Il ruolo dei sussidi dei contribuenti nell'epidemia di obesità

Perché i contribuenti statunitensi donano miliardi per sostenere industrie come lo zucchero e l'allevamento? E questo contribuisce all'aumento di peso e all'obesità?

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Se fosse davvero un governo di, da e per le persone, sovvenzioniremmo alimenti sani, semmai, per fare frutta e verdure a buon mercato o addirittura gratis, ma invece i soldi delle nostre tasse vengono spalati a favore dell'industria dello zucchero o del mangime per il bestiame per produrre carne da fast food a buon mercato.

È divertente, però. Questa settimana ho lavorato al libro di cucina How Not to Diet (che uscirà a dicembre) e ho un sacco di ricette di sorgo! Quindi eccomi qui nel video che chiede “Quando è stata l'ultima volta che ti sei seduto davanti a una ciotola di sorgo?” e presto spero che diventerete tutti tipo “la scorsa notte!” <br/>
Non avevo mai mangiato il sorgo ed è delizioso! In effetti, vorrei averlo scoperto prima How Not to Diet ( è stato bloccato. Ora aggiungo alla mia ciotola BROL (le semole d'orzo viola, le semole di segale, le semole di avena e le lenticchie nere) sorgo e miglio, quindi ora l'acronimo è BROLMS impronunciabile o qualcosa del genere. Ad ogni modo, il sorgo è un ottimo sostituto del riso per coloro che hanno visto la mia serie di video sul riso/arsenico ( ed eravamo convinti quanto me della necessità di diversificare i nostri cereali.

Comunque ora passiamo al marketing. C'era tutta questa sovrabbondanza di calorie sovvenzionata dai contribuenti sul mercato; ora l'industria alimentare doveva trovare un modo per farlo entrare nella bocca delle persone. Quindi successivo: Il ruolo del marketing nell'epidemia di obesità ( ).

Siamo circa a metà di questa serie sull'epidemia di obesità. Se finora te ne sei perso qualcuno, dai un'occhiata a:
• Il ruolo della dieta rispetto all'esercizio fisico nell'epidemia di obesità (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/the-role-of-diet-vs-exercise-in-the-obesity-epidemic)
• Il ruolo dei geni nella Epidemia di obesità (
• The Thrifty Gene Theory: Survival of the Fattest ( -teoria-gene-parsimoniosa-sopravvivenza-del-più-grasso)
• Tagliare gli alimenti ricchi di calorie e trasformati (
• Il ruolo degli alimenti trasformati nell'epidemia di obesità ( -foods-in-the-obesity-epidemic)

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60 Risposte a “Il ruolo dei sussidi dei contribuenti nell'epidemia di obesità”

  1. I wouldn’t mind if we had access to these cheap prices that manufacturers are getting. Corn and wheat (whole or flour) that I find isn’t that cheap, and sorghum is expensive. Even soybeans is more expensive than other beans.

  2. Amazing information. I think often, when I bring some of this information up, I get looked at like some kind of "conspiracy theorist."

    If we start incentivizing our farmers to grow more produce, I'd be interested to see what only that change would make in health outcomes…But like you mention, the profit margins aren't there….

  3. Anyone have a problem following the message bc of watching his gyrations?
    We’re used to the voice and visual text but not adding a 3rd factor. If it’s not broken don’t ……..

  4. I'm always discovering new ways that adopting veganism has protected me from cruelty and exploitation. Giving up animal products gave me so, so much and much of it has been unanticipated and unexpected.

  5. did any vegan get coronovirus? For me, a true vegan is one who does not eat processed carbohydrates and vegetable oils. and eats whole grains and vegetable oils in the form of nuts and seeds

  6. Riddle me this, Batman: if soy production is so subsidised, how come soy milk costs about the same as cow's milk, and tofu and tempeh about the same as expensive meat options?

    Shouldn't they have cut out the middle animal, and be cheaper? 🤔

  7. some black dude recently (randomly) came up to me in the store (here in germany) when i was buying a watermelon for 1,39 euro/kg and told me that "in my homecountry somalia i remember 20 years ago that i bought i case of 200kg of watermelons for 3 dollars; all this here is scam!"
    so im asking: 😡where is my close to free watermelons tho 😡

  8. Since when have tax payers ever had a say in where their taxes go toward? Tax money is wasted and goes to multiple immoral industries. Taxation is theft = fact! People allow it to happen. The governments job is to serve the people and protect our rights but the people want them to be their master. If you want it to change the people need to rise up in a critical mass. The government isn't going to unf*ck itself.

  9. Jeez another fat people video. When will they stop? Dr Greyer has become the fat people doctor. His next book should be called "for all my fat people".

  10. I gain weight Every time I try to GO vegan. I mean immediately! So….. there is little incentive to continue. I don’t eat meat but I do eat dairy and whey. What’s going on? I do eat fruit … anyway just wondering. I do a shake that I call my Gbomb shake.

  11. It's important to recognize the difference between a currency issuer – like the US federal government – and currency users – like state and local governments, businesses and households. Only the former creates the currency. Federal taxpayer money removes dollars from the economy in ways that impact taxpayer behavior. Congress subsidizes the obesity epidemic when they pass the federal budget.

