Safest source of B12

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DESCRIPTION: Since foods are effectively a package deal, what is the best way to get vitamin B12 (cobalamin)? Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and I’ll try to answer it! I make a similar “baggage” argument about meat in my video Food Is a Package Deal ( and about dairy in Plant vs. Cow Calcium ( Tomorrow I’m going to get into the nitty-gritty on how much one needs on a weekly basis, and Wednesday’s video-of-the-day will cover daily dosing. Or you can skip to Vitamin B12: How Much, How Often? ( and for background, see my blog post Vegan B12 Deficiency: Putting It into Perspective ( For more on how many eggs would be required for other nutrients, see Egg Industry Blind Spot ( And those with a thing for vegan bowel movement studies, see Bristol Stool Scale (, Bowels of the Earth (, Food Mass Transit (, and Bowel Movement Frequency ( And there are videos on a thousand or so other topics ( so please feel free to dig in!<br />
Image Credit: National Cancer Institute and professor evil via Flickr. Images have been modified.
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100 Risposte a “Safest source of B12”

  1. The warriors are eating solely meat blood and milk… "We believe… that the [Warrior Class] escapes some noxious dietary agent for a time. Obviously, this is neither animal fat nor cholesterol. The old and the young Masai do have access to such processed staples as flour, sugar, confections and shortenings through the Indian dukas scattered about Masailand." The old and the young are those with the atherosclerosis.

    Read wholehealthsource's analysis, it's very good.

  2. Anthonny Colpo is a fraud REGARDLESS of what the gullible scam victim of Muata Kamdibe thinks. Colpo has been caught RED-HANDED lying about Dr. Dean Ornish's studies:


  3. Anthony Colpo looks OLD in the face. I was schocked at how old Colpo looks and how much he has aged from his ( looks poorly photoshopped) 2005 picture in the FACE. He ats HIGH GLYCEMIC carbohydrates. Insulin surges are bad news. There were studies on centenarians and the one thing they all had in common were LOWER insulin levels. Insulin surges DEACTIVATE the (centenarian) GENE that allows poeple to live to 100.

  4. When will the anti-cholesterol propaganda end?  Is it not ironic that he preaches a natural diet but then suggests that people take supplements and fortified food to get adequate levels of B12. How fucking natural is that? Genetics and evolution clearly indicate that we are meant to be omnivores, all be it with personalized variations. I am tired of vegans cherry-picking and distorted scientific research to support ideological views. True and correct science must remain neutral and not ideological.

  5. Since there is an abundant source of high quality B-12 available, anyone who would EAT SHIT to get vitamin B-12 is fucking retarded!  I knew there were some pretty fucked up people in this world, but I swear I didn't know they could be that stupid! 

  6. once the egg proteins have been denatured and digested , would not the b12 be free to be absorbed. vegan diet is healthy if done right no doubt, but taking small amounts of farm raised lean meat 3 times a week in addition to taking whole grains fruits and veggies and legumes cannot be unhealthy. most people loathe to give meat completely .  I used to eat 3 portions of meat a day and now I eat only one daily and sometimes I go vegan for a day or 2 days per week. I lost weight and my ldl dropped a lot.

  7. I have read that the cyanocobalamin type of B12 used in vitamins and cereals is not safe for use and very little of it is absorbed. Are the other forms of B12 better.

  8. So where is the B12 coming from that is in supplements? I suspect that it is from eggs, fish and meat. Of course I am not discounting that it may be from excrement but I doubt it!

  9. Please doctor…what do think about the Framingham Heart Study that concludes inflammation, not cholesterol, to be the real factor for heart disease? Hope to hear your assessment, thnx.

  10. BREAKFAST CEREALS, fortified or otherwise, are a poor choice of vitamin supplementation.
    They are usually "fortified" with large quantities PROCESSED SUGARS and LOW QUALITY FATS.
    The quality of vitamins and minerals they contain, and their sources are [at best] UNKNOWN.
    So while they obviously provide enough B12, it's surprising that there was no mention of the [more obvious] downside to eating them… certainly NOT ONE OF THE SAFEST SOURCES !!!

  11. Stop that rant about Cholesterol already !!!

    While there's no argument that eating 200-400 eggs per day is too much, cholesterol is NOT the reason for not eating that much.

    In a 1992 book "Your Body's Many Cries For Water" by F. Batmanghelidj M.D., the mainstream approach, that arteries are being clogged by cholesterol because of excessive cholesterol amounts in the body, has been shown to be logically false.

    Further studies into the mechanism of cholesterol creation, absorption, and usage in the the body suggest that high cholesterol levels in the blood are indeed a warning sign of several possible conditions, but that they are only a SYMPTOM, (the result), and NOT THE CAUSE, of those conditions.
    So while lowering cholesterol intake or taking "anti cholesterol" medication may temporarily suppress or reduce the symptom, it will not solve the cause, which is bound to manifest itself in some other way.

