Cenare al semaforo: il verde sta per andare, il rosso sta per fermarsi

Un video che spiega il mio sistema a semaforo per classificare la salubrità relativa degli alimenti a luce verde rispetto a quelli a luce gialla rispetto a quelli a luce rossa.

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Questo è uno di quei rari video che faccio che non è solo una semplice scienza peer-reviewed. Se vuoi più di questo tipo di analisi, questo è ciò che comprende la seconda metà del mio libro How Not to Die (https://nutritionfacts.org/book/). Nota che tutte le ricette del mio libro di cucina Come non morire (https://nutritionfacts.org/cookbook/) sono composte da 100% Ingredienti Green Light. Aspetta come si fa a rendere qualcosa di salato senza sale? Dolce senza zucchero? Controlla! (tutti i proventi che ricevo da tutti i miei libri devoluti in beneficenza). <br/>
Esploro un altro degli strumenti che ho introdotto nel libro in un altro video, Daily Dozen Checklist del Dr. Greger (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/dr-gregers-daily-dozen-checklist).

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100 Risposte a “Cenare al semaforo: il verde sta per andare, il rosso sta per fermarsi”

  1. This reminds me of Dr. McDougall's color picture book. He has red light, yellow light and green light foods listed as well. To help people better understand what they're putting in their mouths. Whatever works is what's going to be each person's success story. Thank you for your videos Dr. G. Much appreciated! 🏆🎖🎉😎🤓💞💞💞

  2. I've been watching these videos for awhile and love all the nutritional information you give. This one was a great introduction that I could share with people interested in the whole foods plant based diet. I really don't even call it a diet. It's more of a lifestyle. I see diets as fads this really is not. The only thing I wish is that on your site you had a section for Green light / Yellow light/ Red light section so someone quickly can ascertain whether that oil is considered good bad or indifferent. An app would be fantastic. I would pay for that 🙂 just a suggestion

  3. Thanks Dr. Gregor! As always, great video. I'm a little confused by the comment at 4:41 however. Are you saying that almond milk is a processed food? All almond milk is is whole almonds blended into water. There is certainly "nothing bad added" or "nothing good taken away" as you mention earlier in the video.

  4. Dr. G lectured on how domesticating pigs gave us the whooping cough pandemic, now bacon bits are okay? Is it that tough to say “Hey kids, don’t eat dead pigs. Not a good idea” Come on doc.

  5. Doctor, I know the traffic light system is what You like to establish. But don't take credit for this plan that was pioneered by Nathan Pritikin in His wonderful 1983 book "The Pritikin Promise." That's plagiarism. CMJ

  6. Wait now.. what's wrong with blue/green algae?

    Edit: Well I found this from him. How odd. watch?v=74bbWmFhLzk and this watch?v=L5vdz637DWk

  7. Good video. But I can't help but notice that Greger's position on nutrition has "evolved" quite a bit over recent years. Greger was a staunch vegan not long ago. His nutrition advice now is much more lenient. Nothing wrong with that, to the contrary, continually evolving and bettering ourselves is a virtue in my book. But it would be nice if Dr. Greger acknowledged his evolution on nutrition.

  8. One of the things that I really appreciate is his distinction in which foods are best cooked vs eaten raw. There were one or more videos years ago which spoke of how the important nutrients are brought out by cooking, which I rarely hear about in vegan circles.. uncooked isn't necessarily most healthy. I have TMJ and appreciate cooked

  9. Probably simpler to just tell people not to consume refined substances like oil, sweeteners, juice, protein powder, tofu, seitan, vegan fake milk, salt, miso, refined flour, etc. In japan, the high fiber by product of making tofu is called okara and okara is used in japan recipes. I have bought fresh tofu and fresh okara from a nearby japan grocery store.

