Strategie per mangiare meno carne

Qual è il modo più efficace per aiutare le persone a ridurre il consumo di carne?

In un perfetto esempio di questa strategia, Greener by Default ( ha aiutato il sindaco di New York City Eric Inizia Adams ( -plant-based-meals-as) pasti a base vegetale predefiniti negli ospedali pubblici di New York. Cibo sano in un ospedale? Che concetto!

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27 Risposte a “Strategie per mangiare meno carne”

  1. being nice to the abusers(meat eaters) making them choose. that is preposterous, just think about it, should we do that with pedophiles and murders or cheaters also?
    do the right thing and deal with it. faster we can make change the more benefits we get and stop the cruelty and many more thing.

  2. I tried being vegetarian and even vegan but it didn't last long, perhaps a few months. I do feel better overall by reducing meat consumption but I need, or at least, my body feels that it needs, meat and animal protein such as, mainly from, eggs and fish.

  3. Йохо веганов всё больше = люди всё лучше. Пусть мясоедение станет такой же редкостью, как сейчас людоедство – пара веков или чудо, помогут людям.
    Как был прав Лев Толстой " пока существуют бойни, будут войны". И если во второй мировой большинство рвались в бой, то в войне 21века многие всячески избегают воевать.

  4. I've been to some restaurants that have a separate vegan menu. Unfortunately though not only is it not the default, I wouldn't have even known they had it if I hadn't seen it on HappyCow while researching ahead of time. Many other places charge extra for vegan substitutions.
    We've got a long way to go.

  5. If I had a magic wand I would mandate that people suffering from all the usual major animal consumption issues like diabetes, colon cancer, coronary heart disease, to all the minor issues like chronic indigestion, low energy, sleep issues ect, ect, should be introduced to a whole food plant based diet for a minimum of 30 days.

  6. What part of "just don't eat animal products" is so difficult for people that they need to watch videos teaching strategies for how to eat less meat?

    I think a lot of people are just not very bright. My partner was at a restaurant with her colleagues who have known for years that she's vegan. They were suggesting menu items for her. One of them had honey and she said "I don't eat honey", to which her colleague replied "oh sorry, I forgot you're vegan. What about the lamb and potatoes?". She could not believe that she had to point out lamb is not vegan.

  7. I always ask my server if there are any vegan options on the menu when I eat out. The usual reply is NO. I leave a Yelp comment asking that they consider adding some healthier vegan options to their menus. Most people want to eat healthier, either by choice or by doctors orders.

  8. The study designers tapped into a key principle of behavior change – make the healthier option obvious and easy, and make the unhealthier option less obvious and hard (having to ask for the other menu). If every policy maker that's not in the pocket of unhealthy industry money could read the book Atomic Habits (where the author highlights these key behavior change principles), we'd see policies like this in place everywhere and America would be a healthier place.

  9. Looks like study comparing the SAD diet. Don’t really see any comparison on a true Ketogenic diet based on less then 20g of carbs. Study appears to be bias and irrelevant. Bottom line is quit eating garbage. Eat a whole food diet eliminating processed carbs and sugar.

  10. Some people who aren't willing to eliminate meat from their diet, decide to eat less and become flexitarian for the environment. The most effective way to do that would be to eliminate beef and dairy, since raising cows has the biggest impact on deforestation, climate change, and wasted resources like fresh water.

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