RAGES vegani al coltivatore di pomodori confuso

Questo contadino amante dei pomodori è molto confuso

Video originale: @PLANTBASEDNEWS

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———– –Video e risorse per conoscere il veganismo————-

Dominion: https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko
Land Of Hope And Glory (Regno Unito): https://youtu.be/dvtVkNofcq8
Unholy Cattle (India): https://youtu.be/30bCIsh3oh8
Cowspiracy: https:/ /youtu.be/dSjE8xw_-Dg
I rivoluzionari (Netflix)
Forks Over Knives (Netflix)
Risorse nutrizionali: https://nutritionfacts.org/

#vegan #pomodoro #davidramms

77 Risposte a “RAGES vegani al coltivatore di pomodori confuso”

  1. Some animals, e.g. pigs, eat a lot of leftovers. The food vegans throw in the garbage, e.g. avocado peels, can be eaten by pigs. It is a cycle, a working, balanced ecosystem. I guess it's okay to just burn the leftover food instead of feeding animals who gemerate meat that can be eaten and mannure that can be used to fertilise the fields…. Tomatos need a lot of medicine. You need to keep the pests away, as in herbs and bugs. I guess it's okay to kill bugs and other creatures for the sake of plants….

  2. watching this as I am eating a dead cow covered in its own lactations (cheeseburger) with an artificially flavored sweetened cup of more lactations (strawberry milkshake) yummy yummy.

  3. Other than pasture fed and finished cows and sheep, farm animals are fed crops, which compounds any impact of producing food. We feed more calories and even protein to farm animals than we get back from eating them. Search for "Feed Conversion Ratios."

    Pasture fed and finished meat production is much worse for climate change due to added methane. Such animals take longer to get to slaughter weight. The methane they produce is 80 x more potent than CO2 in the first 20 years, and 20 times more over 100 years.

  4. That was definitely one of the more expensive parts of raising a tomato was trying to figure out how to afford my tomatoes' medicine. Then you'd have to get them to the farmer's market and schedule an appointment and hope someone wasn't ahead of you with a sick cucumber.

  5. These western farmers make it sound like being a farmer is like living on a Mars. No. I lived in a village in a third world country during the war. Ratatata, boom, boom. That stuff.

    If you want to live 100% off the land, living of animals will not be enough nor possible for some. Veggie gardens were a must or we would die of hunger. Every house had one. What every house did NOT have were animals. Not only do you need a land animal can graze on, you need water. During the summer they would turn the water off (because of restrictions) so only people in villages had enough because they would install pumps or have wells. Note that you cannot install those wherever you please. Even then, sometimes, there is just not enough of grass, so you have to buy extra animal food and that costs money. You have to buy chicken, that costs money. An animal gets sick, that costs money.

    Since there is no electricity, good luck storing food in your non-working fridge. You could not store anything for later. What you could do is create winter food like pickles. You can do the same with peppers, cabbage. Ajvar is a must. Jams, too.

    There was also a problem with land-mines and many people, who would let animals to graze, would lose those same animals because poor animals would step on a mine.

    My grandparents had two cows for 6 of us. It was not enough to survive, so we had huge veggie gardens. Our meals were always full with veggies. Meat and dairy products were a side "dish", although I hated dairy and avoided it like a plague. What saved us all: beans, potatoes, peppers. Those bad boys do not need anything fancy like electricity. Yes, electricity was fancy. Bean Stew is something that I eat even today and we joke that "we grew up ON beans and potatoes".

    Also, you would plow the land manually, not with fancy machines that cost like St. Peter's pie. And no, tomatoes do not need medicine nor a lot of land. Those bad boys can grow anywhere. People plant them in ordinary plant pots. If this guy grew on a farm, he was a bystander or drove a tractor thinking it is formula one.

  6. Well, insecticides and pesticides could be considered medicine. What about fertilizer to make them grow larger? And seriously, you know what he meant.

