Usando il Playbook della tassa sulle sigarette contro il grande cibo

Come potremmo replicare una delle nostre grandi vittorie nella salute pubblica, la riduzione del tasso di fumo, nel campo della nutrizione?

L'altro video che ho citato è Big Food Using the Tobacco Industry Playbook ( -il-libro-del-tabacco).

Nel prossimo video parlo degli effetti dei “messaggi di rimedio” per incoraggiare abitudini più sane. Scopri come evitare l'effetto boomerang dei messaggi di rimedio ( ).

Per ulteriori informazioni sull'utilizzo delle tasse per migliorare la salute, vedere:
• Tassare I cibi malsani migliorano la salute pubblica? (>• Taxpayer Subsidies for Unhealthy Foods (>• L'industria alimentare vuole che il pubblico sia confuso sulla nutrizione (

32 Risposte a “Usando il Playbook della tassa sulle sigarette contro il grande cibo”

  1. Millions of lives have been ruined and taken by the Medical Profession's recommendation to eat easily oxidized PUFA's…then turn a blind eye when those Omega-6's are used Routinely in FRYING VATS and BAKED into all of our food…inserting poisoned food for everyone's diet every day.

    Omega-6 PUFA's are primarily Pro-Inflammatory Signaling Fats and not a great energy source.

  2. No, it’s poor people that would suffer. let’s make healthy food cheaper by subsidizing and regulating.

  3. Corporations and people in general are not ethical any more.
    Greed and selfishness are all too common. Caring about the public good and treating others well are no longer common.

  4. I’m not sure if this idea can be implemented, but something needs to be done. The SAD is killing us and costs us trillions in healthcare.

  5. Strict reform, is the only way.The same as the tobacco reform has accomplished. People need to wake up and support the stopping of their bad habits. Alcohol is next!!!

  6. Unfortunately this idea will not work with with the food industry. Taxes on unhealthy (processed/fatty/sugary) foods will result in reduced consumption and therefore loss of revenue for food manufacturers. To compensate, they will raise food costs elsewhere. Food will go from being considered a lesser expense to a generally expensive commodity. After expensive food becomes the norm the corporations will get away with raising prices even further, because now there is precedence and popular resignation.

  7. Okay, so taxing fat could increase government coffers by trillions? But what is the government doing with that money. Not much good, and it should be restrained from spending boondoggles, like climate change, CRT and all the multitudinous forms of gender madness in schools and the military, etc. In fact it is a struggle to find much that our government is doing, and planning to do, that makes any sense at all, so giving them more money is culturally suicidal. Therefore, if a fat tax can be instituted at all over the cacophony of 'fat-shaming' outrage that would result, there should be a concomitant decrease in taxes for healthy people, however 'healthy' can be defined legalistically (BMI under 25%?) But that would require more monitoring, which is ugly to say the least. Did I mention that the government couldn't be trusted? And, of course, some of our 'betters' are already suggesting that reducing the population by orders of magnitude is in order, and is already in the works. Had you noticed we have a supply chain problem, including food, and a fuel problem which is likely to kill millions? So taxing Chef Boyardee eaters may be a good idea in the long run, we have more pressing problems, like removing the doofuses who want us all dead. But, I like my idea of starving the government of money. That would be a good beginning.

  8. Addiction to junk food is so strong, almost nobody wants to adapt. Here, we are plant base diet, and looking 35 years younger than friends and family

  9. The problem is medical doctors are part of the obesity problem regards the FDA. Are doctors really going to want their patients to not be sick, thus losing their cash cow?

  10. Yes, they need to put this in to law across the world! Fund yourself needing to go to the hospital later on in life, because eating all that garbage will definitely land ya there! They need to do the same thing with animal products. Then again, they could alter the incentives given so the companies naturally raise their prices to where they should be.

  11. A great starting point could be to tax soda. Everyone knows it is nothing but bad for you, and the companies are filthy rich. Subsidize fresh produce!

  12. Maybe – but when they tax things like tobacco and alcohol does ALL that tax revenue go to cessation programs or disease treatment?

    Likely not. Probably ends up being considered general funds and just spent how ticks in gubment want to spend it.

  13. Government shouldn't manage public health like we are cattle. If you want to give up your human dignity and become publicly managed livestock then move to Canada.

  14. This is the sort of information I have been looking forward to hearing about and has confirmed some of my thoughts on these matters. Thank you as always for the information. 😊

  15. Unfortunately many people Including many in the government still believe that meat, dairy and eggs are healthy or even an essential part of a healthy balanced diet


    COUNTDOWN| Vol. 40, Issue 10363, NOVEMBER 05, 2022
    "The 2022 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: health at the mercy of fossil fuels"

    Even if climate change wasnt going to kill us all (which it will at this rate) people dont even realize how much the FF and automotive industries are killing us anyway. TAX THEM. EDUCATE PEOPLE. ughhhnnn

  17. Sorry, but eff this idea. Using taxes to persuade people not to smoke is one thing (even if I don't agree with it), but using it to prevent unhealthy eating is quite another. Food is both necessary for survival AND the only pleasure some people have. Sounds like just another way to make life more difficult and expensive. "Healthy" eating is not cheap, unless you want to eat nothing but rice day in and day out. I get really tired of this kind of social engineering.

  18. A much better solution, is to sue the manufacturers for false advertising and for maliciously and socio-pathologically promoting disease. Pull big pharma in along with big food. And don't ignore the complicit medical industry funded by bad advice to clients and by the bloated government. "Good luck with that" I hear you say. You're probably right, so before anything can be done using tax penalties, the one obese elephant in the room which must be slenderized is the government. Remove the bloat and replace the sleazy bureaucrats with people of good will and integrity. Short of that, Big Food's bribes will win every time.

  19. Just one thing in the way of taxing unhealthy food,, campaign contributions to politicians from lobbyists. Don't even need to do that, just keep sharing it online or in public maybe with a sign on your car

  20. Who is this "we", who will decide who and what to tax? The Great God Greger? Ancel Keys? The govt officials who recommended Crisco instead of butter? The govt experts who spent 20 years in Afghanistan and didn't realize the Afghan Army existed only on paper? This is some of the most paternalistic "I know better than you." garbage I've heard lately. And always tax is the solution to every problem. Tax to control what people eat. To control the climate. And don't forget to tax how much they don't exercise. And tax to buy votes for jerks. Where are the omniscient super-people who will make all these decisions? I have not seen any evidence that there are any such people. I have seen plenty of evidence that the hallowed halls of government are filled with clueless morons.

  21. I'm from denmark, they tax you so hard on everything you end up poor and only drinking beer cause that's pretty much the only thing they haven't taxed… The world would be better without a government to tell me what to do by stealing my money…

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