Semi di lino contro cancro alla prostata

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DESCRIZIONE: Cosa succede quando gli uomini con cancro alla prostata e neoplasia prostatica intraepiteliale (PIN) vengono posizionati su una dieta relativamente povera di grassi integrata con semi di lino macinati? Rallentare la crescita del cancro ( è bene, ma che ne dici dell'inversione del cancro attraverso la dieta? ( In altre parole, se una pianta potesse che, che ne dici di un'intera dieta piena zeppa di piante? Guarda la mia serie di video che va da Ex Vivo Cancer Proliferation Bioassay ( ) (in realtà Engineering a Cure a The Answer to the Pritikin Puzzle ( ). E per l'allargamento benigno della ghiandola prostatica Prostata vs. Piante ( e Prostate vs. a Plant-Based Diet ( -diet/) (con background in alcune prostate sono più grandi di altre /alcune-prostate-sono-più-grandi-di-altre/).<br/>
E per il cancro al seno? Vedi Sopravvivenza al cancro al seno e assunzione di lignan ( . Maggiori informazioni su questi meravigliosi semi in Flax and Fecal Flora ( , i miei frullati (A Better Breakfast -colazione/), e il vecchio ma buono Just the Flax, Ma'am (http :// E Chia? Scopri qual è il migliore in Flaxseeds vs. Chia Seeds ( -semi/).
Poiché l'intervento dietetico ha comportato sia la riduzione dell'assunzione di grassi che il consumo di semi di lino, come possiamo sai che il lino c'entra qualcosa? Questo è l'argomento del prossimo video Was It the Flaxseed, Fat Restriction o entrambi? ( /).
Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!

Immagine di credito: National Cancer Institute.
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81 Risposte a “Semi di lino contro cancro alla prostata”

  1. Great, i take two tablespoons of organic flaxssed everyday, which i grind myself in a coffee grinder for the freshest product. I've read that store bought pre milled flax powder maybe rancid ? At least the oil components.

  2. This is great information, as usual. Thank you, Dr Greger! Let us know when your Ultra-Prevention, Anti-Cancer Cookbook comes out (hint hint) 😉

  3. I seem to recall a previous video where Dr. G. said no, flaxseed oil wasn't nearly as effective as fresh-ground flaxseed, nor was flaxseed purchased ground (flaxseed meal). So grind your own.

  4. Interesting that there's a decreased risk associated with alcohol consumption. My guy almost never drinks, does that put him at risk?

  5. I lived in Shanghai and Hong Kong and I can tell you with certainty that they consume lots of fat and meat. The normal Shanghai diet consists of a serving of pork along with veg and rice/tofu or another filler. Shanghainese are not anywhere near vegetarian. In fact they eat a 3 inch square block of pork fat as a delicacy! Oh and the veg is nearly always cooked and drenched in oil! I lose weight while I am there so while my meat consumption is on par with here there is something healthier there!

  6. It is very common to find your vegetables cooked in lard in China. They are 50 years behind the U.S. in diet. You can find millet, brown rice, black rice, & other seeds & grains in all the supermarkets in bulk, but I never saw anyone else buying them except myself. They were too busy buying white rice. They also love pork & eat it everyday. Their government tells them that they are the healthiest people in the world, & they do believe it. How can you be healthy eating white rice & pork everyday?

  7. I couldn't even find flaxseed in China. I had to go to Hong Kong to get it. The Chinese diet was very disappointing. Sure the women in China were thinner than Americans, but they had very little muscle on their bodies so their thin arms were still mostly fat. You just don't notice the fat until you see their thin arms jiggling. The girls are afraid to go to the gym because they see pictures of women bodybuilders from the U.S. who take steroids, & they're afraid they are going to look like that.

  8. They don't eat white rice and pork. They eat lots of plants with rice and pork. The diet is certainly high in fat although most of the time vegetables are cooked with an oil like vegetable or canola.

  9. Yes, keep it in the fridge…I live in SWFL and grind my own flax seeds each week…then store in fridge to use all week long. 🙂

  10. Quinoa, Amaranth, Teff, Millet, Buckwheat take place of grains/breads.
    Grass fed animals, raw milk and their products, organic nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables. AVOID oils except organic raw coconut. You can literally feast on these but you have to mostly prepare your own food, this is where we have gone wrong today relying on manufacturers who make cheap, nutritionless, chemical full edibles/drinks for their profit not for our health. "Nourishing Traditions" by Sally Fullon, read it!

  11. Grass fed animals, raw milk and their products, still have colerral and growth hormones .. were not meant to eat these things.. need proof? go and try to take a bite out of a cow with your "k-9" teeth .. lmao

  12. show them pictures of fat Americans and scare them into it i visited the states and what i saw in commercials and on the news was not what is on the go you are all obese and love it you need more than flax seeds and super food

  13. For the most part, there are two types culinary people in our society, junk food junkies & health food nuts. Your statement that "all" Americans are obese is a generalization. In a court of law, judges throw out generalizations as not being logical.

    The obese figure is more like 25%. The overweight figure is around 40%. That leaves approximately 30% to 35% of the population in the US to be health food nuts. This group of people are very serious about their health. It's up to you to find them.

  14. Great video…just  got thru with dr.s visit…no mention of any option other than biopsy,,,never mentions diet..Dr. G…Nut.Facts…great site for better info..wish more medical dr.s would follow this diet centered protocol..I will in future..Troy in texas

  15. Great video Dr. G.  I have heard that it is best to grind your flax seeds and consume them within a day or two because they will soon oxidize if you let them sit for longer than that before eating.  Anyone else heard something along those lines?

  16. Mortar and pestle? Thoughts? I understand we lack the enzymes to digest the cellulose shell of the seed, would simple maceration of said work? Or, must I grind?