    Another myth which should already have been abandoned by now is the classification of the different forms of cholesterol into "good" and "bad".
    The so called "bad" cholesterol has definite functions in our bodies, it is a BENEFICIAL substance, and viewing it as "harmful" is a misconception which is likely to result in erroneous conclusions, and bad nutrition and lifestyle choices.



  12. Why wasn't nutritional yeast mentioned as an excellent source of B12? Dr. Greger talks about it in How Not to Die. Perhaps he didn't know it at the time of this video?

  13. Anecdotally I can vouch for this. I took vitamin B12 as part of a multivitamin (although it was quite a decent dose despite being part of a multivitamin) and later was tested for B12 and my levels were off the chart!

  14. The good news is, in the U.S, Cheerios are fortified with B-12. The bad news is, in Mexico, where I live, Cheerios are NOT fortified with B-12. The good news is, since Cheerios are manufactured by the corporate criminals at Nestle Corp, Mexican vegans no longer have to agonize over whether or not they should buy a product manufactured by a bunch of assholes who are trying to weaponize the world's water supply.

  15. There has to be a better way?

    Surely taking supplements is an unnatural means?

    I'm left with the disappointing feeling that hard-core vegans are extreme and miss out on a more natural way. I'm thinking its better to be a flexitarian. At least B12 can be found naturally. And what about K2, isn't that in abundance in Brie and Swiss cheese? Time for a sensible compromise. Let's face it vegans don't have the answers, they still go down with mineral and vitamin deficient illnesses and even get cancer and heart attack.

  16. One thing I always wonder about: When did human beings needed to get B12? How come that somethign that is a difficult to get is needed for our body? Did humans didnt need B12 10.00 years ago?

  17. Palmyra jaggery made from a tree in southern India commonly know as palm sugar(not coconut palm sugar) has natural source of vitamin b12 and I live in India so I get it cheap.

  18. Wrong! The ones eating fortified breakfast cereal's levels of B 12 would be wrong because when you add folic acid to a food it upsets the levels go B12 and the actual level is masked because if the high folate level.

  19. It's a mythical disaster and lie to wage war on the cholesterol levels in eggs. Eggs also have lethicin in their yolk that breaks down the cholesterol and neutralises and dangers to chicks and to humans! Mother Nature always provides an antidote!

  20. I think we need a new video on b-12 from Dr Greger. He still recommends 250mcg of cyancobalmin a day. Recent studies show that taking as little as 55mcg a day raised the risk of lung cancer in smokers and ex smokers. The link to the study:

    What would an ex smoker and vegan do? should we just go back to the the 2.4mcg RDA?

  21. Lol this doctor is so cute, he thinks eggs raise cholesterol. LDL and HDL are transporters of cholesterol not cholesterol itself silly. LOL!!!! YOU FUCKING FUNNY!

  22. What about clams and oysters, especially clams. While not vegetarian if you are eating vegetarian for health reason and not moral reasons its the best way to get b12. You can get enough b12 for an entire month with 1 3.5oz can of smoked clams.

  23. Question. There are two forms of vitamin B12, methylcobalamin (extracted from animals) and cyanocobalamin (the synthetic version). My question is, what are the risks of taking the non-synthetic B12? Does the high cholesterol still carry over?

  24. As a registered dietitian (RD) I appreciate that you bring a lot of good nutrition advice to the public, and help steer people toward healthy eating and away from fad diets.
    However, some of your videos have inaccurate or misleading information which can hurt your patients, as well as your credibility. For example, recommended daily intakes of vitamins take into account absorption already. Those values are the amount a healthy person would need to EAT, not the amount you need to ABSORB (there are people who need more due to reduced stomach acid, medications, gastrointestinal conditions, etc). Saying the amount of B12 you would need to eat is equivalent 200-400 eggs is not true, and misleading.

    I highly recommend you work along side some RDs who are experts in the field of nutrition to make your messaging stronger and more accurate.

  25. This reminds me I need to take some extra since it's winter and I'm adding kelp to my veggie stew…
    (Kelp apparently contains B12-like substances that can interfere with absorption.)

  26. Has anyone counted the insects (as a source of B12), that are inevitably present in many fruits and vegetables such as blackberries and cauliflower?

  27. Dr Gregor! What can you recommend as a source of B12 for vegans living in countries without access to supplements and fortified foods? I live in Mexico and haven't been able to find any and since I am feeling deficient I'm considering eating sardines 🙁 yuck.

  28. FYI, since 2012 we've discovered that Duckweed contains B12 is large quantities. So in answer the 'what is the better way' that some of you are asking… duckweed!

  29. Hm. So humans evolved to take supplements and eat fortified foods? I myself take B vitamin supplements in the form of weekly shots, but it kinda makes me wonder how we got here.

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