionnaire and patient nutrition introduction course into these 15 minutes too? And charge for it? To truly follow science, a system change is needed. I would welcome it!

  5. Equally shocking is the fact that doctors' ignorance is directly attributable to big pharma, which has coopted the curriculums of most medical schools and quashed nutritional training.

  6. It's amazing what doctors don't know about nutrition. I was working as a volunteer nutrition helper for one of my Dietetics courses, and this one woman was told to eat an extremely carbohydrate restricted (keto) diet by her doctor which she knew put her in the hospital for DKA. I made some simple recommendations for increasing fiber intake through flax, chia, and beans. This resolved her chronic constipation and made her blood sugar more controllable (required less insulin injections/units). Simple, cheap, something anyone can do. But no thanks to her doctor. Sad. We have a long way to go in order to educate the medical professionals, public and even Dietitians on nutrition.

  7. The same egregious people pushing pharmaceuticals are the same people funding any educational health institute. They don't want you healthy. That's not a good business model.

  8. I wish "health" would get separated from "medical". That would solve so much confusion. I really hate the terms healthcare and healthcare provider to refer to medical doctors and drug companies and hospitals and pharmacists. They are just associating those terms as a marketing tactic to make people think that what they are getting from the medical industry will cover everything they need to have good health. The medical industry needs to stay in their lane. If I am in an accident or having an acute medical issue, by all means get me to the ER or a doctor. They are good at that stuff – at medical care. But if everyone would simply see them for what they are and use the appropriate terminology, it would be obvious that we need more than just a medical doctor on our healthcare team. We also need a naturalpathic doctor and/or nutritionist, etc., that is, someone who specializes in wholistic health, who can help and coach us with managing the pillars of health – diet and nutrition, exercise, good sleep, stress management. Look at the past 18 months. How much information, discussion, or recommendations have come from the medical industry (and politicians, media) about strengthening these pillars of health for the public? The medical industry has only offered medical solutions, not health solutions. They have ignored the first three pillars and done everything they can to counter any good measures a person does for the forth. I think if a balance was presented from the start of this current situation, we would be in a much better place today.

  9. I had a coworker who had diabetes and was told by his doctor that everyone would get diabetes if they lived long enough.
    My coworker might have lived longer if he had changed his diet, instead of listening to his doctor.

  10. I've read that most doctors didn't know nutrition that well, but I expected them to at least have a passing familiarity with the basics.

    No wonder so many people have such terrible eating habits. Isn't telling patients to eat better part of a doctor's job? Isn't proper nutrition one of the most basic rules of good health?

  11. Add hashimoto and LDN, and BHRT, hpv and ahcc to the list. I resent the hours of research on pubmed and other sources I have to do, I mean why isn’t my dr up to date?

  12. If you donate the income from the books to charity, isn't that tax deductible making it a source of income and a conflict of interest?

  13. Hayek Hospital is the first hospital in the world to serve only whole food plant-based meals to their patients. The hospital's owner explained that it makes no sense to serve patients the same food that gets them into hospitals in the first place (referring to animal products).

  14. Yes, to solve this "problem" doctors could be assisted by excelent professionals, the nutricionists…👍😍
    There are many doctors who smoke and this is not healthy…

  15. Lol. That’s so sad. The nation is rotten sick & doctors have a direct hand in it. What missions do they have doing this job? Muttering is 95% off tier job instead it is 2%. Go trust on doctors prescribe drugs. It is about money. Cardiologist or oncologist can charge up to 5 millions dollars a year. Prescribe broccoli is asking them to get professionally suicide. Shame and shame

  16. As ever Dr Greger- concise, insightful and complete. No matter where my quest for accurate nutritional knowledge takes me (with exception to evolutionary theories) It ALWAYS comes back to you. 👍 thankyou for your diligence 🏆🏅

  17. Nutrition needs to be a standard part of a Medical Doctors education.
    Far too many doctors set a poor example for their patients by being over weight and eating poorly.
    Why do hospitals and schools still serve unhealthy food to patients and in the cafeteria ?
    If a hospital can't serve healthy food what chance do the rest of us have ?

  18. My mom asked her doctor if her being vegan could have helped her to get off the blood thinners. He chuckled and said "I that was the case, we'd be prescribing carrots and not medicine."

  19. I have basically quit going to a doctor because right away all they care about is getting a mammogram, colonoscopy, and a daily dose of antidepressants. Dr Gregor has talked about how each of these are abused. However I would like to know if my cholesterol is high – how could it be eating plant based – but genetics are a factor too. Lab tests should be covered by insurance whether doctor ordered or not.

