Dose ottimale di aceto

Quanto aceto ci vuole con un pasto per aumentare la sazietà e ridurre il picco di zucchero nel sangue, insulina e trigliceridi?

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Se sei in ritardo per questa serie di video, assicurati di controllare gli ultimi tre:
• L'aceto di mele aiuta a perdere peso? (
• Funzione aceto e arteria (
• L'aceto può aiutare a controllare la glicemia? (<br/>
Questo effetto aceto sembra un po' troppo bello per essere vero. Ci devono essere alcuni aspetti negativi, giusto? Tratterò le avvertenze successive nella mia ultima puntata: Meccanismi di aceto e effetti collaterali (

Ci sono alcuni altri alimenti trovati per migliorare i livelli di zucchero nel sangue:
• Amla contro Diabete (
• Semi di lino vs. diabete (
• Aggiornamento sulla cannella per il controllo della glicemia ( -per-controllo-di-zucchero-nel-sangue/)
• Prevenire il prediabete mangiando di più (
• I diabetici dovrebbero prendere il polso (

L'approccio migliore è una dieta ricca di h cibi sani:
• Diete vegetali e diabete ( -Diete-a-base-e-diabete)
• Diete a base vegetale per il diabete (
• Invertire il diabete con il cibo (
• Inversione del diabete: sono le calorie o il cibo? (

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e proverà a rispondere!

Credito immagine: Andreas Levers via Flickr.
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78 Risposte a “Dose ottimale di aceto”

  1. Absolutely love the video. Informative and backed up by science just like the rest. Just a question though, in the "uprooting the leading causes of death"lecture, what percentage of those studies were peer reviewed? Thank you for the amazing work you've done for the plant based community Dr Greger! 🙂

  2. Wow, if this is true, this is outrageous.

    People are paying for medications and accepting the side effects of these medications when they could just take vinegar and see better results?

  3. these are paid studies. I don't mind that they're sponsored by big vinegar. I really really really hate drinking an ounce of apple cider vinegar every morning. but I do it because I know it feels good afterwards. I just don't know if I should be drinking the mother or not. Is it like eating the worm in tequila. thanks for these great videos dr. Keep them coming

  4. We in England love vinegar on our chips (fries). Salt and Vinegar is a very popular flavour crisp (potato chip). This is probably why.

  5. Hey I know ur channel is maily about nutrition, but I was wondering if you could make a video about hiatal hernia and alkaline diets or how to treat this problem. Please please please. I have this problem in my stomach and apart from medications which my doctor recommended I take for the rest of my life ,even though they do help, I want to know the kind of nutritions or diet i would need to avoid the need of medications which have side effects and so on. Please please please please please!!!

  6. I'm glad you finally mentioned sourdough bread. It's a neat way to keep your vinegar on tap. Sourdough starters also improve the texture and flavor of the bread, lessen or eliminate the need for store-bought yeast, and are fun to play with. It just takes a little longer (2x) time for your bread to rise.

  7. I have a serious case of "fatigue syndrome" built of from many years of physical and psychological stress, it hurts in my whole body, I have problem with my stomach, and almost everything feels stressfull, I can barely even watch tv lol. What type of vegan stuff do you recommend to eat to get better? And do I really need to take anti-depressive for it? And is it a good idea to work out with my muscles?

  8. The study is flawed,the patients were on medications,and the patients were diabetics. The majority of people using and wanting to use vinegar are non diabetic,and not taking diabetic medications. Two tablespoons of vinegar can cause a ph imbalance in the body causing other health conditions to arise.

  9. I would love to see a video on if there is such a thing as "metabolism damage" and studies to prove it 🙂

  10. excuse me I gotta question . ever since me my family got on plant based diet, we been feeling amazing, but our eyes have gone so bright they changed color! is this normal? I mean I feel beautiful ya know, but am wondering if other people got this..

  11. The only thing that happened here is completely arrested digestion of carbs in the presence of acid. That is a physiological fact.

    The presence of any acid in our stomach (OTHER THAN OUR OWN HCL) will completely arrest the action of both ptyaline and pepsin. So no digestion of proteins is possible in the presence of acidic food.

    Recommending usage of vinegar or similar rotten products to lower glycemic spike is far from scientific and close to witchcraft. Causing indigestion is not a proper way to help people to lower glycemic spikes. The proper way is proper food and proper food combining. And vinegar is a poisonous product of fermentation, like wine, like brandy, and not a proper food.