  10. The point is to be consistent. We need to be clear in our message and I'm not sure he is being clear in this at all. Bacon bits on a salad? Surely we can be firm and explain to someone "no bacon bits", turkey on thanksgiving? no way is that ok:

    Dr. Greger: “Everything in moderation” may be a truer statement than some people realize. Moderate changes in diet can leave diabetics with moderate blindness, moderate kidney failure, moderate amputations—maybe just a few toes or something. Moderation in all things is not necessarily a good thing.” https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-not-to-die-from-diabetes/

    Here’s another great one “we can’t just have a bowl of berries in the morning to meet our minimum daily antioxidant needs, and call it a day. “[E]ach and every meal” should contain high-antioxidant foods, which, if you remember, means plants. “[A]ntioxidant-rich foods originate from the plant kingdom.” This is due to the thousands of natural antioxidant compounds found naturally in plant foods.” https://nutritionfacts.org/video/antioxidant-rich-foods-with-every-meal/ He clearly says “every meal should” and there’s another video like this where he says every meal, I just can’t find it right now.

    Here you can see where Dr. Greger quotes Dr. Esselstyn “If the coronary artery disease epidemic is seen as a raging fire, and cholesterol and fats as the fuels, the AHA [American Heart Association] has merely recommended cutting the flow of fuel. The only tenable solution is to cut off the fuel supply altogether—by reducing cholesterol levels to those proven to prevent coronary artery disease.” In “Moderation Kills” https://nutritionfacts.org/2018/01/30/moderation-kills/

    This is another good one “it is nevertheless scientifically and ethically imperative to inform the public what constitutes an optimal diet. We must tell the public the truth about what is best for their health, and let them decide their degree of compliance.” “Just Give It to Me Straight, Doc” doesn’t mean half ass: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/optimal-diet-just-give-it-to-me-straight-doc/

    It's late, I have to get some sleep and I think you need to watch more Dr. Greger videos 😉

  11. I agree with the overall message here. But would you include stevia as unhealthy processed? It doesn't offer much in nutrition (little bit officer) but since it costs 0 calorie dollars and has no negative health effects that I know off, well. It's amazing as an aid to consume more oats.

  12. now lets talk about how we all need to grow fruit and trade it otherwise were all going to die from eating fast food cause we hate and cant be bothered with vegetables lol

  13. Dr. Greger please do a video on whether fermented foods such as sauerkraut are healthy. I saw your video on kimchi and than found an interview with Dr. Mercola which left me confused as to whether sauerkraut should be eaten.

  14. I come to nutritionfacts.org for the science on a wfpb diet, optimal nutrition, not for a watered down version that says bacon sprinkles with your salad is okay. I think everyone understands that the closer you get to a wfpb diet, the better. I would prefer if the nutritionfacts.org team would stick to informing us on the science on optimal nutrition instead of wasting time telling us it’s okay to add this or that to ‘make the medicine go down easy’.

  15. I agree (humbly) with and trust your nutrition knowledge, and thank you for your immense contribution. But get this straight Dr Greger, I am not pleased at all with you and other plant-based doctors constantly dumping on vegans to put your point across. I would hope that you realise that college students (or people with eating disorders) may not actually represent the whole vegan population, and as a very healthy vegan who eats little junk food I am offended, and it only makes my life much harder when you, as a trusted source of information, ridicule my very healthy lifestyle. Next time you make a video like this, leave out the unnecessary negative vegan comments, it will be just as effective.

  16. I went plant based for 6 months my energy level was amazing! I loved it however, I was bloated and constipated and really painful stomach it was bad. I then started eliminating whole grains and started to notice much better stomach symptoms is it healthy to take away grains? I mean I know they have a lot proteins too but my stomach does not digest them. I feel like it is not a complete diet for the day 🤷🤷

  17. A lot of pitchforks over knives in the comments. Accusations of contradictions, selling out, mixed messages, and more. Odd…I didn't get any of that from the presentation. Dr. Greger was comparing one thing to another, explaining the three light system. Like a bullet in the foot is better than in the head! Then some comments interpreted that getting shot in the foot is healthy, according to Dr. Greger! Come on, people!!! 😁

  18. Oh man all the vegans getting mad. Just because it's vegan doesn't means it's healthy or better. It's just a label to sell product these days (unfortunately). I respect the dietary choice and all but he talking colorfully here. Maybe trying to reach a wider audience. Instead of cutting out meat just have it occasionally. It's healthier and a good start to cutting it out of the diet entirely.

