Vegan RAGES a Jack Whitehall Milk Joke

I vegani si infuriano per la battuta sul sostituto del latte di Jack Whitehall. Questa reazione è stata così brutta che mi ha fatto sputare il mio latte di soia.

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I rivoluzionari (Netflix)
Forks Over Knives (Netflix)
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#jackwhitehall #veganmilk #davidramms

66 Risposte a “Vegan RAGES a Jack Whitehall Milk Joke”

  1. “I’m not the weirdo” he confidently says after demanding to get the secretion of animals’ nipples in his drink

  2. You can put soy milk anywhere weeks and perfectly fine but can't say same thing to cow's milk which contain at least 400000 pus per 1ml by the way. What that telling you?

  3. I always wondered who was the first weirdo to think, “I’ll just go and suck on a cows nipple to today.” The only adult mammal to still drink breast milk of a different species.

  4. You know what's weird judging people on what they eat 😂
    I mean meat eaters don't go into vegan restaurants and disrupt y'alls day. I wonder how your fruits and vegetables get to the vegan restaurants. Maybe by a plane? Ooooo and a truck perhaps 👀. Vegans aren't Angels because they don't eat animals.

  5. You spend huge amounts of labnour and machinery hours into processing nuts and oats and adding a bunch of chemicals and extracts into it so that it can have the same properties and consistancy as nipple juice and then get offended that someone calls you wierd for that….Own it ffs.

    You're making fake nipple juice. You like it like that and yes thats wierd.

  6. Lol he's making a joke dude. Sure it's not the funniest, but this commentator takes it as him being serious. "What a weirdo he likes nipples" like come on there is so much content on this platform to pull from and comment on. This guy actually sucks lmao

  7. Usually, and pay attention to that word. Usually, people who complain about killing animals could care less about killing infants in the womb and those are people.

  8. Get some actual protein in your diet and not laboratory modified protein. You all look sickly. Humans are omnivores. We aren’t designed to live off plants alone. The deficiencies in your bodies and mind would attribute to your lunacy.

  9. milk is made in a breast and expressed through a nipple. simple definition. vegans are destroying the planet, be proud you sorry fool

  10. You should probably leave the comedy to the comedians. You're taking his joke a little too literal. It's a joke, and the fact you can't keep that context is why people don't like vegans. By the way, I prefer almond milk over cow milk.

  11. Bruh what he says should not matter that much to you or anyone on the internet he did a show for an audience and made them laugh with what they found funny, come one man when are we gonna grow up

  12. We live in a world in wich a lot of men think drinking juice from a bean makes you unmanly.

    But drinking milk from a different species.. a pregnant cow utter/nipple.. made for her BABY…..IS manly.

    BEAN JUICE= Nnmanly and ''soy BOY''
    PREGNANT COW BABY MILK JUICE = MANLY and not ''BOY-ISH'' even tho its literally natures food made for BABY BOYS if it was your OWN species…

    Let that shit sink in. Also its the men who are most insecure about their male identity who feel the strongest urge to think like this. Making them, less manly.

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