    I am really proud that here in Serbia I was able to hear about the work of Dr. Herbert Shelton and his famous book Food combining made easy, and it is really surprising that such people like Dr. Michael Greger seem to never heard of him, or read the works of this most excellent American.

  12. besides ACV you get cane vinegar made from sugarcane juice and toddy vinegar made from palm toddy. these are just as palatable as ACV and can be used in salads, curries, marinates, pickles. used judiciously vinegar actually improves the flavor of salads and meats (for the meat eaters). don't worry about your teeth though you could rinse your mouth with plain water after a meal containing vinegar but don't brush

  13. I tired this and the next morning I had the lowest fasting reading I had had in over 4 months. So I was really excited about it. But then the next day I ate some brown rice/ quinoa pasta and this morning I had the highest reading I have had in over a year. Apparently this helps but no way can I go off my diet of mostly non-starch veggies, some pastured meat and little else plus lots of exercise. This is not going to let me go back to eating sushi and potato salad.

  14. I'm on a live LIVING PLASMA FOOD regiment . I have lost app 65 lbs. No white sugar ,no white flower , no wine or beer , no coffee no dairy products , no wheat ,soy or gluten . Water , water, water . Sunlight, sunlight ,  sunlight . The most important recent health discovery Earthing and grounding every day !!!!  Yes I said EVERY DAY !  Raw green live and LIVING  PLASMA FOOD . We are more like trees, plants and fish than we are human Be-ings !!!! All our body's systems run on electricity . Our skin is our third kidney and the solar panel that collects energy for our human house bodys  Call me collect Boston Ma. 1.617.909.2321   Also warm distilled water with maca , lemon mxed with a little red pepper and olive oil every morning first thing .  This shit works .

  15. You talk about 'vinegar', but many on other video speak of 'apple cider' vinegar.  Does the type of vinegar really matter?  So is balsalmic vinegar with my salad just as good?

  16. My friends from Italy say they don't dip bread in balsamic vinegar and oil, that it's just done in restaurants for tourists from the UK and US.

  17. Is the first image (and thumbnail) supposed to look like Jesus on a cross? If so then that is very clever since the mythology says he was offered vinegar whilst being crucified! If not intentional; then the coincidence proves Jebus is the Son of God! Hallelujah!

  18. I started using just Organic sipping vinegar. Along with cutting out things like soda and refined sugars. In my A1C went back down to six. No longer pre-diabetic. And it's only been a few weeks. I'm going to keep this up period eat more vegetable and meat and limited amount of fruits. Try to stay away from pasta and process food like bread and donuts. Cuz the other thing you have to think about is fatty liver.

  19. From the article: "Hemoglobin A1c values fell 0.16% with vinegar use but rose 0.06% and 0.22% for pill and pickle use respectively (p=0.018). Hence, regular vinegar use modestly improved glycemic control." Come on! 0.16%? Zero! Vinegar won't regulate your type 2 diabetes, but whole plant-based nutrition will, with a little cannabis oil (Rick Simpson) a few hours before bedtime.

  20. Was it the type of vinegar? The first study used apple cider vinegar and unless I’m mistaken they don’t use apple cider vinegar in dill pickles!

  21. So the vinegar prolongs satiety, making people eat less and hence lowers blood sugar that way. No wonder people used to say that vinegar makes you lose weight. That good for fat people but no good for elderly people trying to gain weight due to sarcopenia. These people needs to regain muscle mass by exercise and eating more, not less.

  22. Thanks for another informative video. A question: I don't think I have prediabetes or any other disease, am slim with just a bit of a bulging waist, but it looks all right in clothes. I wish it was truly flat like a few years ago.. Am 61 years old. Should I be adding vinegar to my food? I do add a bit of lemon (technically sour lime, very much like true lemons). Any possible downside, and any need to add vinegar for non diabetics or prediabetics?

  23. Drink the Roman soldier's beverage, acetum which was vinegar flavored water. I often mix balsamic with bubbly mineral water, very tasty and thirst quenching.

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  25. And luckily even just 2 teaspoons also work and so do oatmeal with berries but impressive that 1 tablespoon of vinegar twice a Day – dropped fasting sugar even in well treated diabetics

  26. Un bendecido día muy completa información muchas gracias y Dios les provea más sabiduría felicidades hasta pronto y un exelente inició de semana mil y mil grácias 💯💯💯💯 hasta pronto me gustó mucho abrazos

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