Solo il lino, signora

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DESCRIZIONE: Il consumo di semi di lino macinati può ridurre il rischio di cancro al seno rallentando il ciclo mestruale. Può anche controllare l'allargamento della prostata con la stessa efficacia del principale farmaco da prescrizione. Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e ci proverò per rispondere!
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78 Risposte a “Solo il lino, signora”

  1. Awesome flax! I buy it whole and grind it as needed…2 Tablespoons every day with Greek yogurt and organic blueberries….or mixed in with oats…or on a salad. Even mixed in with nut butter on whole grain toast. Thanks for great videos!

  2. @nassib, you can totally hat it & cook/bake with it! I put it in my corn bread also. I make muffins with it. It's great

  3. I got 25 pounds of flax seeds and just found out the have a shelf-life of only four to six months.  My guess is I'll be throwing a lot of them away.  'Wish I'da know that before I bought all that load.  Just did the same thing after buying 25 pounds of brown rice.  Same thing, only four to six months.  What a waste.

  4. DR Greger said "… so if fish eater lady came to my office I'll just hold up my hand and say just a flax ma'me "  I like DR Mike for his special interesting way of presenting topics based on experiments 

  5. What happens to flax seeds that have been kept in a jar for more than a year that's only opened to scoop out another tablespoon of flax seeds?Are they worthless or worse?Thanks

  6. Open question I just bought Bob's Red Mill organic ground flax. Did I make a mistake? I know fresh ground is best, but I read buying pre ground may actually be harmful, as the omega 3 oils go rancid. There is a "use by" date on the package, which is about a year from now. Any & all info greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

  7. I am trying to find a way to eat them more, but I dont really like smoothies. I tried a banana smoothie and I hate the texture and taste even if I love to eat banana's whole.

  8. Flackers! Love them and they come in flavors like roasted tomato, and my favorite-currants. I munch on a few of these each night, chewing well and voila, I have my couple of TB of flax. Never been a fan of flax but these are pretty tasty. Check em out

  9. Still disturbing that the fact of ground flax having unknown amounts cyanogenic glycosides never is being addressed by Dr. Greger.

  10. Hello,

    I just read the scientific paper Dr. Greger showed in this video but
    there is no utterance regarding an extended menstrual cycle due to a
    higher lignan intake.

    I now wonder where does this information come from?

    The paper only shows a decreased risk of a certain type of cancer for women who still have not had their menopause yet.

  11. I've heard that oxidation on flaxseed meal, which is constantly exposed to oxygen once ground, weakens some of the effectiveness of the omega-3.
    Is it best to buy whole flaxseeds and then grind them on our own, or is buying flaxseed meal just as beneficial?

  12. 2 tablespoons in my cereal everyday. Whole wheat….some oatmeal…could go either way, hot or cold…but always banana, blueberries flax seed and walnuts. Fills me up great and I don't even think about food until lunchtime….like it's supposed to be.

  13. Pretty irresponsible to not even mention that Flax seeds are the single highest source of phytoestrogens – almost 4x soy.

  14. I have a mini grinder to mill my flax seeds for porridge etc. I use nut milk made with a handful of nuts and half litre of water, put in Vitamix for maybe 30 seconds at top speed! Watch the milk form before your eyes then add appropriate amount to cook porridge in the microwave. Making your own milk is so much cheaper and no packaging. OK shop bought stuff has added vitamins but on a decent vegan diet, who needs these. Only problem..Vitamix are very expensive in the UK, what with the taxes.

  15. Soy Milk is POISON. Soy is UNFIT for human consumption! In fact generally speaking legumes are not healthy for humans. Chick Peas are the only exception. I do love my Flax Seeds though. I grow a smallish patch of Flax next to my sweet sorghum. Mostly the sorghum is to feed my ducks and geese but the Flax is grown for fiber and seed.

  16. Hi. I've bought the 'How not to die Cookbook' and there it says (and in this video) the recommendation to eat 1 tabelspoon of crusched flaxseeds per day. My problem is that my country's state health organisation has explicity said that one should eat flaxseeds crusched due to the risk of c.posioning. We can't buy them crusched anywhere since this was announced. My problem is not that I can't crush them myself… I kinda feel slightly afraid when I eat my daily (not crushed) tabelspoon of flaxseeds. Don't know what to Think?!

  17. Any advice for people who get a sharp stomach ache from flax ? Its weird I used to eat crackers and bread with flax on them no issues there. But when I add them myself grounded or not I get these sharp stomach pains. And I can't find really good information on it. I want to be part of the flax team 😅….

  18. What about the cyanide in flax seeds? The Swedish national food authority says ground flaxseeds should not be consumed. It can lead to poisoning.

  19. I make a jar berries, banana and crushed flax and leave in the fridge. A scoop in the morning is a fast tasty breakfast or healthy evening snack. Stays fresh for weeks.

  20. I like to eat flax seeds hemp seeds and granola berries on my yogurt. I also eat oat meal and dried mixed nuts and fruit

  21. I buy flax pre ground and keep it in the freezer and make a drink with it every morning.  But I wonder if I'm getting much flax benefit from already ground flax.

  22. Changed my diet to include Flax Seeds, Chia Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds… everyday, mixed with some homemade Apple sauce… I stopped eating bread at breakfast and eat these seeds instead. Wonderful. Oh, just be sure to increase your water intake as well. Your gut will thank you.

    Applesauce recipe: Peel and dice about ten apples, put them into a crockpot with the juice of two limes (or lemon juice) add about one tsp of ground cinnamon and cook for about five hours. Near the end of cooking you can mash them a bit if they haven’t become smooth enough for you. I like to add a handful of raisins at the end. They’ll plump up and add even more sweetness to the applesauce. Better yet add a handful of a dried berry mix. Enjoy.
    Nooooo sugar.

  23. Never mind the subject,, you have a very good talent for telling a stories, you must make money of it, you have the power to make any poor subject sounds interesting.

  24. It sure doesn't taste all that good ground but like many other items that are good for your gut and body you find ways to improve taste and texture. Greek yogurt with various blended whole fruits, berries and occasionally hot peppers is my way of getting the job done.

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