  7. You just don't know what it takes to tuck a tomato in to bed, Lol. All of the cotton it would take to keep an acre of tomato babies warm so they don't frost, ha ha

  8. YES MEDICINE FOR PLANTS! plants get sick. Anything applied to prevent or cure disease is medicine. Tomatoes get rot, mildew, blight etc. If they tried to sell tomatoes with spots they couldn't sell them. Anything from fungicides to sprays of copper and sulfur would be considered medicines. I m vegan but that was a PATHETIC attempt at a "burn". You're allowed to know where your food comes from that is beyond "meat".

  9. There is corporatism and corruption and a push away from natural farming in all food industries it's not just in the meat industry. People should know where there food comes from.Person who doesn't know plants need medicine clearly doesn't know this.He doesn't know that bacteria, viruses and fungus effects plants in particular the popular food crops we expect to be perfect. Sad. The more I see of this guy the more I realize he is just uses this as a means to make money without doing real research.

  10. Sorry this really makes me angry because it makes people think vegans are stupid and simplistic and have no idea who the world works. They can point to this to show how dumb vegans are. Seriously just take this down it's pathetic.

  11. So a guy walks into a room and films a video about a man being an idiot and continues to make an ass of himself for the way animals are created. It's called a food chain.

  12. It's always the first world spoiled people who are vegans

    Imagine a vegan in Syria there's no way for him to survive there's close to no food

  13. The dude had no argument. He made that obvious. Animals take up more resources and energy. I literally remember learning that in school.

  14. A lot of people, mostly cattle farmers, use ‘you don’t know what you’re talking about cause you’ve never been in a farm.’
    Well 1. You don’t even know me 😂 and 2. Even if i’ve never been into a farm, so what? I don’t have to, to know that a calve taking away from their mom is a heartbreaking situation, and that animals have to be killed to be consumed.

  15. Idk why YouTube suggested me this shorts bc i hate this stupid vegans vegetarians , etc stfu pls animals are raised by humans to be eaten. If you want to let all the animals free on the streets you're a retard Buddy , eat your green 🍏 and stop protesting for shit , people will never stop eat animals , that's normal you all are wrong crazy mdfkrs that give their child only vegetables and various 💩 and get sick !

  16. i wonder what kind of shampoo or medicine you take. weren´t they animal tested? or aren´t they paying the patent of products animal tested? Or the only animals that suffer are the ones we eat?

  17. Klaus keepin it focussed by directly 'not true'ing him when he literally just pulled numbers out of his *ss XDDD and he even admits that afterwards! 😂 'and maybe your Numbers are right, I dont know about those numbers' – but not surprised about such a reaction, looking at his Belly alone that dude is an obvious walking Graveyard. He might be farming tomatoes but that dude definitely loves to consume dismembered children.

  18. lettuce which grows basically in a few weeks and needs just water and a few minerals that are present pretty much anywhere are more emissive than breeding animals 😂😂😂😂….where do all these retards spawn???is there some kind of hole where they creep out?

  19. Farmers have to kill/poison squirrels rats wild rabbits anything that effects ur tomato/vegetable fields to grow the veggies you love to eat so much they have to kill animals to provide them to you, You're the cause of death to those animals because you buy the vegetables of that farm those poor animals with feeling and emotions they get brutally killed because of you.

  20. Coming from someone who isn't a farmer and just lives in a small town, you understand what farmers do for you're community. Do some research and find out all the different pesticides it takes to keep vegetables safe from desiease riden bugs… so yes medicine cuz you obviously can't think past and comprehend what he may mean and needs to be explained, that when you plow a field. You quite literally kill every natural living creature in the field. So how cute does it have to be for someone to care. Yes I used that from the show yellowstone but it's a valid point. So maybe some people should think twice before attacking our literal only source of food( our farmers) shit don't come out the back of the grocery store

  21. In order to grow the avocados and tofu you're eating, entire families of bugs, frogs, snakes and rodents are being murdered. The only thing that matters to to vegans is how cute the animal is and how close it's death is to your plate of dinner. You're a bunch of hypocrites who think they're morally better than everyone, but you're not, you just don't know how to keep your mouth shut and let other people enjoy their choice of food.

