Rischio di tumore al cervello del cellulare?

Cosa ha da dire la principale autorità mondiale sugli agenti cancerogeni sui telefoni cellulari?

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Se ti sei perso il mio ultimo video, offre alcune informazioni su questo problema: Le radiazioni dei telefoni cellulari causano il cancro? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Does-Cell-Phone-Radiation-Cause-Cancer).

Cos'era quella su carne e cancro? Sebbene la decisione della IARC sia stata presa l'anno scorso, è una notizia vecchia: <br/> • Reazione dell'industria della carne alle nuove linee guida contro il cancro (https://nutritionfacts.org/ video/meat-industry-reaction-new-cancer-guidelines/)
• L'appetibilità della prevenzione del cancro (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-palatability-of-cancer-prevention/)
• Quanto cancro fa la carne a pranzo Causa? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-cancer-does-lunch-meat-cause/)

Che dire del rischio di cancro delle radiazioni diagnostiche mediche? Guarda i miei video Rischio di cancro da radiazioni TC (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/cancer-risk-from-ct-scan-radiation/) e i raggi X dentali causano tumori al cervello? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-dental-x-rays-cause-brain-tumors/).

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76 Risposte a “Rischio di tumore al cervello del cellulare?”

  1. I think you’re wrong it’s not a political decision, it’s an economic decision. The corporations who make profit on cell phones influence the politicians. Just follow the money. The truth is out there.
    Thanks for all your hard work finding them.

  2. Lets all go back to landline rotary phones; I still have one but don't know if it would work these days. They were a lot of fun and you would probably die before the time it would take to dial the last number in 911. God, I miss the 80's.

  3. The worry should be more about increasing levels of EMF's in general, now with the roll out of 5G networks in some places. I am also more worried about what this does to me on a more general cellular level, impact on mitochondria, energy levels, cognitive function. More than ever it seems good to being spending time walking bare foot on the beach and getting some sun exposure.

  4. Cell phone radiation are microwaves and are non-penetrating and non-ionizing. I think it's possible that the excess heat that is created by putting it next to your ear is responsible for the rare cases of brain and inner ear cancers.

    Of course if you have a hole in your head or a particularly thin skull it's a possibility or if the waves somehow make their way into your head through the ear, nose or mouth.

    I wouldn't worry too much about it and like he said, wait a second for the connection to establish and don't put it too close to your ear, which is also doing your hearing a favor.

  5. As it is with meat and animal products, the word here is b i o a c c u m u l a t i o n
    so even IF mobile phones are a probable cause of brain tumors, then if you add up
    – electromagnetic radiation from cell towers;
    – electromagnetic fields from house applliances, including wifi and cordless phones, bluetooth mouses and keyboards, playstation, cordless nintendo and xbox controllers;
    – EMF from smart meters AND;
    – dirty electricity (also EMF) from all house circuitry caused by those smart meters OR economy/led bulbs, plasma TV sets
    – dirty electricity caused by electricity from solar panels;
    – ground electricity caused by wind electricity generators.

    Then you may come to a conclusion, that mobile phones are the proverbial tip of the iceberg. My position is, that the public not only needs to know, but it also need to be protected. But the industry representatives know, that security measures would be at their expense and therefore want to keep the threat awareness as low as possible. Even though all expenses are theirs at first, and then, as a rule, are transeferred to the consumer in ways of rising the price for mobile phones, appliances, dirty electricity neutralizers etc. etc. Taking all this into account the only reason not to make people aware is simply to spare any expenses, even if they will be covered by the people later on, or one may think there is a conspiracy to make people sick.

  6. This should be easy to breakdown: just go to statistic of prevalece for brain tumor before and years after the explosion of cell phone proliferance. Thats it

  7. Why don't you do some lab test and show us the independent result then you let your viewers decide? Don't act as if you have privilege of authority on this topic Doc G

  8. The thing about hot showers is they open up your pores, dramatically increasing dermal absorption of the water. Remember all those early 21st century reports about antibiotics, pain meds, inorganic compounds, industrial wastes and solvents, depression meds, etc being found it regular tap water across the nation?

    Yeah, taking a hot shower loads you up on all that garbage. It's why a hot shower is so *relaxing*! Chemicals cocktails, courtesy of the US Government.

  9. Do 5G network exposure next! You'll learn a few troubling things when you go looking for the white papers on 5G. For contrast, you could compare it to the US Army's "Area Denial System" setup 😉

  10. thank you for exposing the reality of emf. please continue and cover smart meters, modems, and the expansion of G5 towers. also people can purchase an emf meter to determine levels emitted from their own devices and ambient emf.

