Rallenta il battito del tuo cuore: fagioli contro esercizio

Una tazza al giorno di fagioli, ceci o lenticchie per tre mesi può rallentare la frequenza cardiaca a riposo tanto quanto 250 ore su un tapis roulant.

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Correzione : 04: 04 – dico 250 ore , ma significava 11 ore

Cos'è questa storia della durata della vita ridotta? Guarda il video “prequel” Finger on the Pulse of Longevity (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/finger-on-the-pulse-of-longevity) cosa. Vedi:
Quando basso rischio significa alto rischio ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/quando-basso-rischio-significa-alto-rischio /) e Tutto con moderazione? Anche le malattie cardiache? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/everything-in-moderation-even-heart-disease/).<br/>
Altro sul frutto musicale:
• I fagioli e l'effetto del secondo pasto (
• Fagioli in scatola o fagioli cotti? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/canned-beans-or-cooked-beans/)
• Aumento della durata della vita dei fagioli (
• Fagioli, fagioli, fanno bene al cuore (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/fagioli-fagioli-fanno-buoni-per-il-cuore)
• Fitati per la riabilitazione delle cellule tumorali (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/phytates-for-rehabilitating-cancer-cells/)
• I diabetici dovrebbero prendere il polso (

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/slow-beating-heart-beans-vs-exercise e proverà a rispondere!

Crediti immagine: Rwk / Flickr, Derrick Coetzee / Flickr, samwebster/Flickr, Global Crop Diversity Trust/Flickr, Ellen Reid e Shinya Suzuki / Flickr.

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100 Risposte a “Rallenta il battito del tuo cuore: fagioli contro esercizio”

  1. Hi, Dr. Greger. Thank you so much for the wonderful work you do with these videos. They are truly life changing.

    Did the study mention anything about arrhythmia? Could beans and exercise work as well on that condition?

  2. I'm 38, female and 4 ft 10. My heart rate is usually around 51-56. I cycle about 30 minutes a day. I am hypothyroid though, so I think that has something to do with it.

  3. I love eating beans everyday because they are high on fiber and it helps me go to the toilet more often, so I am constantly eliminating most of the waste from my body, It keeps me healthy! 🙂

  4. Unless the person is a young, well conditioned athlete, a low resting heart rate, below 60 bpm, is well correlated with psychopathy, so maybe this is why I've always heard that mean people live the longest.

  5. Sigh…
    My resting pulse is usually 80-90 BPM 🙁
    I don't eat meat or dairy, I exercise regularly, I don't smoke, I switched from coffee to decaf tea several years ago, and I eat LOTS of legumes (I love them).
    According to this, I'm doing everything right- So why is my pulse so fast?

  6. but almost all soybean is gmo now, and causes increases in estrogen levels. I'd be leary of high consumption. ..but it's in almost everything.

  7. I enjoyed this video. I have tachycardia so my heart rate is usually over 100, so i take atenolol (beta blocker) to slow it. I guess I should do more cardio and eat more beans and maybe i can get off my medicine? 🙂

  8. What about people with POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) and autonomic dysfunction/neuropathy? What can we do to lower our resting heart rate? I developed POTS and neuropathy after taking a fluoroquinolone antibotic (see FDA warnings), so my illness is not lifestyle related. I've always been a healthy weight and I eat a very healthy, balanced diet.

  9. I just got back from the grocery store with a case of canned beans, I forgot the Beano though.

    On a serious note: my grandparents ate a lot of beans every week and they lived into their 80's & 90's. They grew up during the Depression and beans were cheap.

  10. If any of this is really true, then it would seem the more athletic someone is, the shorter lifespan they may have. The extra amount they exercise daily which causes a greatly increased heartrate would seem to offset their slight drop in resting heartrate. So like everyting else, is moderation the key with exercise? That is not really good news to athletes who train rigorously daily for a good portion of their lives. I hope I am wrong.

  11. ok. thanks for the input. maybe someone can tell me about olive leaf extract. my son has dairy allergies. his dr said not too much soy for him. but he gets sick often I was told olive leaf extract and morenga would be beneficial for him. do to his limited diet. ideas?? please. he's 3.

  12. dr your work is wonderful. I'm a nurse in critical care and I'm constantly sharing your youtube channel with anybody who wants to listen or too sick to get away. and yes, i am now vegan, have been for months. thank you thank you thank you I've never felt better.

  13. Mine can be anywhere from low to mid 60's upto low 70's. Not sure if thats due to my change in diet, to a vegan diet or the heart medication Iam taking since my heart operation almost 3 years ago.

  14. Whenever my mom cooks something I'm like "I need to put some legumes in there" 😀 … Usually beans or (chick) peas.
    People think that will ruin the taste of the meal but in fact it just adds some proper nutrition while not changing the taste at all (almost). And it helps to fill me up, so I eat less of the, uh, other stuff…

  15. My problem is that my heart beats really hard especially when I'm going to go to bed, it usually makes me more awake…
    Anythign for that? Got a slow heartrate, well trained 35 yr.

  16. Does It mean it lowers your metabolic rate and body temperature? Basically making you more like a corpse? Farting corpse?:D this study should be done with measuring body temperature too…

  17. What if we're vegan, eat a lot of beans, work out daily, and still have a resting HR over 60? 'I just checked mine while I was sitting at my desk, and it's 68 🙁 I run 40+ miles a week, eat tons of fiber, and still can't get my HR down. I don't drink a lot of caffeine either.

