Sodio e malattie autoimmuni: strofinare il sale nella ferita?

Due modi in cui il sale può guidare malattie autoimmuni come sclerosi multipla, psoriasi, diabete di tipo I, sindrome di Sjögren, asma e artrite reumatoide .

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• Combattere il lupus con la curcuma: buono come l'oro ( -good-as-gold/)

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52 Risposte a “Sodio e malattie autoimmuni: strofinare il sale nella ferita?”

  1. I wonder what it is about high sodium with alcohol together that makes such a deadly combination. I remember how drinking a salt rimmed glass of margaritas or eating salty pizza with beer made me look like a blow fish the next day. And why does one so often crave the other. Since going vegan I hardly ever get alcohol cravings.

  2. This is salt from a highly processed/animal based diet. The higher salt intake is in things like processed meats, cheese, processed foods. Were there any plant-based eaters eating sodium – no. We should be more clear and explain this in the videos. Salt is the scapegoat in many (most cases). See Dr. Pam Popper for more info.

  3. Dang paleo pushers keep saying that salt is important to drop your ph to battery acid level so your polypeptides can work to unwind protien to amino acids. They also keep saying salt is needed to activate the chief cells to produce more hydrochloric acids and that acid reflux is caused by the lack of salt! Paleo people are killing themselves

  4. A big thank you Dr. Greger!
    I have ms and am on a vegan low inflammation diet. I did not think sprinkling salt on my sweet potatoes had the potential to cause inflammation. Now I know better!

  5. In a previous video about salt and heart health, Dr. Greger mentioned in that video a study done on vegans and people on SAD (Standard American Diet). The per diem recommended limit for sodium intake for those without heart problems was 2500mg. For those with heart problems, the limit was 1500mg. People on the SAD were consuming on average 3400mg of salt while vegans were hovering at about 1300-1400mg, being the only group to meet the recommendations. That being said, for people who are concerned about inflammation and autoimmune disease, the minimum necessary intake of sodium for proper body function is 180mg. A whole-foods plant-based diet can provide that amount of sodium as that amount is inherently found in fruits and particularly vegetables. No need to exacerbate things with added sodium, natural sodium in whole plant foods is best.

  6. My father is currently in the hospital for severe pneumonia. He's also diabetic. They're feeding him overcooked vegetables, DIET ginger ale, and things like chicken parmesan. Exactly how are patients supposed to improve if their bodies aren't given the proper fuel?

  7. The text animations look georgous and your video quality is generally amazing.
    However I would suggest not using the "page turning"-effect. I think it would look better and even more professional with a fast cut.
    I love your videos and however they are visually presented, I sincerely thank you for the valuable information. 🙂

  8. Is there a huge difference whether it is sea salt or iodized salt? I know cumin and celery make recipes more savory without the salt and you can always squeeze lemon or lime juice as well. Has Bragg's Liquid Amino proven a good alternative? Thanks so much for this video, I shared it as many of my friends and family deal with high blood pressure.

  9. This news about Sodium and autoimmune disease makes me wonder about my Celiac Disease being related to sodium intake. 25 years ago when I was diagnosed, I was on a steady diet of fast food, cola's and pizza. I also wonder if lowering my salt will help with my allergies. So many questions!!

  10. Interesting. I have noticed that I don't get as much exercise induced asthma as I used to, but I never connected it to salt intake, so it's really hard to tell whether that's been a major factor in the reduction, but it might well be. Unfortunately allergy induced asthma is going stronger than ever since I moved to where I live currently. I've already noticed a bit now that we've had spring weather for a few weeks and I'm not too excited for the summer, since the last two summers I needed my medication a lot just to get through the day.

  11. I've been trying to kick the salt and sugar habit for decades. People always say "cut back and you'll get used to it!" Well that has never happened yet. Food just doesn't taste good without salty and sweet flavors. It doesn't help that almost everything you buy in a package is full of salt and/or sugar. Some of us don't have the time, ability, and/or interest to spend hours preparing our own meals (on top of all the time researching what recipes are healthy and what balance of nutrients we need to put in our recipes).
    It's simply exhausting and it's no wonder most people just eat the food that's readily available and tastes good.

  12. Two dietary things Americans fear most: animal product deprivation and salt deprivation. Giving up salt is MUCH easier than I thought it would be and it gets easier every day. But this is a change the VAST majority of Americans have no interest in undertaking. Those of us who do should get a discount on our insurance.

  13. so what are safe levels of sodium per day. i have amys dinners for lunch. i usuualy have two a day. im wondering if im going over. suffer from imflammed sinuses for 4 years.

  14. Valuable info for autoimmune sufferers! Great that it's brought into attention. Though, I did cut out salt and nothing improved for my autoimmune condition. Makes me think…

  15. your term "high salt diet" used to describe a 'high salt diet' the studies reviewed is MISLEADING.. the studies don't take into effect what these patients are eating they could be eating the same inflammation-causing foods with varying salt amounts each producing high monocytes leukocytes and T helper 17 cells therefore the results are skewed and the studies need to be redone both with foods that are inflammatory and foods that are known to be anti-inflammatory as well as food combinations that are known to be anti-inflammatory also taking into account the various types of salt refined table salt versus Himalayan salt sea salt and other salt deposits with known mineral contents

  16. I tried looking up the sources for an info about the diets on that low and high salt diet. Does anyone know what these diets were exactly ? How did they regulate what people in the study ate ?

  17. This mske so much sense… Every time I eat a lot of salt I wake up the next day with a terrible case of gastritis. I need to stop. 😔

  18. Does anyone have an opinion on adrenal fatigue or does anyone have an opinion on adrenal fatigue or Addison's? I started adding sea salt to my food after feeling very fatigued and suffering with muscle cramps and I thought the sea salt was helping it certainly has made me have more energy.

    I don't eat any processed food with added salt and all the salt is added by me… it's less than a quarter of a teaspoon a day probably more like one eighth 8 or less.

    I've noticed my bowel movements improve as well… I'm going to try cutting down the salt or stopping it all together for a few days and see how it goes but I think it's been helping me..

  19. It depends on the type of salt you eat
    All salt I'd not equal
    Its simple pink salt and sea salt are good for you
    Table or Morton is poisonous

  20. I've been 100% whole food plant based for 22 years, with reduced salt (sodium chloride) for half that time, then almost no salt for the last 11. My BP is 110/70, I feel great, look 20 years younger, and eliminated a host of skin, energy, congestion and allergy issues and avoided inflammatory diseases that my parents had such as arthritis.

    Videos like this confirm my healthier choice of low salt intake, but adds confusion by interchanging the terms "salt", "sodium", "sodium chloride" when these 3 terms are completely different in their nature/health consequences. I cannot tell what I'm doing to my arteries and blood if I add salt to my recipes or recommend the healthiest meal plan for someone.
    T or F: "Sodium" is an essential mineral found in nearly all whole plant foods.
    T or F: "Sodium chloride" is the crystallized form of natural "sodium".
    T or F: "Salt" is another name for "sodium chloride" , NOT to be confused with "sodium".
    T or F: A WFPB diet with a wide variety of sodium-rich foods will provide enough sodium with NO added sodium chloride (salt).
    T or F: The same WFPB diet with over 1000 mg daily of added sodium chloride (salt) can lead to health problems.
    Dr. Greger…I'm sure the public will greatly appreciate eliminating confusion on these basic definitions and impacts.
    Thank you for making the world a healthier place with this vital information.
    WFPB Chef/Instructor Eric Rivkin, FB Rawjedi, Vivalaraw YT channel

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