Come l'industria lattiero-casearia progetta studi fuorvianti

Come le industrie della carne e dei latticini progettano studi che dimostrano che i loro prodotti hanno effetti neutri o addirittura benefici sul colesterolo e sull'infiammazione.

Un consiglio ad Anna Borek @ScepticalDoctor per aver fatto notare il mio errore nella versione precedente di questo video, confondendo la percentuale di grasso che era saturata con la percentuale di calorie da grasso saturo. Anche se non cambia le conclusioni, ho registrato nuovamente il video per correggerlo. Grazie, Dr. Borek!

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Ecco quel video di manzo che mi lascia sempre scuotere la testa incredula: BOLD Effettivamente: il manzo abbassa il colesterolo? (<br/>
Questo è il video finale di una serie in 3 parti. Se ti sei perso gli altri due, dai un'occhiata a Il formaggio è davvero cattivo per te? ( e Is Cheese Healthy? Rispetto a cosa? (

L'industria delle uova prova a fare simili imbrogli. Vedi, ad esempio, Egg Industry Response to Choline & TMAO ( e Uova e funzione arteriosa (

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16 Risposte a “Come l'industria lattiero-casearia progetta studi fuorvianti”

  1. LP reacted d ryt way, she is vum.Monster need of over drama, or over consider ations. She don't deserve *considerationss. Lp പറഞ്ഞ പോലെ,, ജീവിതം തുടങ്ങിയല്ലേ ഉള്ളു, പഠിക്കട്ടെ.

  2. Mic the Vegan did a great analysis on a related topic: misleading biomarkers used by the dairy industry studies. Video is called "Dairy Fat Lowers Heart Disease Risk Debunked"

  3. I think you have misunderstood cholesterol. Ldl (bad one) is there for certain functions, and so is hdl (good cholesterol). Your body will regulate its levels of LDL based on what toxins you accidentally consume like rancid oils, and reactive chemicals like formaldehyde, and disease infections. It is apart of the immune system function for helping protect the body through inflammatory response. Sathrated fats are the least reactive fats and don't go rancid easy, they raise good cholesterol as well as slightly bad cholesterol. I think its healthy to get some saturated and (small amounts of reactive polyunsaturated fats (2 tablespoons per day max)). You need LDL for the immune system.

  4. Lack of understanding of science and the scientific method, combined with scientifically baseless preconceptions, is the bane of any discipline – I see it everywhere, all the time, and it drives my insane. Whether it's "audiophiles" denying the legitimate science of acoustics or foodies denying the legitimate studies of plant-based nutrition or even urban planners neglecting the legitimate discipline of civil engineering, it al boils down to pocketing the money from people through some grift, that at the large scale, ruins our quality of life and sets us back decades as we figure out how to untangle ourselves from the mess that is the status quo.

  5. Many vegan cheeses are such as Violife and Follow your heart are already coconut oil based and are much higher in saturated fat than cow cheese. I'm surprised they didn't just use one of those

  6. Sorry bro, veganism is unhealthy and destructive.

    The human body is designed to eat meat AND plant based food.

    We cant have one without the other.

    However, the dairy industry in the US and many other western countries are horrifying. Cattles are forced to live in small space. Thats very cruel.

  7. Hope some folks who care from Mayo Clinic see this, as they’ve forged their partnership with the Dairy Council to “promote the health benefits of dairy” 😳 for the next five years! No words…

  8. Thanks to Cameron Arnold who directed me to Dr Alaho Olu on YouTube Channel who cured my HSV 2. I’m so excited 😆, contact the herbalist today and all your worries will be over.

  9. It boggles the mind to imagine how many people were willing participants in the organized lies that underpin the disingenuous studies cited by Dr. Greger in this video. Good on you, sir, for exposing the deceit.

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