Regolamenti dietetici del governo di successo

Normative dietetiche efficaci. In che modo l'Inghilterra è riuscita a ridurre così efficacemente l'assunzione di sodio, che è stata accompagnata da cali drammatici di decessi per ictus e malattie cardiache?

Per ulteriori informazioni sulla responsabilità personale rispetto a quella aziendale, vedere :
• Il ruolo della responsabilità personale nell'epidemia di obesità ( -l'epidemia di obesità/)
• Il ruolo dell'influenza aziendale nell'epidemia di obesità (
https: //
• L'industria alimentare vuole the Public Confused About Nutrition (<br/> • Una lezione politica sul potere dell'industria alimentare ( una-lezione-politica-sul-potere-dell-industria-alimentare/)

I miei video su il divieto di grassi trans:
• Co ntroversy Over the Trans Fat Ban (
• Vietare i grassi trans negli alimenti trasformati ma non nei grassi animali ( -grassi-trans-in-alimenti-trasformati-ma-non-grassi-animali/)
• Come abbiamo vinto la battaglia per bandire i grassi trans (

Scopri di più sul mio libro, How Not to Diet, qui (

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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45 Risposte a “Regolamenti dietetici del governo di successo”

  1. I've had celiac for 20 years…back when newly diagnosed, the only gluten free products were often just on one health food store shelf or freezer case. I'm happier for the options, though its true a good 90 percent of the gf products are ultra processed junk. I don't find getting fiber to be a challenge when eating wfpb, even without wheat, barley, or rye.

  2. We are poisoning ourselves in proportion to how processed our foods are.

    People complain and moan about this political party or that political party. Or they complain about that company versus another company.

    But in the end we need to take responsibility for what we put into our bodies, for how much or how little exercise and sleep we get, and for how much stress we're willing to tolerate and accept.

    When I read more and more about how "THE MARKET" only responds to what is needed, in part I know we're being manipulated by larger forces that make one sound absolutely conspiratorial.

    But all the same, we participate in "THE MARKET" by every little decision we make. Where we choose to live, what we purchase, how much we allow others to manipulate us.

    The least we can try to do is try not to die too soon by eating as healthy as we can.

  3. So should I take personal responsibility, or trust some know-it-all advisor to government morons to force me to do what they want?

  4. I hate hearing Dr. Greger make excuses for corporations. I'm not at all convinced that nefarious motives aren't behind some of their lobbying efforts.

  5. Edit: Corrected book title. I've read "How to Survive a Pandemic" by Dr. Greger. It's great. But, I'm now super angry about our governments conflicts of interest. "weak and ineffective" attempts at educating is such an understatement! Heck, even without reading his book, we have all seen things like the government food pyramid that emphasises meat and their PSA for the "increadable edible egg." They don't educate about healthy and they do promote unhealthy. And yes, this crosses party lines.

  6. Obesity is THE number one factor for all cause premature mortality and disease, even more so than smoking, and yet during the last two years of covid, no one from our multi billion dollar healthcare governmental bureaucracies is talking about it. Not CDC, not FDA, not NIH, no one.

  7. Whenever i eat just plant foods, no multivitamin or fortified foods my neck twitches and i gulp alot. When i have a multi, calcium fortified soymilk, iron fortified cereal that stops. What was happening?

  8. It's best to let them die. The world is overpopulated by inferior people. Diet is a good test of who is smart and who isn't. Processed food does a great job of killing low-IQ poor people thus reducing their inferior genes in the gene pool.

  9. Dr Greger is right. The UK (not just England) has been able to regulate the food industry, though only to some extent. There is also a tax on sugar and as a result, manufacturers have lowered the sugar in their products. Many food campaigners feel this could go further. Even so, food and drink are more strictly regulated in the UK and the European union than in the US. Take a look at the list of American (US) foods that they US meat is banned because of growth hormones, chlorine-washed chicken is also not permitted. There are higher levels of additives and poorer labelling which make US foods unacceptable. It is time the American public woke up and demanded food safety levels that are the norm in Europe and the UK.

  10. I'd like some politicians around the world to use the text of this video as a speech. Just read it into the record of your parliament / congress. Nothing more important than getting this right.

  11. Yes, they don’t want you to die…they just don’t care if you do. There’s new potential addicts born everyday.

  12. Thank you, Dr. Greger, for informing us about the UK government's life-saving success working with private companies in reducing the amount of salt in food products. It just makes sense to promote the health of our nation's citizens. It may even be a matter of not having enough healthy soldiers for the military services, but more importantly, it just makes sense to promote a healthful environment for people who can choose to add more salt if they prefer to have it! Where would we be if the government did not regulate restaurants to make sure they follow sanitary practices? Doesn't it sense to protect the public as the UK government-private partnership achieved by lowering salt contents? Or could the food stamp/SNAP program in the U.S. do more to promote and subsidize healthier foods like fruits and vegetables and not subsidize less healthful food items such as lard, fried foods, and super-sized sugary drinks?

  13. Selling real foods works for the meal delivery services like Hello Fresh and such. Taking away the need for meal planning, gathering recipes and developing a grocery list – makes it easier to actually cook real food (verses buying manufactured or fast food).

  14. Good to hear a success story for the UK. More legislation was enacted recently preventing confectionery being sold within (I think) 50 metres of the check outs. We still have a growing obesity problem here nonetheless – though not as bad as the US, thankfully.

  15. I have constant eye twitching on my upper left eye for 6 months nothing will stop it I sleep 12 hours a day and it's triggered even walking in light lit with salt lamps I stopped having cacao months ago no coffee in years I eat completely 100% whole foods plant based vegan salt oil sugar free what causes this I can't function its affected every aspect of mental health from it not stopping

  16. Hi Dr Greger,
    Thank you for making these helpful videos.
    Would it be possible to make a video about the health impact of black tea?
    Kind regards

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