  20. Study Finds Fermented Foods May Alter Your Microbiome, Reduce Inflammation, and Improve Your Health

    A new study finds that eating fermented foods like yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut and kombucha increase the diverse of gut microbes — and "may also lead to lower levels of body-wide inflammation, which scientists increasingly link to a range of diseases tied to aging," reports the New York Times (the NYT article is behind a paywall, but I can off this much):

    The latest findings come from a study published in the journal Cell that was carried out by researchers at Stanford University. They wanted to see what impact fermented foods might have on the gut and immune system, and how it might compare to eating a relatively healthy diet full of fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains and other fiber-rich foods… [Among the study's participants], the fermented food group showed marked reductions in 19 inflammatory compounds… For people in the fermented foods group, the reductions in inflammatory markers coincided with changes in their guts.

    They began to harbor a wider and more diverse array of microbes, which is similar to what other recent studies of people who eat a variety of fermented foods have shown. The new research found that the more fermented foods people ate, the greater the number of microbial species that bloomed in their guts… Higher levels of gut microbiome diversity are generally thought to be a good thing. Studies have linked it to lower rates of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, metabolic disease and other ills…

    Suzanne Devkota, the director of Microbiome Research at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, who was not involved in the new study, said it has long been assumed that eating fermented foods had health benefits but that the new research provides some of the first "hard evidence" that it can influence the gut and inflammation.


  21. When our second daughter was born the hospital cafeteria lady only brought us fruit when we asked for vegan options only. We requested something more filling like a peanut butter sandwich or a potato. The nurse reported to us that as she made this request on our behalf the cafeteria head cook replied "vegans can't eat peanut butter. peanut butter is meat protein."

  22. I'm a 6ft, 205 lb vegan man and today after I worked out I got my blood pressure checked. I measured it twice and both times got ~90/60.

  23. Med student here! It's sad and scary how we tell people to have "healthy habits" without even knowing what a healthy diet is. Still positive tho, I believe we can change the system from the inside

  24. And by charity, he means nutritionfacts, the organization that pays his salary and is his life’s work and pride. 100% of the proceeds goes to nutritionfacts.

  25. does anyone know if diet plays a role in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome? i have a family member who is struggling with that and stomach paralysis. wondering if they are related to issues with the stomach.

  26. I asked my GP about what I should do to lose weight (before I went vegan) and she gave me the most general basic advice that "works for a lot of people" (her words not mine) and I should try to keep carbs low. This is yet another reason why I don't trust doctors smh.
    My bf's dad (a radiologist) said this when he asked him why doctors don't do enough/any research about diet being the cause of things like heart disease: "Being a doctor is more of an art, not a science." I'm sorry, but that really scares me. I don't want an uninformed artist giving me medical solutions to my health issues.

  27. I was shocked after years of going to doctors and hearing the 'but protein then?' bs, I finally came across a doctor who went 'you're vegan? Then you know more about nutrition than I do'. (well, I don't, I just follow Dr. Greger!)

  28. Being clueless about nutrition is consistent with cluelessness about for profit sick care. It's a business first, and concerned about human well being a distant second.

  29. Doctors act like politicians when asked questions about topics that they know little of. One merely has to go back to the source of their education, medical school, and ask the question "who determines what curriculum you folks study, and might the "determiners" have a conflict of interests in teaching the method that is used to treat disease? Of course they do.

  30. Hippocrates said 'let food be your first medicine'.

    My GP, bless her, says I should eat meat and that a belly is manly.

    One time my family purposely mixed meat in dinner. 'because I need the protein'.

    The only thing I really need, beside my veggies, fruits and nuts, is to win the lottery or something… To get out of my toxic job.

  31. It’s the same for veterinarians, doctors and veterinarian doctors are both poorly trained in biologically appropriate nutrition. Both humans and our pets are left to the hands of this ignorance. Be aware. Keep yourself educated, and read Dr. Greger’s books.

  32. There are already some "doctors" who know about nutrition, they are registered dietitians. Doctors do not need to learn about nutrition, they need to understand that they are not the providers of nutrition advice and that they must refer dietitians, who are the specialized health professionals in that field. They do not need more nutrition training at school, if they do not rotate in the dietetic and nutrition service of the hospital and realize the importance of the work of dietitians

  33. I asked my primary care doctor about his continuing education in nutrition, and he said he went to a lifestyle medicine conference once and didn't find the information to be well-backed by the literature. And that was all that he mentioned to me…

  34. I talked 3 doctors, 4 nurses and a medical secretary to not only follow you but also switch to plant based diet after they saw how phenomenally well I did.

  35. This is why dietitians are so important! They spend 5-6 years studying nutrition while most doctors get fewer than 10 credit hours on it

  36. The cost of bad nutrition on insurance companies and healthcare facilities will someday tip humanity towards plant based food.

  37. Think about the economic multiplier effect of the health care industry. Unhealthy people are a valuable commodity. Healthy people are superfluous.

