Support Aiutaci a riempire la carota!

Oggi inizia la nostra raccolta fondi annuale di fine anno. Più della metà del nostro intero budget operativo annuale viene raccolto in queste ultime settimane dell'anno e il nostro obiettivo è raccogliere $,000. Contiamo sulla tua generosità della stagione delle donazioni per fare una donazione deducibile dalle tasse per continuare a far crescere

Dona qui:

Quest'anno ricorre il decimo anniversario di Prima che l'organizzazione fosse fondata, viaggiavo per il paese facendo centinaia di presentazioni sulla medicina dello stile di vita ogni anno. Quindi, la Jesse & Julie Rasch Foundation ha generosamente fornito i fondi iniziali per lanciare l'organizzazione e il sito Web al fine di raggiungere ancora più persone con queste informazioni che cambiano la vita e salvano la vita. Ora, ci affidiamo al supporto di singoli donatori come te.

Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM
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44 Risposte a “Support Aiutaci a riempire la carota!”

  1. Thank you for inspiring an amazing CHANGE in the world Dr. G 💕 miss you, hope to see you again in NY / BK next year! Chag Samech 🍓

  2. Donating now! A true doctor you are Dr. Gregor, thanks for providing easily digestible information that I can share with skeptical family members, happy holidays!

  3. Thank you for inspiring myself and so many with the honest to goodness information you disseminate about health & wellness!! You are truly a gift to this world!! ❤️

  4. This amazingly good Jewish doctor has given back thousands upon thousands of times more!! God bless him and his family!

  5. Thank you Dr. Gregor for your wonderfull work. You really brought light into the jungle of information and teached me how to recognize studies as helpfull Information and how to „ read“ those. All the very best to you and your loved ones.
    Happy holiday!🤶🏼

  6. Donating now! What a blessing you have been to me. My health has turned around completely as I now approach 10 years plant-based. I have listened intently to 90% of your videos.

  7. Can I be assured that my donation will not be funding social justice causes? If it is purely for disseminating this information to EVERYONE, I'll be happy to contribute.

  8. So grateful for NF and all your work doc. I really wish I could give but my finances just don't allow it right now. But, in a few years time, I will certainly remember how much value NF has added to my life and catch up on my support when I can. All the best to everyone at NF and best of luck in the new year. <3

  9. A year ago Dr.Greger made me go vegetarian and cut back on my consumption of sweets & alcohol. 6 months ago I made my Dad do the same, only shortly after his heartattack. My New Years resolution is to become fully plant based and help my Dad to keep up the good work with his journey to a healthier heart.
    Thank you so much Doc!

  10. I just made a donation. I want to express my gratitude to Dr. Gregor and Nutrition Facts! Here's to a, hopefully, better 2022. Thanks for all the incredibly important information.

  11. One of the few YouTube personalities I trust! Love the walk-through explanations of studies and their findings and openness of you to say “we dont know yet” on specific things. You are a true treasure. Thank you.

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