  19. This is a wonderful way to eat, and also help kids eat! It is a European concept (they use this instead of "My Plate . gov") …. Dr. Sears adapted it and uses it as well with his L.E.A.N. Start program. I guess maybe this is HIS interpretation of the already-existent traffic light eating system.

  20. Thank you. I come across so many trying to eat this way and they over stress themselves trying to do 100% compliance 100% of the time. They freak out and feel they’ll instantly die if they go out to eat for a birthday dinner or something. Congrats on your eating disorder. What I get from the video is, when you can, choose better foods, or do the best you can. If you slip up today, do better tomorrow. Live your life as best you can.

  21. Fantastic. Love these summary type updates. Great to share with family and friends who are not yet WFPB but curious.

  22. Not surprised that he included unprocessed animal foods on special occasions as a yellow light food cos he went on a vegan cruise ship recently and the vlogger, I think she has a YouTube channel called Potato something or another stated that she saw Dr Greger over the non vegan section getting food. If that were true I don't think it was really a vegan cruise at all.

  23. Amazing cohesive and coherent video with very relevant information. This level of summary of decades of debate in just minutes was astonishing. Awesome job 👍

  24. MYCOTOXINS have a negative health effects on your brain and immune system-inflammation. MYCOTOXINS are found in beans, corn, chocolate, nuts, grains and coffee and would make a great video! Also Mycotoxins from mold in your house causes compromised immune system and can cause death.

  25. Had to share this to my Facebook Page. This is a tremendous little video enabling us to explain to others why we eat this way! Thanks, Dr. G!

  26. I've had a similar perspective after reading dr. Weil's eating well for optimum health back in 2000. Although quite different in recommendations, after ripping through the book in a weekend, it was an easy read, I put food into one of four catagories: never, rarely, occasionally, and frequently. It served me well.
    Sadly, I bought three copies, gave them to friends and family who were interested in health, and they were all returned untouched. I don't want to be judgmental, but I guess even when it comes to nutrition, the obstinence is off the charts.

  27. In UK the health service got close to get the semaphore labels. But the breakfast cereal companies blocked it as they are full of sugar and got red lights. And they sell mostly to kids. Truly evil people.

  28. I absolutely loved this video like virtually all your videos! But if you made a lengthy, strictly green light video that explains everything scientifically proven to specifically benefit a vegan diet (me and most of all my jewish friends and family are) I and them would be extremely indebted to you, more so than we already are for your valuable information. I of coarse would forward it to my multiple rabbinic authorities I know in the holy land as well as my chabad since most of them value a plant based diet, as I very much do, much more than your average vegan Jew.

  29. I've heard arguments for and against Kombucha… Does anyone have reference to a study showing benefits? Or can you do a video on your thoughts! Thanks folks.

  30. Vegans could be for various reasons or multiple reasons. If it's for ethics, it doesn't matter if it's healthy and environment-friendly. If it's for environment, ethics or health doesn't matter to them. If it's for health reasons, environment and ethics doesn't matter much.

    I try to check all criteria usually. But mostly, at top priority is for ethics, for justice for all. It's a fight against cruelty & injustice on humans and non-humans both. I believe, healthy mind is more important than healthy body. Healthy body may not have a healthy mind. And it's of no use. Mental illness is far more dangerous than physical illness. Isn't it?

    Stay healthy, stay mindful 🙂

  31. ‘Goshen Health’ org. video is right down below this NFO video. They are explaining in their own way a ‘traffic light’ technique including meat, cow milk in their green and yellow lights.

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