Succo di erba di grano per la colite ulcerosa

Uno studio randomizzato, in doppio cieco, controllato con placebo ha rilevato che il succo di erba di grano è sicuro ed efficace nel trattamento di una malattia infiammatoria intestinale.

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Il video sulla curcuma di cui ho parlato è Colpire con la radice: curcuma curcuma e colite ulcerosa (

Penso che l'unico altro video in cui ho menzionato wheatgrass sia How Much Broccoli Is Too Much? ( ed era davvero solo per sollievo comico. Questo è uno degli argomenti su cui ricevo molte domande, ma non c'era una buona scienza… fino ad ora! Non esitare mai a contattarci per argomenti su cui vorresti vedere i video.<br/>
C'è di più sulla prevenzione della colite ulcerosa con la dieta ( e trattamento della colite ulcerosa con la dieta ( e altri sulle malattie infiammatorie intestinali come:
• Biossido di titanio e malattie infiammatorie intestinali (
• Prevenire il morbo di Crohn con la dieta ( /prevenire-la-malattia-di-crohn-con-la-dieta/)
• Guerre intestinali: acido solfidrico vs. butirrato (

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e proverà a rispondere!

Credito immagine: oklo / Flickr.
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36 Risposte a “Succo di erba di grano per la colite ulcerosa”

  1. I love the taste of grass tea with a little sweetener and lime. I literally rip handfuls out my garden lawn along with other leafy greens, lemon grass tops, and some mulberries. Throw it in a pot with water and cook for half hour…. daily organic mineral blast done.

  2. Who the hell's got the time to produce wheat grass juice for every day? Haha there's gotta be some easier way.. eat whole plant foods and go vegan pls 😛

  3. Oh, I WILL stand the taste. I've been in a flare for a few months now. I'll take wheatgrass over Prednisone any day; beside the Prednisone isn't even working. I've got lower colon inflammation too! This could not have come at a better time. Time to give it a go and try my luck. I shall report back in 2 weeks to let everyone know if I saw progress! I must tell everyone that I am also taking Prednisone and Sulofalk enemas so my recovery might be attributed to those, although they haven't been helping much in the past month.

  4. if you don't like the taste of plain wheatgrass try juicing it was an apple or two it tastes sweeter and helps remove some of the bitter flavor that you can get in wheatgrass but you still get all of the benefits because you're still getting the wheat grass

  5. Yes, wheatgrass powder orgainc non gmo will heal GI ulcers and keep the GI tract working properly, just mix a little of your favorite juice to the mix 🙂

  6. Thank you for all the info on UC. I've been working on controlling it with a plant based diet (& some meds) all thanks to your information! I have less pain and I'm finally feeling somewhat normal!!

  7. Dear Dr. Greger, thank you for the useful information as always. I have a question about menstrual cycles – I have been on the plant-based lifestyle for nearly 2 months (no added oil, completely vegan, lots of vegetables, fruit, potatoes) and I haven't had my period for 2 months. I make sure I eat enough, at least 2400 cal, I don't exercise too much (moderate jogging 2-3 times a week, yoga), I was on the pill between the ages of 15-18 and I'm 20 now, since quitting my period has been irregular (28-45 days), but I did get it each month. I have also had worsened acne since starting plant-based. Do you have any advice, what should I do to get my period and heal my hormones overall? (I guess it's hormones, when it's both my period and acne). I would so appreciate it if you'd read this comment. Thank you so much for everything you do and for all the amazing information you provide us with.

  8. That is retarded, you recommend to juice and drink grass! There are no researched consequences of drinking it for a long period of time, so what if it reduced inflammation in the guts by a tiny bit, it may destroy your other organs! People should follow conventional treatment, there is no data on how the juice may react with the treatment! Medicine is science, follow medical treatments and you'll be fine in most cases.

  9. Why are you always alluding to the supposed fact that there's no money in plant products? Of course millions could be off wheatberries if enough consumers wanted the product. It's strange and fishy you always make it a point to make remarks about money.

  10. Doc Greger and anyone else interested in palatable wheat grass juice: given that one is growing it correctly (some good online instruction for this is available for this and some books by Kulvinskas and Wigmore give good instructions), then here is something that can give you a successful and tasty crop: humic acid. I use a humic acid powder (1/4t) which is sold as a dietary mineral supplement mixed in 1pt. water in a bicycle bottle. Shake it up well and then apply to your wheat grass crop in the growing flat after each watering. Makes the grass healthy, seems to prevent molding at the base of the plants and makes the juice very delicious. Really!

  11. Dr. G… why does dr. McDougall say the body is not meant to eat grass and he says not to eat or drink wheatgrass can you help us out on this one ?thank you

  12. I have chronic gastritis last one year and having mucus in stool and also suffering from food absorption problem can i take this juice

  13. Some small companies sell liophilyzed wheat grass. As this process generally does not deteriorates enzymes, it's a good guess that this can be an effective way for those who have not access to fresh wheat grass or that can't stand the taste.

  14. Wheatgrass works to heal my gut, I am not sure what’s wrong with my gut but I have been juicing and I feel much better , better digestion , less inflammation of my colon, more energy, the only con is a slight headache, I hope it’s the detoxification process and not an allergy, I love growing my wheatgrass , I did a automatic hydro system so I spend about 7 minutes a day growing and juicing…

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