Stile di vita e prevenzione delle malattie: il tuo DNA non è il tuo destino

Prevenire le malattie croniche dello stile di vita e curarne la causa sottostante.

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Per ulteriori informazioni sulla medicina dello stile di vita, vedere:
• Medicina dello stile di vita: trattamento delle cause delle malattie (
• Medici convincenti ad abbracciare la medicina dello stile di vita (<br/> • Quale dieta dovrebbero consigliare i medici? (
• L'effettivo beneficio della dieta rispetto alla droga ( -drugs/)
• Perché la prevenzione vale una tonnellata di cura (https: //
• Mai troppo tardi per iniziare a mangiare Più sano (
• Quale percentuale di americani conduce uno stile di vita sano? (
• Ai medici potrebbe mancare il loro strumento più importante ( /i-medici-potrebbero-mancare-il-loro-strumento-più-importante/)
• Il segreto meglio custodito in medicina (
• Dieta ottimale: dammelo subito, Doc ( -diet-just- give it-to-me-straight-doc/)
• Qual è la dieta ottimale? (
• Il programma dimagrante che è migliorato con il tempo (https:/ /
• CHIP, la salute completa Programma di miglioramento (
• Un programma di benessere sul posto di lavoro che funziona (
•Il consenso scientifico su una dieta sana ( )

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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35 Risposte a “Stile di vita e prevenzione delle malattie: il tuo DNA non è il tuo destino”

  1. I attended several junkets sponsored by Devlin MacGregor touting the benefits of Provasic, a new drug they had developed that I discovered during clinical trials was causing liver damage. I was about to literally bite the hand that had fed me by going public with my test results, when they hired a sleazy hit man to kill my wife and frame me for her murder to discredit me.

    That's why most in my profession don't blow the whistle on these billion dollar multinationals corporations. The carrots are really tasty and the puppy whacker really stings if they decide hit you with it.

    Imaginatively Yours,
    Dr. Richard Kimble MD

  2. Go vegan for your health, whole food plant based.
    Go vegan for the animals.
    Go vegan for the planet.
    A lower risk of heart disease and cancer for you and a better planet for everyone, human and animals.

  3. You are what you eat. Your diet impacts your health.
    Obesity in children and adults is rising across the world.
    Eat a healthy plant based diet and exercise regularly.
    Reduce or eliminate cows milk, eggs, cheese and meat. Eat more salad greens, beans, fruit and vegetables.Eliminate fast food and sugary drinks and juices.
    Every adult and child should own a bicycle and ride it regularly.
    Regular exercise will help you sleep better. Yoga is a great stress reducer.
    Obesity is all too common today. Get off the couch. Get off the phone, ipad or video game.
    A variety of stretching and other exercises help with increased mobility.
    Ride to work, ride to school, ride for fun.
    Every city should be a bicycle city.
    Speak up for bicycles in your community

  4. I was a board certified internist until around 10 years ago when the veil was lifted from my eyes when I watched the Forks Over Knives movie. After that, I came to realize that pharmaceuticals were not the answer to better health as we were taught in medical school and I could no longer go on being what I came to call a "pill pusher".

  5. There should not be public payed for subsidies going to animal ag, the subsidies should go to what is shown to be our best fuel source. You want a hamburger, it should cost you $200, not $1-$10. Maybe also a tax for animal product, cause when they made cig smoking expensive, the ease to quit and to not start both went up. My organic blueberries in the middle of northern winter should cost $1, not $10.

  6. Those with money, power, and influence want to keep the masses believing they have no power. And it's easy since that's the majority's perception right now. There's not as much money to be made in promoting healthy lifestyle and even worse, people don't want to change unless a disaster hits them. So, they deny that they even have control and continue on their path of disease. The entities up at the "top" are all about understanding basic human psychology and exploiting the hell out us. Wake up, question everything, and come into your own power to then change things. The world and existence is a much more beautiful place when you can do this✌🌱

  7. I am sincerely confused how Dr. Gregor on one hand teaches about how corrupt big Pharma is but on the other hand promotes the vaxx as if there is no conflict of interest there…

  8. Please stop using the avatar. It's creepy and distracting. If you don't want to show your face, just narrate over the content. Sorry, I thought I could get use to it but to no avail.

  9. Let food be thy medecine. It always and still pisses me off when people say so cause it doesnt work and is not true! Big BS and only of value for those eating pizza 24/7

  10. What’s the point in tearing down Hippocrates at the beginning like that, Gregor? Didn’t add anything to the point of your video, and you don’t have proof that he didn’t actually say those words.

  11. People will watch this, they will recognize that pharma companies do not have your best interest or well-being at heart, and then they will spectacularly fail to apply that understanding to the current pharma push. Watch the cognitive dissonance manifest into vitriol in the replies below.

  12. True for many people that their diseases can be resolved with diet but I'm tired of the implication that my congenital diseases can be resolved with diet. I've been trying to perfect my diet for 40 years. While a proper diet helps a lot, the underlying disease does not go away. Hydration status and avoiding wheat and dairy and processed foods helps a lot. I don't eat meat and can only assume that if I did I'd be worse off.

  13. Welp, i'm smoking like about a year,,after stopping for like….4 year….

    Eating toxic foods, high fat saturated food, such as red meat, fish, and some crab and sea shells…

    And don't forget about those instant food like instant noodles, biscuits (oreo) and such….

    High sugar food probably damaging my brain, make my brain more activate than it supposed to, maybe i tried todo research on type 3 diabetes and it correlations with sugar and Alzheimer

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