Sostituti vegetali della carne messi alla prova

I sostituti della carne sono sani? Quali sono gli effetti delle carni vegetali sulla pubertà prematura, l'obesità infantile e il rischio di frattura dell'anca?

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Questo è il quarto di una serie di nove video sulle carni vegetali. Se ti sei perso i primi tre, vedi:
• Gli impatti ambientali dei sostituti della carne di origine vegetale ( -impatti-ambientali-dei-sostituti-della-carne-a-base-vegetale)
• Oltre la carne e l'hamburger impossibile sono salutari? (<br/> • Gli isolati proteici di piselli e soia sono nocivi? (

Resta sintonizzato per:
• Gli effetti sulla salute dei prodotti a base di micoproteine ​​(Quorn) rispetto ai BCAA nella carne (
• Cosa A proposito dell'eme in Impossible Burgers? (
• Il ferro eme causa il cancro? (
• Composti N-nitroso indotti da eme e ossidazione dei grassi ( nitroso-composti-e-grasso-ossidazione)
• L'eme è il motivo per cui la carne è cancerogena? (

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59 Risposte a “Sostituti vegetali della carne messi alla prova”

  1. Do you think ethnicity has an effect on whether some foods work better for some people? If their ancestors ate a particular way, would this mean certain diets would be better for them?

  2. Hello! Plant based nutrition has always been interesting for me. One question though: here, in the middle east, cranberries (and raspberries) are highly uncommon. We do have frozen ones, but I guess they lose most of its nutritious value once they get frozen. On the other hand, we do have fresh citrus here, such as oranges, pomeloes, lemons, clementines, grapefruits and so on.
    So my question is: is replacing fresh cranberries in all the recipes with citrus can bring the same (or at list some of the) nutritious value? Thanks!

  3. The Lord Michael of Gregor has come unto us. Thou has written for mankind the holy bible…of healthy eating.

  4. I gotta have cheese burgers, even plant based. Nothing satisfies like a burger. I won't give up French fries either and I've never found a baked recipe that satisfies. We are about to get an air fryer and I'll try air fried fries due to the very low amount of oil they use. I love charcoal grilled taste so I'm looking for a plant based burger that works well with a charcoal grill. I currently use Grillers by Morning Star Farms but they are so dry they aren't good on the grill. I use Daiya brand plant based cheddar cheese but it really doesn't have the extra sharp taste I crave. Spring is right around the corner so I'm looking for a better burger and cheese brand.

  5. Thanks for doing the research and posting!
    0:41 I had to laugh at the recipe on the 'Protose' page for dressing…this included 2 eggs, 2 T butter and cream…kinda defeats the point of 'vegetable meat'

  6. I wonder how long it will be before this point of view becomes generally accepted. It seems to be as hard to break through as the truth that the world is round. (Yes Kyrie Irving, I'm looking at you.)

  7. Awesome video been wanting to see this. Plant based meats have been a huge stepping stone for me going all plant based. Impossible burger is amazing I love it so does my kid.

  8. Bottomline…….highly processed commercial veggie meat substitutes are healthier than meat, but not nearly as healthy as simply eating unprocessed veggie protein substitutes like BEANS!! ….so, don't be lazy, buy some beans and make burritos…..easy peasy~!

  9. As much as I love Dr Greger, Its distracting to see you moving around so much because it distracts from the important message of the video.
    The audio presentations were far better.

  10. I tried some vegan Italian sausage in my stir fry yesterday and it tasted ok. But I did think that some of my other stir fry creations with beans and tempeh, etc., were probably better for you and even better tasting with a good sauce.

  11. What a bunch of friggin bullshit. This doctor is a complete fraud. All of our ancestors ate meat on a daily basis. This guy is a complete joke!
    Dont forget that big pharma funds these studies.