  22. You also kill everything underneath that ground, the earthworm 🪱 families murdered brutally by vegans , I weep for the worms 🥲 , by worms I meant actual worms not vegans

  23. You realize you have to kill hundreds if not thousands of animals to get crop fields right? And not just once, you have to continually kill off any rodents or creatures that can DEVASTATE an entire harvest, but hey, you vegans are all happy and pure right? 💀

  24. It's not a someone it's a something and even if we didn't kill it something else may kill it like a bear so with that logic we are just like a bear but there are more of us so we have to raise and breed an animal into existence @david ramms your argument has no logic. Keep eating meat people it's your life you live it your way this is just another person who watched Bambi's mom get shot.

  25. Yes farming often takes sharp down turns in crop yields due to crop disease and the only way to try and save the crops is with treatments aka “medicines” besides what’s the end goal? Once everyone is vegetarian do you honestly think the carbon foot print will go down if any? Farming isn’t like it was half a century ago, everything is trucked in or out and then what would we do with all these animals that are used for food? Just let them multiply until their methane produces a real threat? The argument is ridiculous. If you don’t want to eat meat I don’t care but get off of normal peoples asses about eating meat it’s natural.

  26. clearly you just an idiot who talk how Farm work but never go to field,iam life in east asian and my whole life is just about farm, to rise cow you just needd grass,that just need water and some hardwork labour, but if you want to make you Tomato is profitable not only like kity garden (only can harvest and eat like once a week once mature) you need al lot godamd pestryside and Chemicals just to fucking grow nice shape tomato like in you Walmart or something…

    believe me the shape of vegetable that grow naturaly without Chemicals is really deferens.

    just go outside and touch some grass bitch

  27. If you wanna eat vegan have at it.. fine but if people want to eat meat leave em alone.. meat eaters aren't being DICKS and pushing a mind set on vegans

  28. Ask bear gryls what he said about vegans and how it isn't sustainable, nutritious. Dude was vegan and couldn't even do a pullup stop convincing these little girls not to be masculine with your vegan bs…

  29. Your tomatoes are so full of drugs, pesticides and DNA manipulation, you could feed a family taking out the tomato from it.

  30. Is the entire vegan argument just based on playing your heart strings? We’re comparing the cost a production for a plant to an animal 🤣.

  31. Did you licked the avocado, wich traveled few thousands miles, on a plane, being spraid badly with other bas chemicals because its almost impossible to keep avocado that many days fresh.

  32. commercial grown farms for plants kill more animals then expected, every time they till the land every burrowing animal or ground based bird is wiped out whole sale, snakes and rodents are plowed over the same as last month's rotten turnip crop, thousands of insects are killed thru herbicides (medicine), chances are you use nitrate based fertilizers which come from…. fossil fuels, you use far more water on a 10 acre plant farm then you do a 10 acre cow farm, you wipe out native species of plants to make room for your crop, God forbid you get an invasive species of insect that infects your field and then makes a new home (looking at you weevils,) or a plant based disease appears that requires heavy genetic modification to fix (rust stalk anyone,) then if not properly rotated and cultivated plants leech valuable minerals from the ground without returning anything in industrial growing operations leaving land of lower and lower quality year after year, requiring more fertilizer and dredging causing further impact thru use of fossil fuels (you know the thing that makes nitrate based furtilizer, why do you think russia leads the world in fertilizer sales…)

    so in conclusion, both sides have pros and cons, but to dismiss this guy's claims as entirely false is asinine and shows a lack of knowledge of where you food comes from, what is required to make it, and how it is created from seed to plate.

  33. Cows eat grass and we don’t they are like a converting machine we are not farming tigers because it takes more resources than cows and takes our food to give us less food but cows they turn non food into food and we eat that food I don’t feel any empathy for the farm animals

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