  38. All of the doctors and nurses at my health provider's office are overweight. They just hired a new female overweight doctor who says she can advise on all aspects of health. Somehow I doubt that. Most doctors see a pharmaceutical solution to any medical condition. I would not tell my doctor I eat plant-based. I would like to find a provider who is in more alignment with my views on health and longevity.

  39. My functional MD told me that in four years of med school, she and the other students were given nutrition instruction for one half of one day. Not even one full day of instruction. Mind-blowing.

  40. I’ve not been overly impressed with the dietary advice given to my diabetic f-i-l from the Dietetic Unit in our local hospital. So I wouldn’t go near dietary advice from the rest of them.

  41. All doctors should purchase an unlimited supply of "How not to die" and hand it out to all their patients…lol… Joking aside this feels like the cigarette issue all over again…. I hope the nutrition education really does change and quickly… Patients deserve to know

  42. I do believe all doctors should have a basic knowledge of nutrition. However, I believe they should leave the clinical side of nutrition to those in the dietetics field of study. Dietitians are highly trained professionals on nutrition and how it relates to health. We are already limited on the number of doctors we need, so to add more to their plate would just make that problem worse. Whereas dietitians are greatly underutilized and under-respected in the medical profession. I wish the medical field would start seeing the importance of dietitians instead of pushing their specialty onto doctors. If doctors also take over this role, the entire dietetics profession could crumble and never achieve the respect it deserves. 🙁

  43. I feel like, how can we even have hope that things will change after seeing this. It just seems so hopeless! I've heard people talking about bad nutrition advice from their doctors, as though it were good advice, and if I dare say anything, of course those people believe their doctor over me! 🙁

  44. I worked in a place where we serve the community through various health programs like reducing obesity, diabetes and overall health ailments. Yet, the cafeteria is full of junk food and processed crap. How are people going to take you serious when you don't even practice what you teach?

  45. There’s no money for the Rockefeller family to have the 90+% of doctors recommend a plant-based diet.
    I would be willing to bet almost anything that, the majority of the 10% of doctors in this study, who know their nutritional facts, are vegan.
    The medical schools not drilling nutrition into their students are owned by the elite, and guess what else they have their dirty little hands in? The devil himself, Big Parma!

  46. It is sad to go see your doctor knowing that YOU know more about nutrition and healthy habits than they do……hmmmmm….still, its important to GO to the doctor and get your regularly scheduled screenings and metrics taken…..my sister in law is a medical doctor and a vegan, but….she thought this protected her from ALL health issues……..WRONG!…..sadly, she was diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer at 53, after my wife pleaded with her for years to have a colonoscopy……she finally agreed, but only doing so to get "people" off her back and they found the tumor…..she is alive and well today, but lives in constant fear of a relapse…..she is over a year cancer free now and has a scan coming up shortly…..she recently had a colonoscopy to check for recurrence that came back clean…..so prayers to her for a good scan……SO PLEASE, EVERY VEGAN out there do NOT take your HEALTH for granted because of what you EAT….YES, YOU are healthier than most, but YOU are NOT INVULNERABLE!…..Get your scheduled screenings …don't be lazy or complacent!

  47. Thank you for shedding light on this with articles and the research you bring! We think the health care system should include lifestyle and diet. But in reality it’s really for “end of options” and going towards drugs and surgery. Nutritionist are needed!

  48. Eat whole grains, beans as staples . Eat 2 servings of fruits ang veggies daily . Eat meat sparingly if you are not willing to give it up entirely. Eat nuts too.

  49. yes, it is unfortunate that doctors aren’t achooled in diet, but i’d argue that the real issue is that diet is a personal reaponaibility, ao to know about it, is your responsibility! we cannot just outsource major aspects of importance to professionals – personal responsibility to know about those matters are key

  50. I work in the operating room and all I ever see the surgeons eating all day are the snacks for the recovering patients. Goldfish, cheezits, peanut butter crackers, etc..

  51. When I expressed my interest with eating plant based and organic produce one of my doctors said I needed to see a therapist because they felt that I had Orthorexia….I would prefer not to ingest toxic chemicals is that wrong?

  52. Doctors don't know about nutrition because big Pharma donates huge amounts of money to medical schools to create an army of pill pushers. If they funded nutritional studies, people would get healthier and big Pharma's profits would plummet. They want people sick – PERIOD. No money in healthy people. No money in dead people. Sick people is where the gold lies.

  53. The thing that gets me is that up to the moment they can actually diagnose you w something they hammer on abt lifestyle. But the second you actually get cancer or lupus or ra or what have you, now suddenly life style has no impact. Makes no sense at all.

  54. Pharma drugs rule their decision because once on $$$$$$$$$……………your on for Life. Ill never ever go on any pharma drug, I'd rather die.

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