Combattere i dieci segni distintivi del cancro con la dieta

Alimenti contro il cancro. Le fondamenta della prevenzione del cancro sono le piante, non le pillole.

Una volta che avrò finito di fare ricerche e scrivere How Not to Age, il mio prossimo libro sarà sulla sopravvivenza al cancro, quindi ci sarà molto di più in arrivo su questo argomento di fondamentale importanza. Fino ad allora, ho dozzine di video sulla prevenzione e il trattamento del cancro, tra cui:

• Come non morire di cancro (https ://
• Cancro affamato con restrizione della metionina (
• Salvare vite trattando l'acne con la dieta (<br/> • Cancro alla prostata e latte biologico vs. latte di mandorla ( -latte-biologico-contro-latte-mandorla/)
• Fragole contro cancro esofageo (
• Dovremmo tutti ottenere colonscopie a partire dall'età 000? (
• Vegetale di sopravvivenza al cancro al seno (
• Sopravvivenza al cancro alla prostata: il rapporto A/V ( -survival-the-av-ratio/)
• Anti-angiogenesi: tagliare la linea di alimentazione del tumore (
• Perché i vegetariani potrebbero avere meno HPV? (
• Uso di Zeranol nella carne e nel cancro al seno ( zeranol-use-in-carne-e-cancro-al-seno/)
• Proteine ​​animali rispetto al fumo di sigaretta (
• La carne biologica è meno cancerogena? (
• La migliore dieta per la prevenzione del cancro al colon (https://nutritionfacts. org/video/the-best-diet-for-colon-cancer-prevention/)
• Quali sono le cause della metastasi del cancro? (
• Come aiutare a controllare le metastasi del cancro con la dieta (https: //
• Il cibo che può sottoregolare una metastasi Cancer Gene ( -metastatic-cancer-gene)

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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83 Risposte a “Combattere i dieci segni distintivi del cancro con la dieta”

  1. How about use DETOX and diet to get rid of cancer? It turns out what you TAKE OUT of the diet is more impactful than what you ADD in the way of "nutrition". Think of a garbage can loaded with garbage. To get the can clean you need to EMPTY the can not just change what you put in the can.

    If you are eating whole grains while trying to get rid of cancer it is going to take 10 times as long to get rid of it than if you simply ate water rich raw fruit and tender leafy greens.

  2. You are the best, Dr. Greger! I am reading your book, How not to die, right now and I am immersely impressive with the amount of profound information you shared in this book. What a brilliant book! I cannot thank you enough for all heavenly work you have done for all people. Thank you!!!

  3. My mother in law (god rest her soul) suffered for 7 years with pancreatic cancer. She suffered from celiac disease also and didnt have the proper nutrition information at the time of diagnosis because it was almost 40 years ago, long before gluten was seen as a wide spread issue. So her diet consisted of mainly animal products (red meat-almost always rare, cheese, etc) and very much enjoyed her wine. When she developed cancer, her doctors and the medical community failed her horribly by just keeping her alive on drugs and treatment. Granted she lived longer than the vast majority of pancreatic cancer patients, she wasnt really living. Her fate was inevitable because doctors would rather treat the disease than prevent it. We now know that red meat and alcohol contributes to pancreatic cancer development, however this information was never disclosed to her and now we are left with a gaping hole in all our hearts.

  4. I love how you presented your topic Dr. Greger. I have felt for a long time that cancer is already inside of us. The question is, are we going to eat to pull that trigger of inflammation or are we going to eat to prevent it.

  5. Eating for prevention is the key. Funny how so many people see eating healthy as a threat to them. It's just my choice to do the best I can for myself…. Thanks for all the great research and insight.

  6. My father died of pancreatic cancer and I miss him so badly. At 50. I wish we had this information 20 years ago so he would have been saved.

  7. Isn’t it so astounding, when we stand back and look at the whole medical-industrial complex and observe what is overwhelmingly taught in medical schools and what is practiced in clinics that the unthinking bias towards pharmaceuticals, invasive procedures, “illness“ as opposed to wellness is so deeply entrenched and has caused so much unnecessary pain, expense and sadness despite all our wealth, talent, and capacity for understanding…and this is changing at a glacial pace despite all the available evidence?
    My friend recently died at 80, having been diagnosed with two cancers at 70. She took very few meds, had a healthy skepticism of every doctor visit, turned down mastectomies and other treatments, and was fed (by me) a WFPB diet. She was an alcoholic with a lot of skeletons in her closet, but she had enough of a circle of friends and somehow was a vegetarian since her 20s, and gave up smoking at 45. The things that gave her quality of life came from her connections with her circle as well as her diet, I believe.
    It’s hard to say how much of a role favorable genetics and so many other things play, but all other things being equal, it’s good to learn how to prep and cook plants.

  8. OH I can't wait for your book on cancer survival! I have a family member who will be getting that book the moment it comes out. Thank you for your work and great video xx

  9. For helping me learn how to extend my life and raise my Quality of life into my old age;
    Here is a little comment to help with YT's stats and pay-schedule.
    Thank You, seriously!

