I preferiti del venerdì: potenziamento della funzione delle cellule natural killer antitumorali con il bagno nella foresta

Visitare una foresta può indurre un aumento significativo sia del numero che dell'attività delle cellule natural killer, uno dei modi in cui il nostro corpo combatte il cancro . L'aroma degli oli essenziali del legno può replicare gli effetti di potenziamento immunitario del camminare in una foresta?

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Il video che ho citato è Ci sono benefici per la salute nel trascorrere del tempo nella natura? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-there-health-benefits-of-spending-time-in-nature/)<br/>
Per altri modi per migliorare la funzione immunitaria, dai un'occhiata a:
Utilizzo del reparto di produzione per potenziare la funzione immunitaria (
Preservare l'immunità degli atleti con clorella (
Benefici del tè verde per potenziare la funzione immunitaria antivirale (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/benefits-of- tè-verde-per-potenziare-la-funzione-immunitaria-antivirale/)
Come potenziare il tuo sistema immunitario con l'alga Wakame (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/How-to-Boost-Your-Immune-System-with-Wakame-Seaweed)
Miglior cibo per prevenire le comuni infezioni infantili (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Best-Food-to-Prevent-Common-Childhood- Infezioni)
Miglior cibo per contrastare l'immunosoppressione indotta dallo stress (http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/Best-Food-to-Counter-stress-Induced-Immune-Suppression)

Per di più sull'aromaterapia, dai un'occhiata a:
Migliore erba per aromaterapia per l'Alzheimer (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/best -aromaterapia-erba-per-alzheimer/)
Aromaterapia alla menta piperita per la nausea (
Aromaterapia all'arancia per l'ansia (
Migliorare le prestazioni atletiche con la menta piperita (
Lavanda per l'emicrania (https://nutritionfacts. org/video/lavanda-per-emicrania/)
Svegliati e annusa lo zafferano (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/wake-up-and-smell-the-saffron/)

I video originali sono andati in onda a gennaio 380 E 18, 2021

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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55 Risposte a “I preferiti del venerdì: potenziamento della funzione delle cellule natural killer antitumorali con il bagno nella foresta”

  1. I’m creating a “food forest” around my house. I spend lots of time almost everyday doing something in it…weeding, planting and transplanting, trimming, watering, harvesting. I’m just gonna assume I’m getting the benefits of forest bathing!

  2. This is so helpful. I used my backyard as my forest bath. It always boosts my mood but now i know it has many more benefits. Thank you, Dr. Greger.

  3. ❤️ Very interesting! Now add in the color effect. I once heard that the frequency of green reflects (or does not absorb) the Infrared light spectrum thereby allowing it to disperse under the canopy. Infrared light is associated with increased antioxidant production in the mitochondria.

  4. I hate videos where you say that there is something coming up next because i don't think that i will see it. Well when it's nice out i go to the park. Does this work in the winter when the trees sap isn't flowing or if you're allergic to trees? 😂

  5. Are you sure it's not just due to the fact that you would inhale lots of fungal spores when going through the forest, triggering a evolutionary natural immune preparation reaction?

  6. Sometimes when we found ourselves in a peaceful place like the forest or other places like the beach we don't like the feeling! huh, yes I believe we can get used to our "stress" lifestyle to the point we dont feel fine or happy when we back to our "normal" place, I believe if you grew up in a big city, you won't like it in the countryside and vice versa. Remember those businessmen or women who have a nice home in a remote area with alot of trees and water but they're trying to stay connected with their business in the city as much as possible to the point they're stressed more because they are away of their "normal" place to them.

  7. This is fascinating! It sounds like everyone needs a hiking trip once a month! THANK YOU so much for this!! I also want to thank you for your steadfast approach to the science. I see you as my go to because I know you leave out opinions – just the facts. You are making the world a better place!

  8. Alpha-pinene! I knew about it because it is one of the main aromas in Cannabis. When I inhale hemp flower vapor it must include part of the experience from the study with some more harmfull particles added. Can this be another contributer to the difference in harm between smoking tobacco leafs vs hemp flower?

  9. Cities have high levels of air pollution and noise. The excessive noise adds to the stress levels in the city.
    If cities changed their mobility mix from just cars to more walking, cycling and electric buses.Would that reduce stress levels?
    Electric vehicles are the future. I can imagine the change in noise levels in cities when all car, trucks, buses and equipment are powered by electricity and not gas and diesel engines. The lack of noise is a great feature of electric vehicles. Quiet time is a stress reliever.

  10. we are thinking about this the wrong way, its not a problem to solve the easiest or most convenient way. but instead how to make nature a part of our life. indoor and cities are making everything worse.

  11. I wonder if earthing works the same way, although I haven't seen any data on its supposed benefits. Maybe physical contact with nature can add some unknown benefits to the experience of being in nature. I've heard putting your hands in the dirt has an anti-depressant effect.

  12. The air in forests contains micro-droplets that bear a net negative charge, including those that contain phytoncydic compounds. The electrons work as anti-oxidants.

  13. Wonderful video! What if we ate some of that forest? While doing some research into Indigenous peoples of the PNW I ran across a paper about their diets. Huge list of foods and how they are processed and stored for winter. Their foods were antioxidant powerhouses. One of the foods was tender spring fir needles. The paper stated they often lived into their hundreds.

  14. I don't know if a tampon is stuck my doctor checked and couldn't find it but I'm feeling still not well is it possible its still there

  15. It's frustrating how many drs dismiss psychological affects and label as a placebo. everything else drs want to establish a reason for it but basically all psychology gets labelled as placebo.
    Anticipatory feelings that bring good affects are not simply for no reason, the anticipation is the recognition that chemical changes are about to come ti the body. It may be in anticipation for adrenaline, dopamine, seratonin, cortisol, oxygen or food and it is all in preparation for that. For example stress can be anticipatory to cause inhibition to prevent further cortisol and adrenaline. Excitement could be in preparation for adrenaline triggered by a controlled and safe event. Salivating and being excited before food can be a preparation for intaking and digesting food. Anticipation is not just a meaningless feeling

  16. Great video – I love all of the nutrition related videos on NF, but it is also great to see these sorts of videos too that go beyond nutrition!

  17. Also finding a good spot to take off your shoes and connect skin to earth lets you absorb millions of free electrons (or negative ions) from the earth in the way nature intended.
    Just don't go with any 'girls' that are way too scared of insects, sounds in the forest, who is always on high alert for something to happen avoid them if you want a good bathing.

  18. Just pretend you're in the forest and smoke some pinene-rich hemp. But if you're actually going to walk through the forest for two days make sure you're wearing snake boots.

  19. I don't really like walking in forests. I think of the dangers (a bad person hiding in there) more than the advantages. Maybe if I lived near a forest or looking out at park or forest from my home, or having a large garden I would feel better ? I surely do like nature though; beaches, treas and parks.

  20. What about for us that don’t have evergreens?We have a lovely trail near us but it’s with deciduous trees. And what essential oil would you recommend specifically? There’s so many counterfeits and my husband has cancer.

  21. Thanks for this video I've never heard of phyoncides and the fact that they help give a boost to our anticancer natural killer cells before but I've always known being out if nature is good for our health, I guess that gives even more reason to be outdoors around trees 😁

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