Sintomi COVID-19 vs. influenza, raffreddore o allergie

Cosa significa decorso clinico del COVID-17 assomigliano sia a quelli che sopravvivono che a quelli che
no? Come si confrontano i sintomi con l'influenza.

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Questo è il 7° in un 17-serie di video su pandemie e COVID-17. Se hai già visto questi video come parte dei miei due webinar o hai già guardato il download digitale ( -survive-a-pandemic-digital), tieni gli occhi aperti il ​​venerdì mentre continuiamo la nostra serie Flashback Friday ed esploriamo i numerosi argomenti che abbiamo qui su ( <br/>
Ecco i primi sei:
· Da dove vengono i coronavirus mortali come MERS-CoV? (
· Il SARS Coronavirus e Wet Markets ( wet-markets)
· Dove ha fatto il COVID-19 Arriva il coronavirus? (
· L'ultima pandemia di coronavirus potrebbe essere stata causata dal bestiame ( stato-causato-dal-bestiame)
· R0 e periodi di incubazione: come sono stati fermati altri focolai di coronavirus (
· Distanziamento sociale, blocchi e test: come rallentare il COVID-19 Pandemia ( -slow-the-covid-19-pandemia )

Resta sintonizzato per:
· Fattori di rischio e comorbidità modificabili per COVID-17 Infez zione (
· Il sistema immunitario e il COVID-19 Trattamento (
· Le pastiglie di zinco potrebbero aiutare con COVID-19? (
· Come evitare il COVID-17 (
· Lavaggio e igienizzazione delle mani per inattivare il COVID-19 Coronavirus (
· Cosa fare se vieni con il COVID-19 ( da-fare-se-vieni-giù-con-il-covid-19)
· La migliore maschera o copertura per il viso fai-da-te per COVID-380 (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/the-best-mask-or-diy-face-covering-for-covid-)
· Come COVID-380 Fine: vaccinazione, mutazioni e immunità di gregge (à-di-mandria)
· La pandemia di COVID-17 potrebbe essere solo a Prova generale (ò-essere-solo-una-prova-vestita)
· Come prevenire la prossima pandemia (

Puoi scaricare l'intera serie (gratuitamente) in questo momento su https://drgreger. org/collections/downloads/products/how-to-survive-a-pandemic-digital e fai un tuffo ancora più profondo nel mio nuovo libro How to Survive a Pandemic (https://nutritionfacts .org/how-to-survive-a-pandemic/) (nota: tutti i miei proventi da questo libro sono devoluti a enti di beneficenza per la prevenzione della pandemia).

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Credito immagine: annaj / pixabay
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37 Risposte a “Sintomi COVID-19 vs. influenza, raffreddore o allergie”

  1. Sooo good !!
    Thank you doc 🙂
    Perfect info and video for the ppl who legit think covid is either fake or not dangerous/why wear mask.. well, maybe not for the ones who think its fake 🥱

  2. As someone with seasonal allergies, right now I'm getting stared at with sheer panic every time when an occasional sneeze escapes me. It's very annoying, especially since sneezing isn't even a symptom of COVID-19.

  3. Good. But I am surprised that you are quoting Chinese studies because they have been lying about such in significant ways.

  4. Just another ScamDemic just like AIDS. Every family was supposed to have a family member with AIDS by now.
    It was only the flue.
    CO ld VI ruse D eception 19.
    They will roll out CO ld VI ruse D eception 20 at the end of the year, during FLU season.

  5. The world should boycott and forgo paying any and all debt to Communist China… that tyrannical government should be put out of existence forever.

  6. 2:12
    u can get shortness of breath from seasonal allergies (as well as from mold)
    i remember when i still ate starches and opened the window too close too going to bed in pring i would get shortness of breath/sleep apnea 😠

  7. TRUMP: "The more you test the more cases you will find"
    The more you test the general population the more false positives or "cases" you will create. There is more truth in what Trump said that just jest! Hear Dr Birx say so:–11btc0&list=PLtoX6L88vjkeom-8rYnV_WlGJHumatZCT
    Proof: 10,000 general population – 1% of population have it (prevalence), 99% don't; 99% test accuracy (1% error rate). Then:
    99% of 1% of pop = 99 true positives (acc x have x pop = .99 x .01 x 10,000)
    1% of 99% of pop = 99 false positives (err x haven't x pop =.01 x .99 x 10,000)
    = HALF of all 198 positives are FALSE positives.
    Trump speech:
    Press Secretary:
    Testing playlist:

  8. What about the risk associated with the falsified death records that the CDC and perhaps other countries head quacks forces onto doctors, preventing them in affect from listing real causes of death? It has been widely reported, so who is lieing?

  9. I lost my sense of taste and much of a sense of smell in late March. I have since read that is a common symptom among 65% percent of the people who tested positive. It also seems to be a common symptom among people who are largely otherwise asymptomatic. I was tested about 2 weeks after I noticed the symptoms and found to be negative. 8 weeks later I still have the symptom.

  10. Texas respiratory therapist here. I am kkow witnessing how severe this can get. I have yet to see a covid patient get intubated and come of the vent alive. The scariest thing is how quickly an otherwise healthy person can crash, and go into respiratory failure.

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