  18. We don't need to lower our pulse when there's paranoia regarding our metabolism slowing down. Exercise burns calories, curbs our appetite, strengthens muscles (including our heart) so we can carry our TV up the stairs, etc. This video is just another nonsense Marxist-vegan propaganda. Thumbs down.

  19. From my childhood: Beans, beans are good for your heart. The more you eat the more you fart. The more you fart the better you feel. So eat some beans with your next meal.

    Yeah, we were quite the tykes.

  20. The QWERTY keyboard wasn't an accident it's in intentionally designed that way to prevent jams for speed typists because of 18th century technology.

  21. Beans were a staple out our house growing up. My parents were from the depression era and beans and potatoes kept them alive. Funny thing, you'd think I'd be sick of beans and potatoes as much as we ate the. Growing up. But I NEVER get tired of them. I often open a can of red beans or pinto beans and eat them cold right from the can!

  22. MVP with regurgitation leaves my resting rate rather high most of the time… how does that affect me long term? It's been significantly better since becoming vegan (no more angina and fewer migraines from dilation), but rate is still high.

  23. Beans, beans the musical fruit, the more you eat the more you toot. The more you toot the better you feel. So give me beans for every meal : )

  24. My heart rate before I went vegan was 86 bpm…. I've been vegan for 3 months and my resting heart rate is now 56 bpm…. I FEEL SO GOOD! I actually am astounded at how quickly my health has improved on this diet!

  25. Whats the definition of resting heart rate? In the morning after waking up I had 55bpm and after a stressful working day 90bpm (after resting for several minutes)..

  26. It's quite simple as to how beans lower ones heart rate, They are one of the BEST sources of magnesium (along with potassium) which naturally relaxes the heart and is an electrolyte most people are deficient in.

    Too low of a heart rate can be dangerous though from what I understand, it increases the risk of blood pooling in your leg's and the complications that come from that.

  27. Is there to low?  According to my fitbit resting heart rate was always between 6–70.  I began plant based diet and it went down to 55, then a week later 54, then 3 weeks later 53,  then to 52.  Today it went to 51.   I cam curious can it go to low?  I have doing beans and exercise so this video was not that helpful

  28. I was wondering same thing you touch on for a second about exercise gets your heart rate high just to try to lower, but how is the helpful on the average? So, cardio and beans lower about 3 beats. I have a resting HB average of 91, is there anyway to drop it more than 3 beats?

  29. No matter on which diet and how good my physical condition, my heart beat is always around 90 and every doctor I went to said it's fine.

  30. What if you are a WFPB being and still have a resting heart rate of 87-90???? That's me! am I going to die from the first heart attack????? 😔 I've always had a "fast" heartbeat! Since I can remember! Dr, please shine some light on this matter if possible. I thank you for your AMAZING work. You truly are the BEST public health doctor and we love you and thank you for your tiredness work. 😊

  31. Will lower blood pressure also. Go Vegan. Heart rate 54. Blood pressure 105/67. 77 years old. Run, lift, gymnastics and Bike. Have done it all but not at the same time. Keep moving. You will be glad you did.

  32. We had a campaign for donating blood today. I had a resting heart rate of 46 BPMs.
    The doctor looked at me like I was a walking corpse))

    Had to drink a cup of coffee and do some exercise to get my heart rate to 76 so they'd collect my blood as well.

    So… Yeah… Beans )

  33. According to my Fitbit my resting heart rate went from 90ish down to 62-64 after I went vegan. Blood pressure also was never so good as it is right now. I barely excercise.

  34. I donate blood a couple of times a year. They always check my blood pressure and HR first, and more than once I was told I couldn't donate because my HR was too low: 57! Wow…………….

  35. My resting heart rate is about 58 and I always been told I have a slow heart rate. When sleeping I have seen it go slow as 40's, the only symptom I have is palpitations when suddenly getting up which last for like 3-5 seconds.

  36. I have a resting heart rate of 46. I attribute it to eating beans everyday. I eat it in order to reduce the consumption of meat protein. I do HIIT training and some calisthenics. But it’s the beans that are a game changer

  37. This is so true! I let my diet get out of control during the pandemic, but in January 2021, I switched back to WFPB with no oil. Within days my RHR (according to my Fitbit) went from 68 to 58 to now a consistent 40 for the past two months. Thank you, lentils and broccoli.

  38. I have a resting heart rate of 48, and while sleeping it drops below 40. I live by the Daily Dozen and exercise regularly though I wouldn’t consider myself an athlete. Regular sience would warn me about Bradycardia which, though I don’t think I have other symptoms than the low heart rate, makes me wonder as well. Should I worry or should I consider myself healthy as a bean?

  39. I've been blessed with a slow heart rate from early on. My mother, father and sisters all have bradycardia. My resting heart rate on no meds is usually 50, give or take. I feel fine, no cardiac issues. I had an exercise treadmill with a stress echo and the cardiologist said I was fine and lucky to have good genes. Choose your parents carefully.

  40. My resting heart rate is about 88-90 and i am 38 , my rate increased after i got covid and has improved now, earlier it was around 100

  41. When I went plant based (whole foods), my resting pulse was like 83-85. Only a few weeks later, it's around 65. I didn't do anything else other than eating clean. I do eat tofu fairly often, does that count as a bean in this context? (Since soy is a bean right?)

  42. So, both 1 cup of beans per day and exercising 250 hours can only lower the heart rate by around 3 to 4 beats per minute.

    My heart rate is 75 per minute, which means doing neither of these can lower the rate to below 60.

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