  17. So what does tell us about flaxseed? Nothing! Here's what I mean, the flaxseed itself was not studied in isolation. By definition if you put people on a low fat diet, they'll ultimately replace those calories with something else, presumably plants and grains. Maybe it was the diet itself, after all, a low fat diet has long been recommended to protect against many cancers, the least of which prostate. While the video was interesting, I don't see the relevance. A good study would have been three groups, one on a low fat diet (no flax), one with no change in diet except adding flax, and the third doing both. That way, we'd have a control.

  18. Are you getting the message yet?is it getting through to you dumb dumbs? Since we abandoned high fiber low fat vegetarian diets and replaced it with high fat animal protein diets, cancer and heart disease has rapidly increased,it is there in front of you,the cause of many disease,yet many don't want to give up their steak and french fries,reap what you sow,enjoy your sweet cakes and soda and meat with french fries and then enjoy cancer and heart disease.

  19. I had a biopsy in April 2015 that tested positive for very early prostate cancer. I started taking a teaspoon of ground flaxseed (as well as switching to a processed sugar free, vegan diet) everyday until my next biopsy in late July 2015. That biopsy showed no signs of cancer. My also PSA dropped from 3.1 to 1.9 in that time. Was it the flaxseed? I do not know. But, it certainly did not hurt.

  20. I watch this popular video the other day saying that baking soda+molasses can also heal prostate cancer, could anyone comment whether this type of treament works or not ?

  21. Begs  important questions though:  what about cyanide liberated by grinding flax to meal and mixing in liquid, and what about phytoestrogens and anti-nutrients?  Could  we safely try to mitigate by fermenting, maybe mixed with soy puree while making soy yogurt?  Would the flax meal go rancid during the 8h fermentation or fridge storage for a couple days?

  22. Large amounts of flax seed oil and flax seed gave my husband prostate trouble, and this stopped when he stopped all flax intake. Have always wondered why.

  23. dude you said the American diet is high in fats and protien. What America are you talking about. The America I live in has been plagued by 30+ years of obesity due to the consumption of carbohydrates and high fructose corn syrup

  24. ground, flaxseeds is best, as the body can't brakedown whole flaxseeds.
    best grounded in coffee grinder, don't ground lots as it goes off within three hours.
    just enough for your self. each day, three tea spoons.

  25. I also soak some in hot water witch makes a tasteless gelatin liquid, and drink this great for colon cleaning, flat stomach, b17?. and numerous other health benefits.

  26. In my family there is a history of prostate cancer. I was eating around 100 – 150gr. of flaxseeds per day which I would grind up and then eat usually for breakfast, usually with something like tomatos, garlic or other vegetables. However one unfortunate side effect appears to have been sexual difficulties which stopped as soon as I stopped eating the flaxseed. I put this down to the quantity of phytoestrogens and problems with testosterone formation – I don't know. So I stopped eating it and the problem went away. So be warned of the potential side effect.

  27. Hi, thanks for the great information Michael!

    I was just wondering what do you think about the potential for cyanide poisoning from ground flaxseeds?

  28. And what about Flaxseeds lowering the testosterone level significantly ? isnt that a real no go for them ?

  29. If this video is based on the 161 man study in Texas then changing your diet was not important. Rarely if ever will changing your diet affect a cancer in your body because cancer cells like to eat good too. Eating good is helpful preventative, may slow cancer growth but once you have cancer, no diet will eliminate it. If you fall for that BS you will be sorry when its too late.
    What it does show is that flax seed acts a "drug" of sorts to combat tumor growth proliferation and with a relatively slow growing cancer like prostate cancer it may be enough to get you time.

  30. FAIL … PSA numbers are totally useless, even pregnant women are high in PSA !!!!! do they have cancer ….

  31. Is any problem if I eat flaxseed lifetime ?some research say excessive amount can cause cancer

  32. One thing I don't understand, I thought flax seed has hog ala in it, and there's studies that say that causes prostate cancer. Wish Dr. G. Could clarify that.

  33. Anyone who pretends east asians don't eat animal products is kidding themselves. There's a HUGE difference between saying "it's good to eat vegetables" and "just avoid animal products".

  34. I would like to draw attention for cancer patient towards the Budwig protocol. She was a famous German scientist.

    This protocol includes a blend mixture of quark and cold pressed flax seed oil. Followed by plant base diet including sun bath and coffee enema.

    This protocol is having a success rate of 90% cure for cancer patient.

    For more info try to get more details on Budwig protocol

  35. I have been a vegan (WFPB diet) for 10+ years. While my cholesterol levels have improved, I still need to take a statin as my hyperlipidemia seems to be genetic. I also was recently diagnosed with high risk prostate cancer (Gleason score of 9). I take a tablespoon of ground flaxseed meal a day. I will try the 3 TBSP a day a see if it helps. Scheduled for a CT and full body bone scan in 3 weeks. I'm a little discouraged that I'm not well even though I have been eating very healthy. At least my eating habits aren't killing any animals.

  36. Isn’t there studies that show flaxseed will lower testosterone in men and that will trigger enlarged prostate leading to possible cancer?

  37. My PSA increased from 86 over 15 months time to 100 tested 3 months ago so am definitely going to try flax seed powder in my diet.

  38. I put one tablespoon of ground flaxseed every morning in my overnite oats, as a maintenance level. If I was worried about prostate cancer I'd also start eating a half-cup of tomato paste every day too. I buy the flaxseed whole, then grind it in a coffee grinder just before putting it in my oats.

  39. Lignans in flax seeds dramatically lower your testosterone.
    How is that good for a healthy male?
    Highly irresponsible to omit that critical info.

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