Ravvivare la protezione del DNA

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DESCRIZIONE: Il DNA di chi cucina con spezie come zenzero, rosmarino e curcuma appare meno suscettibile di rottura.
Quale punto di riferimento per lo studio? Potresti aver perso il primo tempo. Guarda il mio ultimo video, Quali spezie combattono l'infiammazione? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/which-spices-fight-inflammation). <br/> Per altri straordinari benefici delle spezie, vedi:

• Benefici dei semi di fieno greco (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/benefits-of-fenugreek-seeds/) • Pepe di Caienna per Sindrome dell'intestino irritabile e indigestione cronica (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/cayenne-pepper-for-irritable-bowel-syndrome-and-chronic-indigestion/)
• Zafferano per il trattamento della sindrome premestruale (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/ zafferano-per-la-cura-della-pms/)
• Zafferano per la Cura dell'Alzheimer (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/saffron-for-the-treatment-of-alzheimers/)
Ci sono alcuni avvertimenti su erbe e spezie. Vedere, ad esempio:

• Non mangiare troppa noce moscata ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/dont-eat-too-much-nutmeg/) • La sicurezza del dragoncello (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-safety-of-tarragon/) • La cannella più sicura (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-safer-cinnamon/)

Troppa curcuma (http://nutritionfacts.org /video/oxalates-in-cinnamon/) potrebbe anche non essere una buona idea per chi è a rischio di calcoli renali.
Sentiti libero di dare un'occhiata alla mia Healthy Pumpkin Pie (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/healthy-pumpkin-pie- 2/) ricetta per uno dei tanti modi per ravvivare la tua dieta.

Ho una domanda per il Dr. Greger per questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/spicing-up-dna-protection/ e proverà a rispondere!

Crediti immagine: EssjayNZ, Photoverulam, Meerkatbaby, Anthro_aya, Meganmillscrm, Theimpulsivebuy, doegox , Carol Mitchell e Riy via Flickr; Ayacop tramite Wikimedia Commons; e Saxluvr tramite clker.com.

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• Negozio: https://drgreger.org

23 Risposte a “Ravvivare la protezione del DNA”

  1. When cooking with tumeric, remember to add a dash of freshly ground black pepper. it increased the power of tumeric by something like 2000 folds (would have to check some books at home to get the precise number, but it's REALLY significant – i think Dr.Greger mentions it in one of his videos from a few weeks back).

  2. I brush my teeth with turmeric instead of toothpaste, soothes gums, makes them whiter than white immediately, and no doubt some gets absorbed. This has got to be the best way to use Turmeric regularly. People with dental or oral issues should try it.

  3. ..that's what I thought, but what about the Turmeric oxalates & kidney stones / calcification issue? 

  4. Okay- recipe sharing time! Lightly oil a pan. Add chopped onion and let sweat for a bit, then add some chopped ginger, garlic, turmeric and a good measure of chopped kale- a fist and a half per serving. Stirfry briefly, then add some unsweetened nut milk ( a sub for coconut milk) and a bit of tomato paste. Simmer for 7 minutes or so. Serve over brown rice. 

  5. So GLAD he addressed raw vs. cooked turmeric…I recently came upon an abundance of fresh turmeric at my local Asian Food store…YES!!!! AND I always have powdered turmeric on my shelf in the spice cabinet. I've been shredding up the fresh turmeric into my leafy green salads…will make sure to cook it in a soup or stew now too! WOOT!!!

  6. Pumpkin from a can, cranberries from the freezer, pumpkin spice (with nutmeg?) from a tin, milk from a cartoon, but hey don't use that evaporated cane juice from a bag! It´s too sweet!

  7. 20%  ????????                         soya milk = GMOs  ..naa….. how about free range non pasteurized grass fed  milk with  organic turmeric                       

  8. I can't find two people who agree about soy milk.  I've heard that fermented soy products (like tempeh) somehow take care of whatever is wrong with processed soy.  I'm so confused.

  9. I heard that garlic and ginger have some substance that boost our memory DNA that can prevent our future kids to get the same sickneses we have conqured.

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