  11. My boss died from brain cancer. He was a lot on his cellphone… like all the time. Anyway, he ate a lot of animal products too. I'm so sad for him and his familly 🙁

  12. Dr. G, Many people want to know how to mitigate the radiation and are asking you what should we do? I don't think people will just give up their cell phone. So can you give us the scoop on wireless ear buds, putting the phone in your pocket, etc. Practical steps we can take.

    thank you.

  13. What about the radiation coming from computer monitors and TV sets or power lines? I guess we need to turn everything off and go live like caveman. Probably live longer if we taped the phone to our heads.

  14. Dr. Gregger can you please make a video about microwaving food and the popular belief that it can cause cancer. Thanks!

  15. Phones emit microwaves (~2.4 Ghz) the same as the microwaves we cook with but at a much lower amperage.
    Cell phones might cause cancer by creating free radicals. So does that mean when we cook with microwaves it's creating a lot of free radicals in our food?

  16. You didn't really address the other side of the argument, other than saying some studies having financial backing influence. What about recall bias or confirmation bias in your cited studies? What about biochemical arguments? You should at least address these

  17. Holding a mobile phone up to your ear is a lot less common than what it used to be.

    What happens if I leave my phone in my pocket the majority of the time, will it cause issues to my legs? What about my hands when I am using it?

  18. If I soak my phone then boil it and pour out the extra water does the risk decrease. Thank you for the information never would have gotten it without you!

  19. What about people who keep it in a pocket or use a belt clip, keeping it in the same place for over 12 hours a day. Does that increase the risk to organs (I’m thinking liver and boy parts depending on where you keep it) adjacent? I think I’ll continue to keep mine mostly in my purse, but I don’t think it’s possible not to have it in my pocket occasionally. My husband’s is a belt clip user – if we were trying to conceive I might worry. I don’t really know when an electromagnet field is created during cell phone use, but my guess is that it is always sending and receiving, so is pretty continuous. Since it’s not in my knowledge area, I could be totally wrong. Also, I mostly use hands free in the car and at home, so it’s rarely near my head long.

  20. The real question is are cell phones vegan? Is it compassionate to microwave birds, insects, your neighbors, and your kids every time you need to make a call or use some wireless data?

  21. one of my Yoga instructors has been diagnosed with Brain Cancer and has been told he has only 3 years to live. He eats really healthy, so I wondered if it was from Cell Phones.

  22. Hi, I have a very important question: do headsets (cable, not bluetooth) reduce or increase the amount of radiation? I used to use my mobile phone only with headsets until I read that it is actually worse! So I am very confused. Thanks Dr. Greger for all the provided information 🙂

  23. Hot showers (and worse Hot Baths) are bad because they contribute to erectile dysfunction because the heat on the balls. Besides, cold showers help the circulation, whereas hot showers draw the blood to the surface of the skin.

  24. Bill Clinton deregulated the telecommunications industry and now we have cell phone towers everywhere.  Then Obama handed out billons of our tax dollars to force wireless transceiver "smart" meters on every home in the US.  It's been known for at least 40 years that these kinds of emissions are harmful.  Very smart for profits, but very bad for a population that already has an epidemic of chronic diseases like cancers, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, heart diseases, etc.   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  25. The stats in the study say it is rare, I know 1 person who died of Lung Cancer, I know 1 person who has died of uterine cancer, I know 4 people that have had brain cancer and am in the same circle as one other so that is 5 total. The aspect that I noticed they all have in common, they have to use a phone a lot (own there own businesses) and all were between 50 and 65 when they were diagnosed, oh and all of them were diagnosed in 2017.

  26. Exposure to the sun is measurably thousands of times more carcinogenic. In fact you receive more harmful rays from the sun even while indoors than even constant cell phone usage could.

  27. The world did have it's cell-phone boom in the 1990s, what I want to know is what was causing the increasing brain cancer incidence before that, and the leveling off later.

  28. Honestly, there are risk factors all around. Just like for each and every disease or type of cancer. But we know from Dr Greger that there are some plant what could help us to avoid or reduce at least the risk. What about the brain tumors? Can the risk be reduced by consuming turmeric maybe? What are the odds?

  29. Kimchi a possible cause of cancer? I've been eating it daily for a year because I thought fermented vegetable were supposed to be fantastic for the gut. This is terrible news!

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