  12. This has been well known for years. Government subsidies are not necessarily a bad thing, like when the are used for disaster relief (like our current situation) or in cases where they are needed to prevent over reliance on foreign markets for goods. We don't want to end up having to completely import critical crops because there is no domestic production capacity, especially when global supply chains are disrupted like they are now. Beyond that, governments should not be picking winners and losers.
    This is touchy subject in many ways. Removing these subsidies could be seen as punishing the poor, who often do not have the time or money to prep fresh and nutritional meals everyday and rely on cheap calories to survive. But it's obvious, based on this data, that something needs to be done. I think there is an economic case to be made on why these policies are bad

    Also, just my guess here, i think a lot of the rise in fruit/veg can be explained by the rise in organic crop production and an expansion in the variety of fruits/veg available in your local market. Organic farming is less productive and more labor intensive, and all the exotic fruits/veg have associated shipping costs.

  13. Dr, I love the green shirt so glad you are going green. World reset and see we are going in with all guns blazing. Dr you are going to cause a real food revolution. ♥️🇿🇦♥️✔️👍😁 You are amazing Dr! I have your book.

  14. Dr. Greger, you might consider going with a matte finish on your glasses for these videos so it doesn't reflect the green screen on your glasses.

    Thanks for taking the time to put this out there. At some point, more people will become interested in how they got to where they are. Videos like this will help educate them and allow them to make more informed decisions.

  15. US Healthcare is the most expensive with some of the poorest outcomes in the world.
    Reasonable that citizens would be motivated to take Very good care of themselves, but they Don’t.
    Manipulated by processors who are pigs at public tax trough.

  16. How about the tobacco industry? Smokers are just a heavy burden as the fatters. I'd rather my tax dollars go to obese people over the smokers who harm everyone within a full block away with their nasty smoke.

  17. How are SNAP benefits approved for soda, chips, and candies. Not much nutrition in these products. Actually, they could be considered poison. We are screwed!

  18. Thank you for being a beacon of fact & wholeness – I have been aware of these issues & attempting to tell people in a manner that is far less eloquent than this video. Bless you

  19. No thanks to Sonny Purdue, the Agiculture will be receiving $19 Billions because of the COVID19. They(USDA) will buy the milk surplus from farmer, which correct me if wrong,"we" trying to put to a complete halt.

  20. This is corporate welfare. The best cure for the obesity epidemic is to think about American politics…both sides make me lose my appetite.

  21. There's a new article investigation out today in an American mainsteam media. Meat and poultry workers have higher rates of illness. In the context of not eating meat, it could be ethical to stop eating meat because of the workers getting sick.

  22. Would it really hurt to say "vegetable oils" instead of just "oils". When discussing how terrible snacks, chips, cookies, and crackers are, why not remind everyone that these are vegetable products. The slide showing the 38% increase in "fats and oil" consumption is almost totally vegetable oils. enjoy.

  23. The government is complicit in the death toll of the public Shame on them and the big egg politics billion dollar Industry controls hospitals schools and funds gyms, its control is abusive relationship with the victim public who fall prey to diseases and is their side effect of business, since when does business justify the right to make their own interest superior the the destruction of lives? Public are slaves to that system. Free the public free the control of the organisations and protect the integrity of the rights of the public to be empowered with the truth and punish the corporations by taking them to court over the death toll caused by this insidiously controlling system. It's gone too far

  24. There's also subsidization through the WIC program. Like food stamps, this program provides food for low income families with young children. However, the food provided is limited to specific foods and brands. For instance, you can get eggs, but if you choose to forgo eggs, then you just lose that food. You can substitute cow's milk with soy milk, however only sweetened brands are allowed. Dry breakfast cereal is another food provided, most of the options available are heavily processed and contain added sugar, fat & salt. For instance, frosted mini wheats are a program food, but regular shredded wheat is not. This program does provide some produce, but it's limited to $9 per young child per month.

  25. He's very correct that there are huge obesity problems and huge farm bill problems tied to c heap farm products, such as those used by junk food makers and animal factories. He's wrong in understanding how it happens in the farm bill, who the real beneficiaries are, what the role of farmers is, and therefore he gets the implied solutions all wrong, siding with the exploiters, not the victims, as does almost everyone commenting on this problem here, (except me, my playlists?). Like almost everyone else, he refers to "the sugar industry," "the corn industry," including farmers. But at the core, farmers and processors/CAFOs have opposite interests, and have fought against each other for decades over these issues, wi th farmers losing, corps winning. The term "Big Ag" represents the same false lumping. Crop farms of all sizes have the same basic ratio of huge reductions prior to any subsidies. Missing is the huge ("8 times bigger?") scandal of why subsidies were started. And no, the farm bill wasn't designed as a temporary program, but was for the permanent need of chronic market failure (cheap prices): "Lack of price responsiveness" "on both the supply and demand sides for aggregate agriculture," price "inelasticity." This is "where the [real, non subsidy,] money is!" It was fixed in the New Deal with minimum farm price floors, (like minimum wage floors,) backed up by supply reductions, as needed. This unmentioned solution was needed for 60 years prior to the Depression, ("Are the five oft-cited reasons for farm programs actually symptoms of a more basic reason") and ever since, so it's permanent, not a temporary program design. Like others, he misinterprets "Sweetening the Pot," which refers to the academic term "implicit subsidies," But these are from chronic market failure, not the government.("Phillpot, Bittman, Imhoff and Lappe are wrong about Time Wise")  Subsidies don't cause cheap prices, (Paradox of Agricultural Subsidies, p. 21 summarizes 6 major studies, and see my "Michael Pollan Rebuttal." The interpretation of "Industrial Livestock Companies Gains…" fails for the same reason.  In fact, farm prices and net farm income have fallen much more than the subsidies given back to farmers. What happened is that the corporate lobby won, farmers lost, and Congress reduced price floors, more and more, (1953-1995,) then ended them. Subsidies cause people to blame the farmer victims. But mere subsidy cuts or elimination does nothing to restore fair farm price floor programs to fix the problem.

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