Recupero atletico migliorato senza compromettere l'adattamento

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DESCRIZIONE: Le proprietà antiossidanti e antinfiammatorie delle diete a base vegetale potrebbero minare alcune delle benefici dell'esercizio?
Altro sul miglioramento del recupero atletico nella mia recente serie di video in tre parti:

1. Ridurre l'affaticamento muscolare con gli agrumi (<br/> 2. Ridurre il dolore muscolare con le bacche ( -berries/)
3. Prevenire lo stress ossidativo indotto dall'esercizio con il crescione (http:/ /

Poi c'è la mia serie di video sull'uso di verdure ricche di nitrati per aumentare le prestazioni atletiche a partire da Doping With Beet Juice ( e che termina con Quindi dovremmo bere succo di barbabietola o no? (

Altri esempi di piante su pillole in:

• Produrre, non pillole per aumentare l'attrattiva fisica ( /)
• Uvetta contro Jelly Beans per prestazioni atletiche (http: //
• Prugne vs Metamucil vs Dieta Vegana (
• L'acido folico può essere nocivo? (
• Pillole di luteina, licopene e selenio ( -pillole-di-licopene-e-selenio/)

Se è il contenuto di antiossidanti della verbena di limone, allora potrebbe esserci un'opzione migliore. Vedi La tisana più salutare ( e Meglio del tè verde? (
Continuerò questo thread nel mio prossimo video, Preserving Immune Function In Athletes With Nutritional Yeast ( .
Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su -adattamento/ e proverà a rispondere!

Credito immagine: theboybg e Wolf Gang via Flickr .
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32 Risposte a “Recupero atletico migliorato senza compromettere l'adattamento”

  1. Great video Dr. As an endurance athlete myself, very informative.
    Exercise is like anything you do lots of. You adapt to it. I can literally run a 3hr marathon any day of the week with minimal noticeable damage, soreness etc the next day. My diet is choc full of nature's finest foods, fruits and vegetables and herbs.

  2. So, here is a question for this video.
    Is someone was just starting out to add exercise into to their lifestyle and got a test to measure their antioxidant  levels and was low, wouldn't it be beneficial for that person to consume more whole foods rich in antioxidant and also add some antioxidants supplements to get them to a healthy level and then after just drop off the supplements?

  3. My English is not that good, can someone really explain what is the video about please? Does he meant that eating fruit and vegetables will prevent the oxidative stress cause by the effect after exercise?

  4. This is an interesting article related to the sad event of Dr. Maria Strydom who died on Everest, (two other climbers in her party also died). Dr Stardom was a vegan.

    "…But, Dr Phillips said, it was crucial to seek a dietician's advice if you were a vegan looking to take part in sports that involve extreme physical endurance.
    "Another issue is the sheer quantity you would need to eat," she added, an issue especially pertinent on Everest, where every kilogram counts as kits are carried up the side of a mountain. "Lots of animal-based foods are more densely-packed with energy, protein, vitamins and minerals.
    "Because there's so much fibre in a vegan diet, you would be spending much more time eating. Look at the Tour de France – the time cyclists have to take in more minerals is minimal."
    There is one big advantage vegans have over their meat-eating counterparts, though – and that is their lack of bulk. "Vegans tend to be a lot leaner," Dr Phillips said. "They carry much less body fat."

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