Rischio di cancro da patatine fritte

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DESCRIZIONE: L'associazione tra cancro e consumo di cibi fritti può essere dovuta a sostanze cancerogene che si formano ad alte temperature negli alimenti di origine animale (ammine eterocicliche e idrocarburi policiclici) e vegetali (acrilamide).
Il mio 380 video può essere trovato qui Acrilammide in francese Patatine fritte (
Altro sulle ammine eterocicliche:
• Carcinogeni estrogenici della carne cotta (
http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/estrogenic-cooked-meat-carcinogens/) • PhIP: The Three Strikes Beast Carcinogen (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/phip-the-three-strikes-breast-carcinogen/) • Riduzione del rischio di cancro nei mangiatori di carne (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/reducing-cancer-risk-in-meateaters/)
• Ammine eterocicliche nelle uova, nel formaggio e nella creatina? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/heterocyclic-amines-in-eggs-cheese-and-creatine/)

Tuttavia, ci sono alcune cose che possiamo fare per contrastare gli effetti di questi agenti cancerogeni:
• Cancro, Interrotto: Tè verde (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/cancer-interrupted-green-tea/)
• Cancro interrotto: aglio e flavonoidi ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/cancer-interrupted-garlic -flavonoidi/)
• Miglioramento prolungato della funzione epatica dai broccoli (http ://nutritionfacts.org/video/prolonged-liver-function-enhancement-from-broccoli/) Tocco gli idrocarburi aromatici policiclici in Meat Fumes: Dietary Secondhand Smoke (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/meat-fumes-dietary- fumo-di-seconda/) e L'aroma di fumo liquido è cancerogeno? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-liquid-smoke-flavoring-carcinogenic/)
Anche alcuni grassi possono avere un ruolo nella sopravvivenza al cancro al seno:
• Sopravvivenza al cancro al seno, Butterfat e Pollo (
• Sopravvivenza al cancro al seno e grassi trans (http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/breast-cancer-survival-and-trans-fat/) Hanno una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/cancer-risk-from-french-fries/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Daniel Y. Vai su Flickr.

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• Negozio: https://drgreger.org

35 Risposte a “Rischio di cancro da patatine fritte”

  1. Good healthy Southern food:

    Took lunch one way when I was working in the South.  Went to a buffet and decided I'd eat healthy that day, SO took only little bowls of vegetables.  When I got to my table and moved said little bowls from the tray to the table I noted a little ring of (butter, grease, BACON juice), or something else under each one.  So I comforted myself by going back for a big helping of Fried Chicken and some french fries.

    Please Pass the BACON and I'm just about finished my mug of HEAVY CREAM so I'd like a refill on that too.

    And is it time for the ICE CREAM?

  2. My daily supplement list:
    1000mg Ester C (Vitamin C)
    200 mcg Selenium (naturally derived from yeast)
    4g Indian gooseberry powder (a powerful antioxidant)
    15mg Zinc and 2mg Chelated Copper
    1 tablet of Alive Multivitamin
    Vitamin D 1000 IU
    Milk thistle (for liver detox)
    Ginger & Turmeric capsules (anti-inflammatory) 

  3. I can't believe the fast food industry would use the word nutrition in any document! unless it was preceded by bad or no! Macdonalds worried about vitamin C,
     vitamin $ most likely!!

  4. The good doctor is so far off that he really gets lost himself…  …." this STUDY….MAY show….which MAY be RELATED to, and MAY SHOW. what we did not know  until now, MAY …..SUGGEST….   in other words "I have an agenda, but have no real data, proof, or argument for it."  what was that? VEGAN?…oh,  you mean to become like a plant and eat only mono-poop?  ah, I see

  5. I am vegan and eat quite a healthy balanced diet but I love french fries (in the UK we call them chips).  I don't have them often but when I do I overload.  There is nothing quite like soggy, crispy chip shop chips…

  6. With regards to acrylamide it says it "is formed when carbohydrate-rich foods are exposed to high-temperature cooking SUCH AS DEEP FRYING." Sounds to me like that means it's just the temperature that's the issue and that baking would have the same effect sadly. Does this mean one should bake fries (or other starchy vegetables) at temperatures significantly lower than 350 and that would be ok???

  7. I put my potato submerged in water for 10 mins in the microwave oven and I have a hot potato that fails to build up that toxin due to the boiling of the water never gets hotter than 220f ;). as for French fries.. I don't believe its possible unless you deep fry as quick as possible and as low as possible. Mac Donald's should enjoy that because it allows them to cut corners by saving electricity and improving speed ;).

  8. I eat Alexia French fries which says they’re 98% fat free. So they have just a bit of oil. I bake them at 450 but I’ll bring it down to 300.

  9. I usually get sore throat after eating too much deep fried foods. That ought to indicate something is really toxic inside deep fried foods in general. But if I wash it down with a large bowl of salad immediately afterwards, then the sore throat won't occur. That ought to indicate some powerful anti-toxin in a bowl of salad in general.

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