  10. Love it. Gotta get more seaweed. Plants provide all we need. How long will it take for the common person to understand this? I'm only uncommon because I undertook to learn all I could about nutrition seven years ago–and that's when I stopped eating meat and eggs and cheese every day. Life is so much better when those are minimized or eliminated. I only minimized my intake and the changes were dramatic.

  11. I do not know one person that believes what Dr. Gregor just told us except for myself, and why? probably because it wasn’t a commercial selling the latest “cure”. It’s rough watching those you know and love worshiping the big pharma agenda while they brag about what designer drugs they’re on. So many have perished for the sake of their profits.

  12. Request : Since different cancers have very different combinations of foods that fight them, pls do videos of recommended diet protocols for each of Kidney Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, Brain Cancer, etc. This is extremely needed, since the whole food plant-based diet for Breast Cancer is not the same as for Kidney Cancer, etc.
    I beg of you to make this series of videos. Then cancer patients will know how to attack with precision.

  13. hodgkinien type 3, 3 year later no chemio no radio on vegan diet <3
    less junk more real food, less extrem toxic treament, more nature.
    i actualy dont care to die of cancer. but eating exploited animals in cage injected with growth hormone wont help my cancer 😀

  14. Preaching to the choir here but it’s always good to reaffirm the message of whole plant foods for cancer prevention. Thanks for all you do, Dr. G!

  15. We’re not going to be able to change most people. They’re going to die from not eating like us. Let’s relish in their suffering; the world is overpopulated anyway.

  16. Test tube or Petri dish is not the same as in blood. The compounds don’t necessarily make it through digestive process. We know there are benefits but it could be more of what you avoid that what you eat. Keep protein and bad chemicals low.

  17. the main problem is foods that are convenient are simply evil and a lot of people probably rarely eat ACTUALLY WHOLE PLANT FOODS…… know….like eat Twinkies for breakfast, lunchmeat sandwich for lunch and who knows what the dinner looks like…..its rather scary when you start to understand the importance of good clean plant food…..

  18. Keep in mind though…..even if you eat a whole plant food based diet you still NEED to get your cancer screenings……as this diet doesn't make you immune to cancer so don't fall into a false sense of security………but I do think this diet practically eliminates heart disease……..

  19. Keep sounding the alarm. The cognitive dissidence of the masses is at times, overwhelming. The multi-billion dollar machine spreading misinformation has the masses deceived. Keep sharing your personal testimonies and encourage others to leave the toxic animal & ultra processed food OFF their plate. Every individual's health success, is a success to us all! Never loose your empathy or compassion. Once. we too were under the strong delusion that the SAD was "healthy".

  20. This is why I don't go to the doctor anymore. It was just a Big Pharma sales pitch. There's always a new one that's just about perfect for you, trust me. LOL

  21. I look forward to your new book. I wonder what the perfect green smoothie for fighting cancer with diet for someone who can only ingest liquid would contain? That is a cancer diet all in one in liquid form

  22. It's tough to acknowledge that the vast majority of people will ignore this advice but would gladly take a pill that provided the same benefits while eating the SAD diet.

  23. He used to have a series of videos that detailed exactly which veggies and fruits were the strongest at preventing cancer, but I can't find them anymore. From my memory though, I think raw garlic was number one out of all of them. I try to eat a clove or two of raw garlic per day. I use a microplaner and grind each clove up, releasing the allicin and then add the raw garlic to my food after I am completely done cooking it and ready to eat it. That way I get a burst of garlic flavor and a good portion of the allicin. Another method, if I am short on time, is to toast a piece of bread and then gently rub a raw garlic clove over the bread until it is all ground down into the bread. It makes the best garlic toast I've ever had, and I get the allicin that way.

  24. We are constantly fighting for health care to treat us once we are sick. We should be fighting to distribute and follow these type of guidelines to change the health narrative.

  25. My mother is sorta brainwashed with some of these ideas. She thinks we all have cancer in us and it is just a matter of time until we "get it"… smh.

  26. I have been herpes and HIV positive for 5 years until I came across dr okosun on YouTube who cured me permanently from HSV and HIV with his herbal supplements

  27. Check ✔️, check✔️, check✔️, but I have stage 1 slow growing bc 🤯😣…. Look my diet was not and isn’t perfect but nothing makes sense to me anymore, I thought I was doing things right. I do believe this is from the pollution, water and the pesticides people use. Sigh

    -I’m eating this stuff more than ever! Hopefully this will keep things where it is until my surgery. Best

  28. The body is a amazing machine , founded out that each cell has 150 trillion component. From lungs , spleen, kidneys even heart , so it would make common sense to eat foods that nourish these cells .

  29. RAW vegan diet cures most diseases … lifestyle diseases. Cook em lose vitamins and damage phytonutrients. Get a good cold pressed vertical juicer

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