Questa nuova prova sulle diete a base vegetale mi ha fatto impazzire!

Perché una dieta a base vegetale è così benefica per la nostra salute e longevità? Bene, in questo video il dottor Greger condividerà alcune nuove incredibili scoperte scientifiche di cui non aveva mai sentito parlare ma che ha scoperto di recente durante le ricerche per il suo nuovo libro How Not To Age! Nessun materiale su questo canale è destinato a sostituire la consulenza e il trattamento medico professionale.

Diete vegetariane, espressione di miRNA circolanti e durata della salute in soggetti che vivono nella Zona Blu

I profili dei microRNA nelle feci riflettono diversi pattern dietetici e del microbioma intestinale in individui sani content/gutjnl/early/2021/07/79/gutjnl-2021-325168.full.pdf

Canale YouTube del dottor Greger

Sito web del dottor Greger

Filmati forniti da Videvo, scaricati da e Pexels 3024065https://www

25 Risposte a “Questa nuova prova sulle diete a base vegetale mi ha fatto impazzire!”

  1. Loved the video, because it's not only informative, but short enough to maintain that focus on said subject. Well Done, Plant Based Science London.

  2. Read recently in an older book that chlorophyll, when it is in our system, connects with the sun rays, as they penetrate our skin, becomes a healing factor for our cells. Wondering what else they are capable of achieving?

  3. This comment probably will not show but if it does…..this is theory, logical theory based on observed facts on genetic materials and does not serve the test of being evidence of any proven result in humans. Genetic changes occur often one change corresponds to another and then another all incited by the same cause perhaps but to different ends.
    What we have is genetic change observed and evidenced but not a permeant nor prolonged genetic change which provides any also evidenced benefit to longevity That must be done in further study to observe and ascertain the proven results in genetic materials translating in whole, all changes, not just those mentioned to humans.

    This is why human trial study published and peer reviewed not test tube nor Petrie dish study is preferred.

  4. I honestly don't care about the "underlying science" or the explanation… They change every other day. The truth is in the ethics and the firsthand experience you have from being vegan

  5. Here is more information from Dr. GREGER, giving us the facts on eating plabts only. Helps us live a long life without the age related illnesses. Good …Things come from eating — Clean..Thank you, for cresting this channel .

  6. Despite the approval of those with ADD that can't focus for more than two minutes (read the comments), yelling about your discoveries isn't proof of anything. Telling us the name of things discovered also isn't proof of anything. This video didn't provide any evidence of anything. WHAT was discovered that was so mind blowing?

    I've watched enough other videos from Dr G to know, but if you title a video such as this but leave out WHAT is new, you look bad.

    Please tell us how animal food eating Blue Zones live so long. Why the Atlantic Diet eaters live so long. Why the Mediterranean Diet eaters are so healthy, and then maybe you'll prove your point. We don't all need to be 7th Day, ya know?

    I virtually cured my TMJ by going back to flesh. And it was bad. I got my memory back by going back to eggs. I improved my depression by eating more meat, as well. All of those issues were caused by a lack of amino acids, per science. I wasn't absorbing them from plants.

    We are what we absorb. So i appreciate the microbiome info. Please know that the most powerful anti-inflammatory experience I've had from probiotics has been from dairy. I stopped an autoimmune response causing osteoarthritis in its tracks with Yakult (little bottles on the stores) which comes from cow milk. In only a few days agonizing pain in my thumb joint stopped and never came back.

    One diet does NOT fit all.

  7. Congrats to this site for allowing positions adverse to content to remain posted. This is becoming a rather rare thing in some nutritional based communities on you tube.

  8. Thanks for the video Plant Based London. Have you tried measuring your blood sugar with a monitor? People react to foods in a different way depending on their genetics, gut microbiome, exercise habits etc. So it's a good idea to measure yourself and tailor your diet. For example, pasta gives me a big blood glucose spike, but quinoa doesn't.

  9. miRNA can be good or bad. If you do some research, a certain gene product introduced in 2021 is fully contaminated with bad miRNAs. Guess how it's called… co-miRNA-ti.

  10. Guinness world record oldest bodybuilder Jim Arrington age 90, eats daily, milk, cottage cheese, beef, chicken and fish, also has raw salads with each meal, consumes about 1 liter of olive oil per week and has moderate carb intake. He does not play games or experiment with different diets as he has been doing this same thing for well over half a century.

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