Semi di lino per pelli sensibili

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DESCRIZIONE: Invece di trattare la pelle sensibile localmente, con lozioni e creme, perché non trattarla dall'interno verso l'esterno con la dieta? Scommetto che uno dei motivi per cui la comunità medica era così sprezzante è a causa della sua preponderanza e delle donne. Hai visto il mio video su come la professione curava la menopausa? Ghastly: ormoni bioidentici a base vegetale (
<br/> Per ulteriori informazioni su come mangiare per una pelle più sana, vedere:
· Rosy Glow (
· Bagliore dorato ( · Latte scremato e acne (
· Prevenire le rughe con la dieta (
· La bellezza è più della pelle profonda ( skin-deep/)
· Produrre, non pillole per aumentare l'attrattiva fisica (

Per ulteriori informazioni sul lino, vedere l'ultimo ree video Semi di lino vs. cancro alla prostata (, era il seme di lino, la restrizione del grasso o entrambi? ( e semi di lino vs. diabete ( E restate sintonizzati per il prossimo video Fiber vs. Breast Cancer ( cancer/).

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!
Image Credit: stevendepolo via Flickr.
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17 Risposte a “Semi di lino per pelli sensibili”

  1. That's cool that the omega is not destroyed from baking. I made a pumpkin dessert with a lot of flaxseed meal in it for Easter. It turned out to be the best dessert I ever made. I also took the pumpkin seeds from the pumpkin, ground them into a paste in my Vitamix, & mixed them into the dessert along with raw sunflower meal, powdered milk, eggs, chocolate, raw honey, and organic blue agave. I baked it for 45 minutes at 325. It was outstanding. I topped it with Breyer's French vanilla ice cream.

  2. When i buy flaxseeds i store them in the fridge of course, but the grocer keeps them in a bin at room temp. How can i be sure to get fresh flax. Grow my own?

  3. Oh, GROUND flaxseed stays fresh for a month at room temp. So the whole flaxseed stays fresh for a year or so, from harvest to harvest?

  4. Thanks Rephuze, I'll check my store for spirulina. I've been looking at green powders but most are expensive, and I'm broke.

  5. Hi its great to hear you talk about linseed, thats what we call it over the pond. Flax for us is a fibre plant used to make linen you may like to read my comments about eczema.
    go to high barn oils .co uk and read my eczema blog.
    what we eat is just so fundamental.

  6. Cool! I've been washing my hair and skin with flaxseed soft soap for some time now, and it has made both my hair and skin super soft and smooth. I guess it works externally as well as internally.

  7. interesting,,I have been adding 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed to my oatmeal,, for months since encountering the daily dozen, and indeed my skin looks glossier, head to toe, thank you doc

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