  12. I really see where you are coming from, but I will not eat the impossible whopper (I am vegan for 5 years). It has about the same amount of fat as the regular whopper and it is entirely from coconut oil that is added to it for — — I can't even think of any reason why they would add it! It has more saturated fat than lard or butter! How can these companies get by with all of the misleading advertising and actually sell this to someone with clear conscience?! I am sickened by the fast food industry's hypocritical attitude and thinking we are so stupid that we would support their so-called "healthy" vegetable burger?! Personally, I make my burgers with black beans and a small amount of oatmeal and season it. It tastes great on a bun with all the trimmings except cheese! (That's another story.) Besides being low in harmful fat, it is saving me money!! I appreciate all of your videos.

  13. How Not to Diet is my cooking bible. I'm also educating myself with these important videos. Black bean, chickpeas and even beet burgers are tasty. I need a How NOt to Diet 2 cook book soon!

  14. Out of curiosity I tried several different kinds of plant-based meats. Tried the Impossible Burger from Burger King and some others. They do sort of taste like meat, but when I looked at the ingredient lists and saw how much fat and sodium they have these immediately dropped off my life of things I would want to eat. The one exception to that that I might eat again was the Grillers Prime from Morningstar Farms. They made some decent tasting stuff, but still I classify these things are very processed foods and as such they are not really an option for me.

    When I criticized my own old diet I'd say there was not enough vegetables and too much processed type foods, so that is what I decided to change. I still eat meat, but much much less meat than I used to, and very little to no processed meats. Then I amped up my plant-based intake according to Dr. Fuhrman's acronym GBOMBS … greens, beans, onions,, mushrooms, berries and seeds, which I find helpful. But I do supplement with a little lean meat, mostly fish such as salmon and sardines, and some chicken and beef. A little milk in my coffee and an occasional container of yogurt. That's where I am now. If I have medical issues I will consider adjustments, but I see no reason to become a raving fanatic about my diet. I don't think there is a perfect diet or can ever be.

  15. I used to work in a lab that studied precocious puberty and not once did anyone look at diet. It's really amazing how much the scientific community can overlook and not even know it. I'm glad I finally found this channel! I just wish I could go back in time and tell my boss about this 13 years ago. Maybe it would have helped. He's retired now.

  16. This video filled in some blanks from my past that may have also affected me when I was young as well as my health later in my life. So interesting to piece together. Wish I would have known for my daughter's sake as I have had 3 of the effects of which you just spoke. Great info doctor. Thank you.

  17. Morningstar Farms sausage is the best fake meat I've had. It tastes really good. But I'd personally put it in the category of vegan junk food.

  18. man, every time I listen to "all the health benefits of a whole food vegan diet" a part of me just thinks "I'M INVINCIBLE, I'M ONE WITH NATURE… AN UNDYING BEING" even though I know its not like this hahaha

  19. As the data continues to mount up, it becomes increasingly clear that the absolute best diet is that of the vegan.
    Unfortunately, the data will be suppressed and hidden by certain "industries" who very much do not want their profits to decrease, no matter how much they may increase the risk for sickness and/or death.
    Luckily, those who wish to live healthy can still make smart choices.

  20. Beyond (and Miyoko cheeses, Just Mayo and Just Egg) has been a very helpful stepping stone for me. I now eat WFPB nearly all of the time but still have ‘cheeseburgers’ (Beyond with Miyoko) on Fatboy Friday

  21. Doc you are my go to source and I absolutely love your content. but your SILENCE on the vaccines is deafening. any chance you can do a video about them soon?

  22. Beyond meat is the only meat sustitute that I can eat, others like Gardien, feildroast, Boca give me bad reactions, I wonder why,does anyone else have this problem?

  23. Look up for hints on healing all diseases including autoimmune disease. dr Brooke Goldner MD cured her lupus with a plant diet and she learned in medical school that your diet had nothing to do with it. She loves Dr Gregor but she includes lots lots of water and flax and chia seeds in the healing process for your omega 3 grind them up in a smoothie for best results. For healing and lots of energy she recommends lots of leafy greens and cerciferous veggies uncooked to heal quickly. I make smoothies with a lot of my foods and then I eat salads and cut up veggies dipped in Costco organic guacamole in individual size packets. 25 per cent can be fruits and the rest veggies because veggies have more nutrients and enzymes than fruits. She is on Facebook. Insta gram etc. Best wish for all

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